
Friday, March 12, 2010

After applying the latest Windows updates to my PC, various things went awry. My desktop toolbar wouldn't show everything I had running. My speaker volume controls stopped working. Four of my removable storage disk drives weren't recognized at all. I rebooted a few times and tried various things. Jeff told me that when hardware (like your speaker, disk drive) isn't working, you probably need to power down the computer, rather than just restarting. I tried that, and it worked. Your PC Tip o' the Day! (No, that won't be a regular feature a la Song Lyrics of the Day... I hope.)

One of the guard shows is to "Breathe Me" by Sia. Very pretty show. I can't remember the school that performs it. Oops. Anyway, I absolutely love the piano on the downbeats. It gives a lilting, floating quality to the overall sound. You can hear it in the sidebar>>>. Beautiful... sad...

I now have the most ghetto jewelry storage EVER, but it is perfect for me. Command hooks on the back of my bathroom cabinet doors for the necklaces, and a simple acrylic box for earrings in the drawer. I was having the worst time going back and forth pulling stuff out of my jewelry box in the bedroom closet, only to find the pieces weren't the right ones for the outfit. (If I had a giant closet with a dressing area, this wouldn't be a problem. *sigh* How I wish.) So I wanted everything right there where I put on my makeup. Ta-DA!


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