Sunday, December 23, 2007

I am now the owner of a Feb. 2, 1984 issue of Rolling Stone with Duran Duran on the cover. It was 25 cents at Half-Price Books. Can you believe it? This thing is going into a frame or something.

Inside there is an ad that says CD players are finally coming down in price. The one in the ad is only $699.

There is a pic of Keith Richards in it, where he actually looks pretty good. I showed it to the kiddo and told her it was Johnny Depp's dad in Pirates of the Caribbean III. She was shocked. lol.

Speaking of Johnny Depp, they are airing very old episodes of the late night shows lately, and he was on David Letterman (I think) from about 15 years ago. This was back when he was a total studcake in regular life, before he disavowed the hotness and started dressing like a slouch. Woo!


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