Pope Benedict the Second!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's MIX 94.7's March Man Candy Madness. They're down to the Irresistible 8. Don't forget to vote here! I'm putting my money on GC. Not that you are surprised. (Boys, you can vote in Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive tournament here.)

The physical therapist said the Y-Word yesterday, suggesting that I do YOGA instead of my regular high impact workouts while my knee heals. *eye roll* Being limber is a very valuable quality, however, regular old stretching does the same thing in half the time of becoming one with your inner self, and without the slightest risk of falling over and breaking your neck doing Revolved Half Moon.

So I did low impact aerobics. Yes, my knee popped a few times. Eh. I just iced it.

The Catholic Church has really gotten itself into a mess. Discouraging Bishops from reporting sex abuse crimes to the police? *sigh* It most certainly happens at churches of every denomination, but surely without mandates or even suggestions from above to engage in cover-ups. I can just see my mother shaking her head about this one.

In '05, Mom had surgery in San Antonio and I was staying with her in her hospital room. She was looped out on morphine while we watched Pope Benedict's investiture. She asked me who it was and I said, "Pope Benedict the sixteenth." Every time he appeared on the TV screen, she would energetically cheer, "Pope Benedict the second!!"  I corrected her the first eight or ten times and then gave up. It was pretty funny. Lauren and I still say it today when we see him.

The other amusement from that time was when Mom told the nurse she needed a pain pill and the nurse very unfortunately pointed to the morphine pump button Mom was holding, and said, "That's your pain pill."

I spent two days trying to keep her from putting that thing in her mouth. Literally every few minutes she would do it.

Me: Don't eat that.
Mom: I need my pain pill.
Me: It's a button. You have to push it.
Mom: Oh. Don't eat that.
Me: Right.

A few minutes later...

Me: Don't eat that.
Mom: I need a pain pill...

Eventually she would put it to her lips, then pull it away and say, "Don't eat that." Yeesh. At least that was saving us some time. LOL


Tuesday Wednesday Break My Heart

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why did The Cure group Tuesday and Wednesday together in every verse of that song? The two days could not be more different.

Happy Birthday, Kimberdoo! I don't even remember who called her that first, back in the day. It was a boy, I think. I am guessing Mark.

A Kimberly story... Junior year of high school, Sheryl and I each used to keep one of our books in her locker, because it was close to the building where we had the class. We started leaving notes in there signed as the "Brigade Greene" (a goofy play on the "Brigade Rossi," the Russian Red Brigade of the time, which we really knew little about, other than it sounded really ominous). We told her she needed to clean her messy locker or else, etc. Various silly things every day, depending on whatever was going on. She started leaving replies. I kept a lot of them until about a year ago, when I threw all but one of her hilarious notes away. I was going to post it on her FB this morning for old times' sake, until I read the last sentence, which I cannot reprint here because of lewd content. ROFL. Ahhhhh high school. She would croak if she saw it.

Maybe I'll send it to her in a birthday email. Bwahaha!

Jim called me yesterday and said Jaxon wanted Lauren to come over and take pictures of him for a job application (it's a trendy clothing store, and pics in cool outfits are required) at 5:30, but they would be unsupervised until Jim got home around 6:30. Normally he doesn't let Jaxon have girls over when he's not home, "but it's Lauren...." We and most parents we know have the same policy. He's right though. With Jaxon or Troy, it's just different. Those three have been best buddies, practically siblings, since before they can even remember. I appreciated him calling and said it was okay with me if it was okay with him. Oh these gray-area, major decisions! Ain't parenting fun??!

If they were messing around over there, I will kick their butts. ;)

I cannot convince anyone to go to the Black-Eyed Peas live concert broadcast with me tonight at the theater! Sad day!


Got It!

Monday, March 29, 2010

OMG. I figured out the Identity guard song. Lauren is subscribed to the WGI videos online, so she can watch on demand any guards in their competitions. So I brought up their video and listened as closely as I could, and deciphered a few tiny snippets of lyrics, searched Google a few different ways, browsed through iTunes' various versions of the song and voilĂ !

"White Rabbit" by Collide. A way more awesome version than the original, which was evidently by Jefferson Airplane. Go! Download!

(I know. It doesn't sound that obscure and whispery. Their show is a lot of different music edited together and remixed, so it's more difficult to hear.)


Firefox and Facebook Issues

Any Firefox users who are having problems with Facebook like:

1) Notifications alert does not clear
2) "Older Posts" link does not appear at the bottom of the News Feed
3) Random issues with sometimes not being able to post comments, view videos, etc.

...two of us had those issues and they were completely fixed by downloading the newest version of Firefox (3.6.2). We both had version 3.5.8 before and Facebook was working in IE. It just started this week, so it must be some recent changes within Facebook.

I'm still having issues with disappearing cursor, jumping around cursor, etc. since a couple of Firefox versions ago. Eh. Still beats the snot out of IE.

Lauren bought an absolutely gorgeous band banquet dress at Ross for $16. That kind of bargain hunting brings a joyous tear to a mother's eye. *sniffle*

I've been searching to identify some music from the Identity winter guard 2010 show (Texas State U's color guard). It's so cool. I try to hear the lyrics during the performances to do a search online, but they are difficult to hear in this very whispery, modern song. I was about to post video of their show to ask for help here, but there isn't video online (at least yet... guards don't really post their shows until after the season which just ended). I just realized that since the directors of our program also run Identity, and I could always have just asked them the name of the song. Freakin' duh!

ETA--- Lauren says she already asked our staff what the music is. They don't know. Wha? LOL. Well, back to listening for obscure lyrics...


No More Color Guard

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The guards both did their best shows ever at State! BOO-YAH. Varsity took 5th in the A class. (No, Scotty... not out of six teams.) Lauren's last performance... wow! I may continue to do the guard website next year. We'll see.

We saw Hot Tub Time Machine yesterday afternoon. It was so funny! Extremely raunchy, so if you don't like that sort of thing, definitely skip it. Otherwise, you have to see it, especially if you were a teen in the 80s!

We watched Butler v. K-State while we were out to dinner. Awesome ending! Jeff pointed out that I was only going for Butler because they were the underdog. Yep, if I don't really know the teams, that's always who I go for. I thought everyone did!

