School supplies and stuff
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Middle school supplies are impossible to get, because you don't get the list until the first day of school. By then, everything is gone. I'm still on the lookout for colored pencils, if anyone knows where I can find them. lol.
Senator Craig wants us all to know he's "never been gay." I wasn't aware one could change one's sexual orientation. Do we care if he considers himself to be gay? I consider him to be creepy. I just keep looking at his wife and wondering what is going through her head while she has to stand beside him.
I just heard about the two-year-old who was abandoned at WalMart. Talk about scarring someone for life. Poor kid.
I saw something called kite boarding today. It looks fun. Of any of the "-boarding" sports, that is probably the one I would try.
We're packing up for the reunion this weekend. I hope it's not too rainy to swim!
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