Happy St. Patty's Day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm wearing green panties! LOL- remember those school days, when you forgot to wear green, so to avoid getting pinched, you told everyone you were wearing green panties? Yes? And there was always a boy demanding to see.

The always irritable Nancy Pelosi and her buddies have assumed that political posture I despise, that they know best and should be able make their own decisions, no matter what everyone else thinks. In addition they feel it may be necessary to use a legal trick to pass an enormous piece of legislation they like, because by golly, they don't give two craps what the people or the Congress have to say about it. Don't do it. It will never stand up to the fallout. Keep working on that healthcare bill until you have something that works for the majority.

The Rielle Hunter GQ photo controversy--- She cried and screamed for two hours when she saw the photos in the magazine, because they were racy? Puh-lease. Let's get this straight. You take off your pants and pose in an unbuttoned man's shirt, with a string of pearls, in a position that the camera can see the crotch of your panties, and you don't think the pics are going to be racy? Oh, and on the video of the photoshoot which GQ released to the press, she is seen viewing the photos with no problem with them.

On a lighter note, Donna is working on getting us a free night at our resort for Bon Jovi weekend in Dallas. Then it will be a three-night extravaganza, Friday through Monday!! Yaaaaaay!! We moved from the less expensive Belmont, so a free night is pretty significant. *crossing fingers* Of course, we could just pay to stay at the Belmont the extra night. That would be fun, too.

OMG. I need two Bon Jovi outfits. Must plan.


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