Sunday Stealing: The 35 Questions X 2 Meme: Part One

1. How far away is the last person you kissed?
about 60 feet

2. Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?
More than one person. See how that worked out. lol.

3. Last person you were in a car with?
Jeff, coming home last night from San Marcos

4. Any plans for tomorrow?
nothing special

5. How long does it take for you to take a shower?
8-10 minutes, unless I'm lollygagging

6. Best friend or close friends?
Close friends

7. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?

8. Did you kiss anyone Friday?

9. Ever thrown up in public?
about a gajillion times when I was pregnant

10. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
figuring out everyone's schedule for today. We always have to figure out the car situation with three drivers and two cars.

11. Who was the last person you talked to?

12. What is the WORST subject they teach at school?
any history class you've had already in an earlier grade. Surely we don't have to take American History in middle school, high school and college.

13. Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with?
Yep. I just try to stay as far as possible from that person, and if we get into a conversation, I'm very pleasant.

14. What is your favourite colour top to wear?
I get complimented most in red or pink.

15. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Only one, when the deer jumped into my windshield.

16. What's the closest thing to you that's green?
a green fine-point Sharpie

17. Where would you like to be right now?
in Vegas with a bunch of girlfriends, hanging out by the pool at the MGM Grand. Ahhhhh.

18. Write down some lyrics to the song you're listening to?
...Don't stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up tonight

I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don't stop...

19. How many dogs do you have?

20. Is anything bugging you right now?
Everyone who is arguing about the health care bill from a completely partisan standpoint.

21. Is life going right for you now?
For the most part, yes. I still need to figure out my direction as we move towards empty-nester status. I'm worried that I'll choose the wrong path, so I'm stuck. I've never been in a "stuck" position before. Yuck.

22. Is there someone you care about more than yourself?
My child.

23. What made you laugh today?
I haven't been awake that long.

24. What was the last movie you watched?
Hot Tub Time Machine

25. Whats the last conversation you had about?
if Lauren is going to be home in time to go to the fireworks show in Manor tonight

26. What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?
sleeping. We got home after midnight and stayed up after that.

27. Do you like your hair long or short?
Long. I look awful with short hair.

28. Do you want to see somebody right now?
Kathy L. She's been out of town, so I haven't seen her for a couple of weeks. Maybe today!

29. Do you like the rain?
Love it.

30. Did you have a valentine this year?
Yes. I have one every year!

31. The last person you kissed needs you at 3 am, would you go?
Sure, I'm already in the room anyway. ;)

32. Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?

33. Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?
Nope. No regrets in the last month.

34. How do you feel about boys smoking?
I don't think anyone should take up smoking.

35. Could you see yourself with someone forever?
Of course


Eye Candy TV Shows

Saturday, March 27, 2010

They were talking on the radio yesterday about the TV show "Las Vegas" (canceled last year :( ). They said it was really just an eye candy show, and I totally agree, which is mostly why I liked it. It was alright plot-wise as well.

A show that was all eye candy and zippo plot--- "Fastlane" with Peter Facinelli and Tiffani Thiessen. Beeeeeeeauuuuuuutiful show. (Great horny toads! It won an EMMY! Stunt coordination, but still.)

And let's not forget the original eye candy show, "Miami Vice." That was an amazing visual experience along with a rockin' storyline very week. Plus my mother was in loooooove with Don Johnson, so that was always amusing to watch as a side show.

Speaking of celeb crushes, I replaced my beach desktop background with one of my George Clooneys. I can't help but smile every time I see it. *longing sigh*

Anyhoo... the DJs talked about the "Las Vegas" show a bit.

Sandy: There were lots of pretty girls...
Alex: And something for the ladies, too, with the studly Josh Duhamel.
Sandy: Yeah, only you would mention that, as a dude.

Poor Alex. He always gets himself into these things.

Off to Color Guard State Championships!! But first... meme-y goodness.

Monday Mayhem
1. Googled yourself? yes
2. Googled your neighbor? no
3. Used Google maps to spy on someone? yes
4. Spied on someone via Facebook? define "spied"
5. Friended someone on Facebook that you don't know? one MW friend whom I have since defriended
6. Tweeted gossip? I don't do Twitter
7. Followed a celeb on Twitter? no
8. Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? yep
9. Regretted an online relationship? yes- a girl from a message board back in the day, who turned out to be sorta psycho
10. Dumped someone online? noooooo, that's pretty awful
11. Played a prank on someone online? no
12. Spied on a High School bully online? no
13. Written a nasty email? yes
14. Sent something X-rated via email? yes
15. Searched your state's/locality's database for predators? yes
16. Done an online search on someone's traffic offenses? no
17. Ordered dinner online? yes
18. Purchased something over $250 online? oh yeah
19. Left an anonymous comment? yes
20. Checked out someone else's email (as in spy on your s.o.)? never. That's just asking for trouble IMO. You can add texts, phone messages, etc. to that list.



Friday, March 26, 2010

The guard sendoff show was excellent. State championships are on Saturday! The program has done so well this year. Lauren was going to do only winter guard next year, but it turns out that is not an option, as the director is only allowing full-year participation. So tomorrow's show will probably be her last. Sad!

I wholeheartedly support practically every new benefit included in the health care plan, however, I think both the hefty price tag and the methods for paying for it may make medical care outrageously and possibly prohibitively expensive for all of us. We'll see how it all goes down. I didn't realize the special provisions for certain states put in place to win votes from those states are still included. Cripes. I thought the President was going to get rid of those. Also, Pell Grant cuts are included? WTF does that have to do with health care? Junky bill. Business as usual on Capitol Hill. I'm just a bill, yes I'm only a bill...

There is a page on FB called "I hate it when I'm making a milkshake and boys just show up in my yard." Ohmigosh, were we cracking up over that last night.

Facebook is all dorked up on my PC, but not the other three computers in the house. What is up with that?? I hate using the laptop. The mouse situation sucks on that thing. I need a full-size, blissfully ergonomic mouse in my hand.

Have a fab Friday, my friends. :D

Song Lyrics du Jour

I am ready for love
Why are you hiding from me?
I'd quickly give my freedom
To be held in your captivity...

India.Arie "Ready For Love"


Well, Hello Sun!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nice rain and storms yesterday! Beautiful sunrise this morning!

Everyone who is telling me, "I would blog if I had anything to say."---- I've been blogging since 2003. There have probably been five days I've actually had anything to say.

