"Kathy Stuns Freak Pit"

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kathy Stuns Freak Pit with Amazing Show

Yeah, that was the most recent headline on Guitar Hero (I, II, III or 80s- not sure which- DD has them all now). I am thrilled to be playing the Freak Pit. It's a step up from the high school gym I was playing yesterday. My band doesn't seem to be setting things on fire yet in this part of the series.

Someone online was saying that instead of playing Guitar Hero, people should spend their time learning to play an actual guitar. Having attempted to learn to play an actual guitar, I can tell you that the two things have nothing in common. Real guitars hurt your fingers and require some actual talent. I'm sticking to Guitar Hero.

I just caught a YouTube vid of JC on Britney's old reality show. Funny stuff.

I am enjoying my new GPS navigation system. I was hoping for a hot guy voice with an accent, but this is just some lady. Eh, what can you do. She mispronounces the street I live off of, which provides us endless entertainment, because we are very easily amused! :D


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