Painting... with a Twist

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last night Tracy, Tana, KathyL and I went to Painting With a Twist. It is SO FUN! You bring your own wine (or beer or whatever you like) and snacks, and paint a 16x20 picture with acrylics on canvas, under the direction of an artist. They provide glasses, openers, ice buckets, aprons and all painting supplies. They told us our piece was about an 8 on a difficulty scale of 1 to 10, and I would have preferred a 5, but it was superfun anyway. For the price, I wouldn't care if my painting turned out or not. It's just a bonus if it does.

I am very creative in many ways, but drawing and painting are not my strong suits. KathyL's was AMAZING. Yeah, I don't have a photo of hers, so you'll just have to look at mine. :p


Mmmmmmmmkay. It looks like a floating pink artichoke, but it's my artichoke, and by golly, I like it.

The whole class had a great time. At one point the teacher wanted us to paint the lily pads "in the shape of a chubby Frisbee." The group behind us said it sounded like a great band. Chubby Frisbee. LOL. You know you'd see them at ACL Fest. Come on now.

Saturday 9: Your Smiling Face

1. No matter what's going on in your life, what always makes you smile?
Music. Although I sometimes like to drown myself in sad music when I'm feeling down.

2. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
I told Mrs. Walker in 3rd grade that I said "cap" and NOT "crap" as stupid Brian Cummings had accused.

3. Do you hold a grudge?
I can hold a pretty good grudge. I'm also a huge sucker for an apology. It balances out.

4. What is the worst job you've ever had?
I briefly did telephone sales for the Houston Post newspaper when I was 16. I did well and exceeded my quotas, but I hated sales, selling people something they didn't really want or need. Hated it! Also hated people hanging up on me.

5. What would be your dream job?
George Clooney's wardrobe assistant

6. What is the happiest event you've experienced?
Having Lauren. We were just SO excited! It was a truly joyous day and life has never been the same since. :D

7. What is the saddest thing you've experienced?
In 2001, I was pregnant with a son who died in utero at six months. He was completely normal, so they don't know why it happened.

8. Do you tend to exaggerate or underestimate?
I'm pretty accurate in quantifying things, although sometimes I exaggerate when I'm being sarcastic.

9. List the cars that you have owned. Give us just a few words about each one.
Mazda GLC- maroon. paid half ($600) towards it when I was a sophomore in college. It was the one the deer crashed into.
Mitsubishi Galant- also maroon. got it when I got my first real job.
Honda Accord- white. Great, reliable, suburbanite car.
Toyota Sienna- sage green. I loooooved that minivan. Almost shut Lauren in the automatic door once though. *snort* What. She's fine.
Hyundai Santa Fe- baby blue. Had tons of trouble with our particular dealer the first few weeks we owned it. The car made a funny noise when it first drove forward. They had it in a few times and replaced the transmission (on a brand new car), which also didn't fix it. Finally they told me of all the days they worked on it they had never even heard the noise I was talking about. It still makes the noise, which turned out to be a "normal sound" of the anti-lock brakes. I like the car a lot though.


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