Chad's FB status is that he thinks there should be another version of Facebook where you are required to get drunk before logging on, called Sh*tfaceBook. Bwahaha!

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Do you have towels, toilet lid covers, carpet and a shower curtain that all match, or are your colors more random?
My decor colors are different, but never random. They are very well thought out and carefully coordinated.

2. What flavor of toothpaste do you use most often? How long have you used this flavor?
Crest Pro-Health Clean Cinnamon. I've used it for a couple of years now.

3. Do you roll up the toothpaste tube or just squeeze from the middle? What percentage of toothpaste is left in the tube you’re using right now?
I squeeze from the middle. About half my toothpaste is remaining. Incidentally, my plastic toothpaste tube does not "roll."

4. Checking in the medicine cabinet, under the sink, and in the closet, which single bathroom product do you have the biggest supply of?
Dove bar soap for the shower. We got a bunch of the regular white bars at Sam's, and the next time we were there, they had a big sale on the "winter" Dove, so we bought another crate of it. So now we have like... 10,001 bars.

5. Take the quiz: What Bathroom Product Are You?
You Are Shampoo
You are refreshing and cheerful. You don't hold on to a lot of baggage in life. You are a true optimist. For you, every day is a fresh start. You are confident and bold. You are proud of who you are, simple as that. You are passionate about life and its possibilities. You don't hold back.

6. How many different kinds of shampoo do you have open in your bathroom now? Do you usually stick with one at a time, or do you vary from several different types day to day?
Two. I alternate between the shampoo I really like (which varies) and a clarifying shampoo to remove hair product and shampoo residues.

Song Lyrics of the Day

...Lie to me, convince me that I've been sick forever
And all of this will make sense when I get better...

Evanescence, "Breathe No More"


Happy Hump Day

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

After two-and-a-half weeks of crazy sprain-related swelling, my knee is finally a somewhat normal size again. I'm still guarding it, especially on the stairs that I go up and down all day long, but it feels a lot better. Best of all, it bends. I am determined to work out today. Very carefully of course.

IM excerpt o' the day--

Me: I'm kind of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants gal. Who knew?
Cathy: I knew.

Of course she did. Did I mention she got the job she wanted??!! Woo! That girl is on a roll.

We finally watched the season premiere of FlashForward from last Thursday. OMG. So good! Many things explained, many things to look forward to. I really like that show.

Song Lyrics am Mittvoch

...What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more
But I've said that before
And now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe the way I feel about you, girl
We'll look back someday, at this moment that we're in
And I'll look at you and say
"And I thought I loved you then..."

Brad Paisley, "Then"


Sweetest Booty Call Song Ever :/

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One of the MIX 94.7 DJs was calling "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum "the sweetest booty call song ever." Either 20-somethings are more jaded than I thought or I am a completely hopeless romantic, because I think the people in the song are still in love with each other, not just looking for some easy action.

I love the station's promo that says something like, "MIX 94.7, broadcasting live from an office building across the street from Westlake High School, where the employees can't get a parking spot because all the kids are illegally parked in our lot." Too funny!

The Eight Tens Meme


1. Are you single?

2. Are you happy?

3. Are you bored?

4. Are you naked?

5. Are you a blonde?

6. Are you moody?

7. Are you a lover/hater?

8. Are you hot/cold?

9. Are you Irish?
Aye, a wee bit.

10. Are you Asian?


1. Name: Katherine

2. Nicknames: Kathy, Kath

3. Birth mark: small one on my right hip

4. Hair color: auburn

5. Natural hair color: auburn

6. Eye color: green

7. Height: 5'4 and a half

8. Facebook Mood:  There isn't a mood on FB. My LJ mood would be "chipper"

9. Favorite color: blue

10. One Place to Visit: St. Petersburg


1. Do you believe in love at first sight?

2. Do you believe in soul mates?

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally?
Hasn't everyone?

5. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Unfortunately yes

6. Have you ever been cheated on?

7. Have you ever liked someone and not told them?

8. Are you afraid of commitment?
Never was

9. Who was the last person you hugged?

10. Who was the last person you kissed?


1. Love or lust?
I have to pick?? Love

2. Cake or ice cream?

3. Cats or dogs?

4. A few best friends or many regular friends?
a few best friends

5. Television or internet?

6. Chinese Or Indian?

7. Wild night out or romantic night in?
romantic night in

8. Money or Happiness?

9. Night or day?

10. MSN or phone?
Is this like "Yahoo or text?" Yahoo. I type slower on my phone. I much prefer speaking to someone on the phone than either IM or text.


1. Been caught sneaking out?

2. Been skinny dipping?
No. I had my bikini top stolen from me while swimming in the ocean once.

3. Stolen?

4. Bungee jumped?
Hell no.

5. Lied to someone you liked?
My first date ever. John asked me out to see Young Frankenstein. I told him I had never seen it.  He was all, "Oh! It's so funny! You'll love it!" I was never a better actress.

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker?
Yep. We got jaw breakers all the time during our summers at Astroworld.

8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back?
Yeah, I have one downstairs.

9. Cried because you lost a pet?
Oh yes. Three times.

10. Wanted to disappear?
Yep. Where is a hole that swallows you up when you need one?


1. Smile or eyes?

2. Light or dark hair?

3. Hugs or kisses?

4. Shorter or taller?

5. Intelligence or attraction?
Oh yeesh. Well, there absolutely has to be attraction.

6. Romantic or spontaneous?

7. Funny or serious?

8. Older or Younger?
Doesn't matter. Close to my age.

9. Outgoing or quiet?

10. Sweet or Bad Ass?


1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd?
many times

2. Ever taken a sick day when you weren't sick?

3. Ever been pregnant?

5. Ever been on a cheerleading team?

6. Ever been on a dance team?

7. Ever been on a sports team?
the basketball and volleyball teams at my middle school

8. Ever been in a drama play/production?
I was in several musicals, all the way through high school.

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley?
No. I'd have to be scary-rich to rationalize spending that much on a car.

10. Ever been in a rap video?
Um.... no


1. Last phone call you made:
to Lauren's orthodontist

2. Last person you hung out with:
Other than family- Sue

4. Last time you worked:
yesterday afternoon on my website

5. Last person you tackled:
I haven't tackled anyone in TOO LONG! Must do it!

6. Last person you IM’d:

8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with:
Lauren- Shutter Island

9. Last thing you missed:
Ars Nova independent world winter guard's performance at Austin regionals

10. Last thing you ate:


Life Will Continue...

