8 Days 'Til Spring Break
Thursday, March 4, 2010
This is Zachry (in honor of the Zachry Engineering Center at A&M). He's the baby I made with George Clooney at makemebabies.com. (They supposedly morph your photos together.) Cute, ain't he? I dunno. He looks like trouble.
So Ali is the new "Bachelorette." I'll watch that. I liked her.
Big hubbub at Facebook over the turning off of app notifications last Monday at 10am PST. (Thank God. It's long overdue, in my opinion.) There is even an article about how developers' traffic has dropped off significantly. But I still see the notifications! Most people don't. How is that? I should stop trying to figure out Facebook issues.
CJ had a second interview yesterday for the job she really really wants! She thinks she did well! WOOHOO!!
We watched part of this week's men's episode of AI. I still like Big Mike. Most viewers are complaining that American Idol is sucking this year. I always think the contestants suck during Top 24. To me, there are a maximum of 5 that are worthy of serious attention during each season. There's also always that one person of mediocre talent but who has another hook of some sort, like he's hot or she's got a great "story," who keeps staying on week after week. Right when you're about to stop watching because it's so ridiculous, that person gets voted off. As usual, I say, wake me when it's Top 10.
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