
Thursday, August 2, 2007

Got DD's tetanus booster today. She went to my doctor, instead of the pediatrician. She liked him so much, she's switching. I knew she would like him. I've really amassed a wonderful group of doctors over the years, I must say!

While we were there, we learned a lot about the Gardasil debate. It's become very ridiculous. The doc said that insurance companies are either not paying for it or only paying a low amount ($70 of the $110 price tag the docs must pay per shot). He said they always do it when a new vaccine comes out, as it can save them millions in just a year of denials. Crazy.

We also got into the "sexually transmitted disease" part of the debate. They give babies the Hepatitis B vaccine, and that is primarily a sexually transmitted disease. If you think 9-12 years old is too young to talk to your kids about sex, then don't talk about it. (Here's a clue though- they learn about it in school when they're 10 in Texas.) I don't know how diptheria is spread, but I know I want to be vaccinated against it. Don't get into the method of transmission if you don't want to. A vaccine for cancer. How can you pass it up. Anyway, he was awesome about explaining the moral debate part to her, while in the end, taking the question of morality out of the debate. As it should be.

The fear of a new vaccine? Three of our docs have said that there is no reason to fear Gardasil because it is new. The only thing they don't know yet is the possibility of needing a booster.

In the end, here's the deal. He said that right now, few doctors have the vaccine in-stock. They used to prescribe the vaccine and you would pay for it at the pharmacy and then bring it in for the shots. Now the pharmacists don't trust that people are storing it correctly before getting it to the doctor, so most pharmacies don't even carry it. Family practice doesn't give enough Gardasil shots to have it in-stock, but my OB/GYN has it on hand. So he said you can pay the full amount ($330) in cash and have the doc order it (or locate a doc that has it in-stock), or wait a year until the insurance companies start paying. I wonder how many people's daughters will needlessly get HPV in the year that they are making it difficult for everyone.

For all I know, my insurance already covers it. Must check!


Anonymous,  August 4, 2007 at 10:54 AM  

The cost of the medicine is $110.00 but the doctor will charge $330.00? In this case it seems that the drug company is not the only one making money on this new drug. FYI.. I just took the kids in for the yearly check up and our Dr. said that she does not have it and that she would suggest we wait a year to see if it is in better supply next yearly exam. I think we should all just take a raft to Cuba and get it there. Hahahaha!

Kathy August 4, 2007 at 11:02 AM  

There are three shots in the series and each is $110. That's with no markup at all. My insurance doesn't cover it, so we're going to wait until next year.

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