Monday, March 22, 2010

We're watching the "Life" series, which premiered last night on Discovery. Lauren and I get a giggle out of the announcements... "Life is sponsored by Target" (um, thanks Target!) and especially "Life will continue next Sunday at 8pm Eastern." (Yay! We can't wait!)

The winter guard did FANTASTIC at a large regional- Texas and surrounding states- competition this weekend! Saturday's prelim performance was one of their best, and Sunday's finals show was the best all season. They ended up in 6th place. Next weekend is the state championship, the last contest of the season. Lauren isn't doing fall guard, so that's it for her until December, when winter guard starts again.

At color guard competitions, depending on the sponsoring organization, you always have a certain list of rules for what you can and cannot do there. The worldwide organization that sponsored this weekend's event is the most strict. Over and over they reiterated the rules, which include (say it with me, guard parents...) absolutely no video taping, no professional cameras, no flash photography, no smoking in or around the venue, no entering, exiting or moving around during performances.

After hearing it six hundred times, I told Jeff that when the next show began I was going to light up a cigarette and wander around the stands with it hanging out of my mouth, while clicking photos with a camera with a 10-inch lens, with the flash on.

Chad had to bring Jeff some rocket parts while we were there (he lives nearby). He came to our hotel while we were out to dinner, so he just left them at the front desk. Two long cylinders with stickers on them saying "High-Powered Rocket Motors." One cylinder had a little baggie with wires in it, taped to the outside. Yeah. They gave Jeff an interesting look when he picked them up.


To Houston in the Rain

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Off to guard competition this morning. Thunderstorms and all. Whee!

The doc has diagnosed me with a "knee sprain." He's having them re-read my MRI because it's obvious with that much swelling that there is a moderate injury somewhere. The mystery to him is how it occurred without my feeling it. He said either I have an amazing pain tolerance or I must have been at "one hell of a party" when it happened. Hmm.

I've had physical therapy before, at a place that looked a lot like a gym, with a closet-like room in the back with a table for exams and massage. (Not that kind of massage. Focus, y'all.) This place I'm going to now is just like a spa... dimly lit rooms, new age music playing in the background. There are new-fangled, gentle therapies like ultrasound and electro-stimulation. Then comes the heated lotion and the massage... FROM HELL. Right on your injury, and very deep into the musculature. Holy moly. I'm telling you. When she gets out the lotion... run.

Game night was awesome. The food rocked. The game (Uno Attack) rocked. Wooooooohooooooo!!! The new twist on the old Uno game is that the card machine thinger spits cards at you now and then. Sometimes it doesn't give you any cards, and sometimes it tosses out as many as ten. After a while we had this:

Julie (after getting 8 cards spit at her): Wow! I haven't had one that big in a long time!
Me: That's what she said.
[everyone laughing]
Julie (to Scott): What did she say?
Scott: That's what she said.
Julie: No, what did she say?
Everyone: That's what she said!


MRI Clear?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Other than the uber-obvious swelling, my MRI is normal. WTF? There is something very wrong with my knee. Although, in the last day it has improved quite a bit. The weirdest thing is I've not been in much pain. I just can't move it, it feels unstable when I walk, and it's really swollen. More PT later today, when the sports medicine doctor will explain to me what he thinks the problem is. *sigh* I am just SO sick of it. I hope it continues to improve.

This week has zipped past me! Too much going on. Jim and I are both supposed to get Lady GaGa tickets this morning, but I can't find anywhere that gives an on-sale date or ticket outlet for our concert. Just operating on rumors at this point.

Lauren is leaving in a few hours with her color guard to go to Houston for a huge, weekend-long competition. Game night is at our place tonight, then we're off to the guard event ourselves on Saturday. Their preliminary performance is Saturday afternoon, then finals are Sunday. The girls are staying near the venue, but Jeff and I opted to stay on the Woodlands Waterway. Should be really nice for Saturday night!

Song Lyrics of the Day

...In this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything...

Michael Buble, "Everything"


Shutter Island n Stuff

Thursday, March 18, 2010

In the spirit of full disclosure, I must tell you- Just as in grade school... I was not wearing green panties yesterday for St. Patty's Day. Ha!

Had a PT session yesterday that temporarily reduced the unbearable swelling in my knee by at least 50%. Awesome! I will have an MRI this morning. They asked if I was claustrophobic. I can be, but I've had MRIs before, and I was okay. Surely they don't have to put me all the way into that thing for a knee image though. Hmm. We shall see.

Lauren and I saw Shutter Island last night. It's two and a half hours. The first two hours are the longest "laying of groundwork for a great ending" that I've ever seen. So when we left, I didn't feel at all like I had wasted 2.5 hours, but it sure would have been nice to get there in more like 1.5. There is one scene where Leo keeps lighting match after match to see in a hallway teeming with light fixtures. Gah. And some of the initial plot-laying is Scorsese symbolism and melodrama, where I just think, Interesting. Now let's move along with the story! Worth a watch, just for the very cool ending.


Happy St. Patty's Day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm wearing green panties! LOL- remember those school days, when you forgot to wear green, so to avoid getting pinched, you told everyone you were wearing green panties? Yes? And there was always a boy demanding to see.

The always irritable Nancy Pelosi and her buddies have assumed that political posture I despise, that they know best and should be able make their own decisions, no matter what everyone else thinks. In addition they feel it may be necessary to use a legal trick to pass an enormous piece of legislation they like, because by golly, they don't give two craps what the people or the Congress have to say about it. Don't do it. It will never stand up to the fallout. Keep working on that healthcare bill until you have something that works for the majority.

The Rielle Hunter GQ photo controversy--- She cried and screamed for two hours when she saw the photos in the magazine, because they were racy? Puh-lease. Let's get this straight. You take off your pants and pose in an unbuttoned man's shirt, with a string of pearls, in a position that the camera can see the crotch of your panties, and you don't think the pics are going to be racy? Oh, and on the video of the photoshoot which GQ released to the press, she is seen viewing the photos with no problem with them.

