To Houston in the Rain

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Off to guard competition this morning. Thunderstorms and all. Whee!

The doc has diagnosed me with a "knee sprain." He's having them re-read my MRI because it's obvious with that much swelling that there is a moderate injury somewhere. The mystery to him is how it occurred without my feeling it. He said either I have an amazing pain tolerance or I must have been at "one hell of a party" when it happened. Hmm.

I've had physical therapy before, at a place that looked a lot like a gym, with a closet-like room in the back with a table for exams and massage. (Not that kind of massage. Focus, y'all.) This place I'm going to now is just like a spa... dimly lit rooms, new age music playing in the background. There are new-fangled, gentle therapies like ultrasound and electro-stimulation. Then comes the heated lotion and the massage... FROM HELL. Right on your injury, and very deep into the musculature. Holy moly. I'm telling you. When she gets out the lotion... run.

Game night was awesome. The food rocked. The game (Uno Attack) rocked. Wooooooohooooooo!!! The new twist on the old Uno game is that the card machine thinger spits cards at you now and then. Sometimes it doesn't give you any cards, and sometimes it tosses out as many as ten. After a while we had this:

Julie (after getting 8 cards spit at her): Wow! I haven't had one that big in a long time!
Me: That's what she said.
[everyone laughing]
Julie (to Scott): What did she say?
Scott: That's what she said.
Julie: No, what did she say?
Everyone: That's what she said!


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