Ten on Tuesday

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

10 Things You Don't Like About Your Job

I'm a stay-at-home mom, but for purposes of this meme, I'll consider my non-Foundation websites as a job. Here goes:

1. Advertisers who try to get extra things for free.
2. Online info sources that become woefully out-of-date. If you're not going to keep your info current, your website is a waste of internet space.
3. Paying both halves of my social security. "Sole proprietorship" has its downsides.
4. The quarterly changing of the calendar on the sites. This is a somewhat tedious process. HTML may be a pain for calendars, but it gets you top rank on search engine results, so I suffer through it.
5. People who frequently change the dates of their events.
6. Tracking industry websites that are offline to see if they come back to life, which they usually do. Where do they go and why?
7. Working by myself. I like to be at an office, with lots of people around. Plus, there's no Happy Hour.
8. Selling advertising space. I am not a salesperson. Luckily the ads sell themselves most of the time.
9. Feeling obligated to be at everyone's service on nights and weekends, since I'm working from home.
10. Having to tweak an image to fit too much information into a specific amount of space.


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