On a lighter note, Donna is working on getting us a free night at our resort for Bon Jovi weekend in Dallas. Then it will be a three-night extravaganza, Friday through Monday!! Yaaaaaay!! We moved from the less expensive Belmont, so a free night is pretty significant. *crossing fingers* Of course, we could just pay to stay at the Belmont the extra night. That would be fun, too.

OMG. I need two Bon Jovi outfits. Must plan.


Good Morning!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

On Letterman last night he was joking about how boring his tweets would be if he were on Twitter. Things like "I lost a sock." "Do you smell something?" "My elbow hurts." Paul said, "If I'm following you, I would care if your elbow hurt. I would be interested." Ahahahaha! Like yesterday's blog entry! Oh man.

On this Spring Break 2010, I was just remembering when Jeff was working in Austin, I was in grad school in College Station, and spring break was coming up in the next few months. I spent several days thinking of fun things for us to do, with nary a thought in my head that he didn't get spring break from work. DUH.

He still doesn't get Spring Break, which means I am without a car a lot this week. Lauren is going to the lake with some friends tomorrow overnight, so no car for both days. I may drive Jeff to work so I'm not stuck at home, tempted to tell you all stories of how my knee hurts. :) You're welcome.

Cathy is on a roll with the guys the past several days, all via Facebook connections. Forget e-Harmony, it's Facebook connecting people. If you've ever wanted to date her, tell her now, so she can fit you in her schedule!


Doctor Doctor, Can't You See I'm Burnin' Burnin'

Monday, March 15, 2010

I jacked up my knee two weeks ago today. I would love to tell you that I was mountain biking or something cool, but this was one of those "40-something" injuries, where I was walking along and it sort of popped and then started aching. It was alright for the first week though, so I continued my daily activities. Last weekend it seemed a lot worse, so I've taken it easy this past week. It's still killing me if I twist it at all, and it's crackling when I bend it too far.

A funny thing, every day that I miss a workout I literally feel like I've gained 5 pounds. So by today I'm feeling up by... maybe 30 pounds or so? Yeah it sounds silly when I type it here, but it's just a dragging feeling. They weighed me when I walked in the doctor's office door this morning, which I dreaded.  I haven't gained a single pound. WHO KNEW? Good thing though, because I'm limited to walking for the next who-knows-how-long. Uber-blah!

The doc says it is probably a torn cartilage, but I'm not so sure. Usually those things are very sudden and you know it when it happens. This originally came on over a period of a couple of hours. They did an x-ray and I'll have an MRI later in the week. No twisting motions for me now (as if I could, if I wanted to). As with any injury, you'd be shocked how many things you do each day that involve twisting your knee.

You know what I have discovered in the last 24 hours? The Facebook news feed is not a complete representation of your friends' updates. Not even their status updates. AND... not even for people I have on my "special" list to show more of their updates than other people. Plus, I don't have an enormous list of friends, so it shouldn't have to pick and choose what it's showing there. Hmm! Now I feel like I should go to everyone's profile to see what I've been missing.



Sunday, March 14, 2010

Song Lyrics du Jour

...Everybody knows it sucks to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what
The years go on and we're still fighting it...

"Still Fighting It" Ben Folds

Sunday Stealing: Judd's Merged Meme

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Starting all the things I do now. My first website went live in May 2000. Had recently started working at the Foundation office. Lauren was in kindergarten, and I was volunteering at school.

2. Five snacks that you'd enjoy in a perfect, non weight-gaining world:
Snyders honey mustard and onion pretzel pieces, Cheetos, Blue Diamond chili lime almonds, brie cheese, spinach and artichoke dip

3. Five things you would do if you were a billionaire:
donate money to education charities, get my name on a building at A&M, buy that BMW roadster I'm always dreaming about, spend more time traveling and bring friends along, get a house with the ultimate media/entertainment room and tons of seating

4. Three of your habits:
warming up my side of the bed with the electric blanket before getting in (I rarely sleep with it on), checking my email and Facebook when I walk in the house from being out, kicking my shoes off by the back door

5. Five jobs that you've have had:
web designer, endocrinology laboratory technician, restaurant hostess, database administrator, pharmaceutical research data manager

6. Five places that you've lived:
Germany, Kansas, Houston TX, College Station TX , League City TX

7. Five things that you did yesterday:
worked the spectator entrance doors to the performance gym at the winter guard competition, went to Lowe's with Jeff, watched Lauren's guard performance (and many others), drove Jaxon home, tried to figure out how to get Cathy's webcam to work (that is an ongoing project)

8. Five people you would want to get to know more about:
Lauren's high school principal, Art Acevedo, Peter Jennings, my great-grandfather Lee, Walt Disney

9. Abortion: for or against it?
Extremely complicated issue. Am I "for" it? Absolutely not. Most simply put, I would never do it myself (perhaps if I were at serious risk of death by being pregnant), but I support a choice up to a very early point in pregnancy.

10. Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Of course not. Good heavens. Is Rush Limbaugh writing these questions?

11. Do you believe in the death penalty?

12. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I don't really care one way or the other.

13. Are you for or against premarital sex?
All for it, with a person you love and trust.

14. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?

15. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
I don't think anyone of any ethnicity should live anywhere illegally. There are legal methods to live in and/or to become a citizen of most countries. In the particular case of illegal immigrants from Mexico (I suppose that's what this question is getting at), I think we should take various approaches to minimizing numbers- guest worker programs, paths to legal residency or citizenship for people already living here, promoting economic development in Mexico, etc.

16. Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
No, I like 19 better. Out of high school.

17. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
A "war" is our military against your military. There hasn't been a war in Iraq since we took out Hussein. Everything after that has just been post-war fallout, inevitable with very poor planning and no exit strategy.

18. Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
No. Especially in the case of end-of-life issues like having a month left of excruciating pain and misery, there should be a way to escape that.

19. Do you believe in spanking your children?
I don't think it teaches them a darn thing, so I didn't do it, but I don't think a swat on the rear now and then hurts a kid permanently either.

20. Do you worry that others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Nah. We're not going to agree on everything, and that's ok!


Happy Spring Break!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I have finally made every hotel reservation I need for my foreseeable trips. Two trips to Dallas. One to Houston. One hotel in Orlando and one in Miami. Wooo-freakin-hoo!! I took the longest selecting the SoBe hotel, even though it's the shortest stay, because that place is hit or huge-ass miss. We'll be hanging out in the art deco district with our cruisemates for one night before the summer cruise departs. Fun!

