Passing Healthcare Reform

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Dems need to break healthcare reform into tiny pieces. A sweeping bill that completely solves the massive problems of the system is obviously never going to happen, and the bigger the bill, the longer the discussion, the more watered down the reforms, the more completely irrelevant pork added. Here are a few of my suggested pieces:

1) Removing pre-existing condition coverage limitations (okay this is my pet issue, but y'all can move it to #5 or 6 if you like)
2) coverage for the uninsured
3) capping profits made by insurance companies on the healthcare insurance portion of their business- it's only right and ethical in my opinion. Make a profit, but don't rake in crazy amounts of money on the backs of sick people.
4) reducing healthcare paperwork and thereby, costs


Pass one critical issue at a time, and you eliminate all the wheeling and dealing, and actually improve things quickly.

While talking to me about yesterday's blog entry, Jeff says, "It's not South By Southwest, it's South by So What." Yeah, well, if I don't have a wristband, to me it's just South By Keep Me the Heck Outta Downtown This Week. And what is it with comments on posts via the incorrect channels? Note the comment link conveniently located at the bottom of each entry. Although if he didn't log in via OpenID (he forgot his info) and had posted anonymously, I would have thought he was Laura. The two of them also happen to be brain twins, so I really wouldn't be able to tell their comments apart. ;)


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