Katrina 2 Years Later

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thank you Anderson Cooper and Oprah for at least pointing out the fact that state and local government have been at fault for much of what has happened in New Orleans. Heck, Mayor Nagin could have prevented much of what has come to be by getting his citizens out of town when he still had time.

Governor Blanco turned down the first offers of assistance from the feds back then. What a numbnuts. I have not one ounce of respect for her either.

Between those two losers, you can spot the biggest problems in New Orleans. ABC news said that Mississippi's comparative success in rebuilding is related to the state and local governments disbursing local and federal funds and running programs in a more timely and efficient manner.

Oprah was saying that people around the country are tired of hearing about New Orleans. She said they donated time and money and support for a while, then moved on, and that's how these things go. I think there is a perception that many people there are not helping themselves. How long are you willing to live for free in a crappy trailer before you move on? If there aren't jobs there, move to another town down the road. There isn't good health care. The crime rate is high. You do not have to live there and suffer to the point of suicide. It's plain crazy.

The lady moaning about her four kids' health problems due to the crappy FEMA trailers killed me. What mother would stay in a place where her children are sick?! Stop whining and get your kids out of there. Live in a tent if you have to.

People are complaining that their insurance didn't cover flooding. Nope. Homeowners insurance does not cover flooding. They make that pretty clear. Get flood insurance. If you didn't have it, I wish you the best in finding donations or grants to rebuild your house. I beg you not to rebuild in a flood zone, especially without flood insurance, so we all don't have to bail you out again.

And on that note, what is the point of having any insurance if the federal government is going to bail me out? Think of the money I could save on all those premiums. Some people's sense of entitlement bewilders me. The other night there was a very well-to-do woman on a news show passionately describing her disgust with FEMA (complete with tears) because she hasn't received her Road Home check. This lady had first floor damage only to her house, and has already received $190,000 from her insurance company. Cry me a river.

In the end, it's hard to be enthusiastic about rebuilding a place where half the people have left, and the risk of re-flooding is high. The people who want to stay, but are having trouble surviving there, have to find a leader to represent them in local government. Nothing will ever get done without some kind of leadership. Hopefully, someone there will take control and get things moving. Someone who is open to people of all races and backgrounds coming in to help. Someone who will keep national attention on New Orleans and let people know specifically what we can do to help.

Mayor Pitt, anyone? heh.


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