In other news, Lindsay Lohan is a self-absorbed nutball. Rock on, e-Trade.

Saturday 9: Gimme Three Steps

1. Are you the type of person who jumps into new ventures or do you prefer baby steps?
Depends on the venture. If I'm psyched about it, I jump in head first. For some things I prefer to hang back and see how things develop.

2. Who do you feel believes in you the most?

3. When was the last time you were on a stage?
1997-ish, during a Mothers Club meeting, when I was probably telling everyone about upcoming field trips or moms' night out. Although, that was actually an altar, because we met at a church. A real stage--- A&M graduation 1989. They didn't let me speak there though. Last time I performed on stage was senior year high school musical, 1985.

4. Tell us about the worst boss you ever had.
I've had six jobs (five of them summer or part-time things) and six awesome bosses!

5. If the NCAA Men's or Women's Final Four basketball tournament was played in your hometown arena or within easy driving distance from where you live, would you try to attend one the three games?
If A&M were playing in the men's tournament, yes. Otherwise, nope.

6. Of all the clothes you own, what do you feel most comfortable wearing, and why?
Black or dark-wash jeans, black boots and any nice top that doesn't require constant adjusting all day. I like that look because I look taller in the jeans and boots.

7. On what television show—either past or present—would you like to make to make a guest appearance, and what role would you play?
ER when Clooney was on it. I would play his old college girlfriend who shows up for a weekend of fun and then dramatically dies in his arms after some sort of tragic and ghastly accident.

8. St. Patrick's Day is on Wednesday March 17th. Do you celebrate and wear green? Drink Green Beer? Ignore it?
I usually ignore it, unless someone else turns it into a party. I'm even Irish on Mom's side for a couple of generations back.

9. If a leprechaun told you that you could have any amount of money from his pot of gold but it had to be a specified amount for a specified item, how much would you ask for and what would it be for?
$68,900 for a BMW Z4 35i convertible in Orion Silver Metallic w/all my preferred options, tax included



Friday, March 12, 2010

After applying the latest Windows updates to my PC, various things went awry. My desktop toolbar wouldn't show everything I had running. My speaker volume controls stopped working. Four of my removable storage disk drives weren't recognized at all. I rebooted a few times and tried various things. Jeff told me that when hardware (like your speaker, disk drive) isn't working, you probably need to power down the computer, rather than just restarting. I tried that, and it worked. Your PC Tip o' the Day! (No, that won't be a regular feature a la Song Lyrics of the Day... I hope.)

One of the guard shows is to "Breathe Me" by Sia. Very pretty show. I can't remember the school that performs it. Oops. Anyway, I absolutely love the piano on the downbeats. It gives a lilting, floating quality to the overall sound. You can hear it in the sidebar>>>. Beautiful... sad...

I now have the most ghetto jewelry storage EVER, but it is perfect for me. Command hooks on the back of my bathroom cabinet doors for the necklaces, and a simple acrylic box for earrings in the drawer. I was having the worst time going back and forth pulling stuff out of my jewelry box in the bedroom closet, only to find the pieces weren't the right ones for the outfit. (If I had a giant closet with a dressing area, this wouldn't be a problem. *sigh* How I wish.) So I wanted everything right there where I put on my makeup. Ta-DA!


Passing Healthcare Reform

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Dems need to break healthcare reform into tiny pieces. A sweeping bill that completely solves the massive problems of the system is obviously never going to happen, and the bigger the bill, the longer the discussion, the more watered down the reforms, the more completely irrelevant pork added. Here are a few of my suggested pieces:

1) Removing pre-existing condition coverage limitations (okay this is my pet issue, but y'all can move it to #5 or 6 if you like)
2) coverage for the uninsured
3) capping profits made by insurance companies on the healthcare insurance portion of their business- it's only right and ethical in my opinion. Make a profit, but don't rake in crazy amounts of money on the backs of sick people.
4) reducing healthcare paperwork and thereby, costs


Pass one critical issue at a time, and you eliminate all the wheeling and dealing, and actually improve things quickly.

While talking to me about yesterday's blog entry, Jeff says, "It's not South By Southwest, it's South by So What." Yeah, well, if I don't have a wristband, to me it's just South By Keep Me the Heck Outta Downtown This Week. And what is it with comments on posts via the incorrect channels? Note the comment link conveniently located at the bottom of each entry. Although if he didn't log in via OpenID (he forgot his info) and had posted anonymously, I would have thought he was Laura. The two of them also happen to be brain twins, so I really wouldn't be able to tell their comments apart. ;)



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Turns out the event to which I've been referring for years as "The South By Southwest (SXSW) Computer Geek Festival" is actually called "SXSW Interactive." Who knew.

And no, Jeff isn't going. You know he wants to.

Okay, it's me!! I want to. :D

I'm listening to iTunes on ear-splitting volume, and the phone just rang five times while I thought it was part of the song I was listening to. Damn Europop.

We watched the TV show "Rules of Engagement" for the first time this week. It's really good! There was a whole bit with Adam and Jennifer saying they sleep in the nude. The married guy, Jeff, goes on and on about it. Watch here at 2:45 in...

Jeff: So there's no barrier between your business and your bed.
Jennifer: Correct.
Jeff: So your sheets become a giant pair of underpants.

Bwahaha! Later he calls them "filthy naked hippies." So funny.


Hello Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On IM--

Scotty: Have you seen the movie All About My Mother?
Me: No, what is it about?
Scotty: My mother... duh.


Those of you who talk to me on Messenger know my part was more "e.e. cummings-style," but yeah.

Tracy and I are getting a group together for a Segway tour around downtown Austin. Fun!! Girlfriends, if you want in, just let me know. We have a special rate (cuz we're so special).

Okay, I'm definitely seeing more dumb application notifications on my Facebook news feed than ever. Pointless messages about drinks and farms and quizzes and astrology and everything else under the sun. I keep hiding them, and more keep showing up. They're supposed to have completely disappeared. It's really weirding me out.

Big guard event this weekend. Two days of volunteering, in-laws coming into town, etc. Thank goodness it's at the beginning of Spring Break and not at the end. We're all going to be zonked!

Song Lyrics o' the Day

...I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

"Need You Now" Lady Antebellum


2010 Oscars

Monday, March 8, 2010

Congrats to my daughter, who is now a member of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica! *wild applause*

Best Oscars ever last night! Seriously! I loved Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. So funny. Also liked the written banter of the presenters, which wasn't awkward and silly like it can be. LOVED the constant references to and teasing of Gorgeous George, but his date was very fidgety and looked like she just wanted to get out of there. The introduction of the nominees of Best Actor and Best Actress by their friends and co-stars was amusing and touching, even though they took a hundred years. Loved that. The dance number was nothing short of amazing. I just thought the whole thing was entertaining and I was never bored.

NINE was nominated for art direction and costume design (along with best song and supporting actress), two things that bowled me over watching the film. I hated that everyone who won for Avatar went on and on about James Cameron's genius. I like James Cameron as much as the next person, but yeesh! Annoying! So I was all the more thrilled when Kathryn Bigelow won Best Director and Best Picture for The Hurt Locker.

I still need to see A Single Man, The Hurt Locker, Inglourious Basterds and Precious.

We just watched UP for the first time on Saturday night. It was great.


Chi Before You Curl

Sunday, March 7, 2010

While I was doing my hair this morning I remembered Jack teasing Diane about straightening her hair before she curls it. I had said, "Oh yeah. You have to straighten it first to get all the waves out or you just get frizzy curls." At which point he probably thought all women are crazy... or maybe that crazy just runs in the family. Ha!

Governmental stupidity abounds-- AISD eliminated the high school requirement of one technology class, to retain 3 semesters of PE. PE?? Give me a break. If there has to be a choice, would it not be logical to default school requirements to academics?

Sunday Stealing: Another Meme About Me

1. Are you currently in a serious relationship?
It's pretty serious, yeah. I have a ring and everything.

2. What was your dream growing up?
to be a Broadway singer or Erik Estrada's love interest on CHiPs

3. What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could play guitar. I've tried a few times, but it hurts my fingers after about two minutes.

4. If I bought you a drink, what would it be?
today--- Long Island Iced Tea. Thanks!

5. What was the last book you read?
Before The Politician (currently in progress), I read the first four chapters of Anderson Cooper's Dispatches From the Edge. Laura is gritting her teeth now. I'll give it back! I still like perusing the pictures.

6. What zodiac sign are you?
Aries, baby.

7. Any tattoos and/or piercings? Explain where.
Ears are pierced. 

8. Worst habit?
Filling out these surveys

9. What is your favorite sport?

10. Do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude?

11. Worst thing to ever happen to you?
Three words. Bone marrow biopsy.

12. Tell me one weird fact about you.
I played Magenta in a Rocky Horror Picture Show live cast once.

13. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
I read this as "...cute or sexy?" Eek. I think they are cute.

14. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
I would reduce my butt by one size.

15. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
Typically your conscience. Not always! I would always be your conscience in matters of actual crime though. So call me before you break any laws.

16. Ever been arrested?
Heck no.

17. If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
stick it in a college fund

18. What's your favorite place to hang out?
My back porch. There's a table and chairs and also a hot tub. A lot of great conversations take place out there. It's a screened-in area, and easy to forget you're outside, so my neighbors have probably overheard some interesting things.

19. Do you believe in ghosts?

20. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
play games. Cards, board games, video games, online games, whatever.

21. Do you swear a lot?
No, dammit

22. Biggest pet peeve?
Leaders of parent groups who quite mistakenly think they're the leaders of the free world.

23. In one word, how would you describe yourself?

24. Do you believe/appreciate romance?
I'm all about the romance.

25. Do you believe in God?


Painting... with a Twist

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last night Tracy, Tana, KathyL and I went to Painting With a Twist. It is SO FUN! You bring your own wine (or beer or whatever you like) and snacks, and paint a 16x20 picture with acrylics on canvas, under the direction of an artist. They provide glasses, openers, ice buckets, aprons and all painting supplies. They told us our piece was about an 8 on a difficulty scale of 1 to 10, and I would have preferred a 5, but it was superfun anyway. For the price, I wouldn't care if my painting turned out or not. It's just a bonus if it does.

I am very creative in many ways, but drawing and painting are not my strong suits. KathyL's was AMAZING. Yeah, I don't have a photo of hers, so you'll just have to look at mine. :p


Mmmmmmmmkay. It looks like a floating pink artichoke, but it's my artichoke, and by golly, I like it.

The whole class had a great time. At one point the teacher wanted us to paint the lily pads "in the shape of a chubby Frisbee." The group behind us said it sounded like a great band. Chubby Frisbee. LOL. You know you'd see them at ACL Fest. Come on now.

Saturday 9: Your Smiling Face

1. No matter what's going on in your life, what always makes you smile?
Music. Although I sometimes like to drown myself in sad music when I'm feeling down.

2. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
I told Mrs. Walker in 3rd grade that I said "cap" and NOT "crap" as stupid Brian Cummings had accused.

3. Do you hold a grudge?
I can hold a pretty good grudge. I'm also a huge sucker for an apology. It balances out.

4. What is the worst job you've ever had?
I briefly did telephone sales for the Houston Post newspaper when I was 16. I did well and exceeded my quotas, but I hated sales, selling people something they didn't really want or need. Hated it! Also hated people hanging up on me.

5. What would be your dream job?
George Clooney's wardrobe assistant

6. What is the happiest event you've experienced?
Having Lauren. We were just SO excited! It was a truly joyous day and life has never been the same since. :D

7. What is the saddest thing you've experienced?
In 2001, I was pregnant with a son who died in utero at six months. He was completely normal, so they don't know why it happened.

8. Do you tend to exaggerate or underestimate?
I'm pretty accurate in quantifying things, although sometimes I exaggerate when I'm being sarcastic.

9. List the cars that you have owned. Give us just a few words about each one.
Mazda GLC- maroon. paid half ($600) towards it when I was a sophomore in college. It was the one the deer crashed into.
Mitsubishi Galant- also maroon. got it when I got my first real job.
Honda Accord- white. Great, reliable, suburbanite car.
Toyota Sienna- sage green. I loooooved that minivan. Almost shut Lauren in the automatic door once though. *snort* What. She's fine.
Hyundai Santa Fe- baby blue. Had tons of trouble with our particular dealer the first few weeks we owned it. The car made a funny noise when it first drove forward. They had it in a few times and replaced the transmission (on a brand new car), which also didn't fix it. Finally they told me of all the days they worked on it they had never even heard the noise I was talking about. It still makes the noise, which turned out to be a "normal sound" of the anti-lock brakes. I like the car a lot though.


Girls Night!

Friday, March 5, 2010

On next Wednesday's episode of "Modern Family," Phil meets up with an old high school girlfriend via Facebook. Ahaha! I can't wait.

A night out with the girls tonight. There is wine and cheese and paint involved. I'll give you the review tomorrow, but we are so excited!

Friday Five: Staples

1. Of all the hundreds of sizes and shapes bread seems to come in, what is your favorite?
long and skinny??

2. What’s your favorite thing to eat with rice?
any sort of Mexican food with cilantro-lime rice. Yum.

3. What are your feelings about milk?
I only really like it on cereal, with PB&J, waffles/pancakes or cookies/cake. When I see someone just drink a glass of milk, I wanna gag.

4. What was wrapped in the tortilla you most recently ate?
beef fajita meat, grilled onions, guacamole, and pico de gallo

5. How many staplers are there in your house and where are they?
Three. One on Jeff's desk, one in a drawer next to my desk and one tiny purple one in a drawer by Lauren's desk.

Song Lyrics of the Day

He's falling in love with Jill Kotowski
And things are getting better everyday
She's blowing away the competition
She knows exactly what to say
When she walks by
Stars sing the sky
She says his name, well he's never the same again...

Bob Schneider, "Falling in Love with Jill Kotowski"


8 Days 'Til Spring Break

Thursday, March 4, 2010

This is Zachry (in honor of the Zachry Engineering Center at A&M). He's the baby I made with George Clooney at makemebabies.com. (They supposedly morph your photos together.) Cute, ain't he? I dunno. He looks like trouble.

So Ali is the new "Bachelorette." I'll watch that. I liked her.

Big hubbub at Facebook over the turning off of app notifications last Monday at 10am PST. (Thank God. It's long overdue, in my opinion.) There is even an article about how developers' traffic has dropped off significantly. But I still see the notifications! Most people don't. How is that? I should stop trying to figure out Facebook issues.

CJ had a second interview yesterday for the job she really really wants! She thinks she did well! WOOHOO!!

We watched part of this week's men's episode of AI. I still like Big Mike. Most viewers are complaining that American Idol is sucking this year. I always think the contestants suck during Top 24. To me, there are a maximum of 5 that are worthy of serious attention during each season. There's also always that one person of mediocre talent but who has another hook of some sort, like he's hot or she's got a great "story," who keeps staying on week after week. Right when you're about to stop watching because it's so ridiculous, that person gets voted off. As usual, I say, wake me when it's Top 10.


Public Bathroom Photos

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Angel started this thing a while back, when she sent a picture of herself in the mirror of the Applebee's bathroom to me on my cellphone. Too funny. Totally made my day. A few days later I got another photo message from another restaurant bathroom. Then I started sending her photos from bathrooms, and now we send them back and forth all the time. The more interesting or pretty the bathroom decor, the better of course.

Well Sunday night, Lauren, JeffC, Jeff and I went to Austin Land and Cattle for dinner. I told Lauren I was going to their most awesome bathroom to take a bathroom pic, and she came with me. We took a bunch of pictures in there. When we came out, instead of walking through the other door into the restaurant, I walked straight through the wrong door into the men's bathroom. My child did say "Hey Mom, WTH?" ...after I was standing in the bathroom! LOL. Luckily, no one was in there.

So when we got back to the table and told "the Jeffs" what had happened, they suggested that I should kick the Public Bathroom Photo Project up a notch and take photos of myself in MEN'S bathrooms.

Why, that sounds like a dare, doesn't it?

Best blog idea EVER. "Kathy in the Men's Room" with daily photos. The first one I'd want to hit would be at Mighty Fine, with the one-way mirror facing into the restaurant.

Song Lyrics o' the Day

...I survived the crash
Survived the burn
Survived the worst, yeah baby, but I learned
Survived the lies
Survived the blues
It almost killed me, but I survived the truth
...I survived you...

Clay Aiken, "I Survived You"


More of The Politician

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm still reading The Politician. There is one funny part with Senator Ted Kennedy. Other than that, I am just making mental tick marks of all the things John Edwards did, that had I known about them, I would never have supported the guy back in the day. I did remember the moment I noticed him and decided he was a reach-across-the-aisle sort of senator. It was the Edwards-McCain Patients' Bill of Rights (that never passed).

Again, choices that affect his personal life aside, it is his engagement in an intricate cover-up that I think affects his credibility as President. The man looked ABC reporter Bob Woodruff in the eye and without an iota of guilt or hint of dishonesty, told him his own baby daughter was not his child. A better liar there never was. Cokie Roberts says she wants people to know politicians aren't all like that, but I don't know. Most of them have the power to do what they want to.

Eh. I won't go on. I hate to start my day delving into my political disillusion.

I wish something interesting had happened yesterday. Alas! I was at home all day, doing laundry and working on websites. I did have a "small world" moment, when I found out one of the guard moms is friends with one of my friends, an old coworker from 1993. Their daughters are in the same grade in middle school.

You know you want this song in your head all morning---
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small small world.

You're welcome.


Happy Monday

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bite me, Windows Vista. When I tell you to close an unresponsive program, and go through your 65 ridiculous popups asking if I'm sure I want to close it, you need to close it. JUST CLOSE IT. Yeesh! I don't have time for your shenanigans.

Awesome hockey game with Canada yesterday! Very exciting. Well-matched teams. Miller is a beast and totally deserves hockey tournament MVP.

Sorry to see the Olympics come to a close. It's been a fun diversion from the norm. As amazing as the opening ceremonies were, what was up with the closing ceremonies??? The show was positively hideous! "...And the always enjoyable giant inflatable beaver." Thank you, Bob Costas.

Lauren's old cheer team borrowed her cheer uniform top for competition this weekend. Too funny. It's been two years since she last competed! Same uniforms. I don't usually miss the all-day, raucous mania of all-star cheer competitions, but it was certainly fun while we were doing it. You just have to go to one to see the crazy energy I'm talking about. Lauren occasionally talks about going back, but we're much closer to getting Jaxon to join guard than for her to return to cheer.


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