Firefox and Facebook Issues

Monday, March 29, 2010

Any Firefox users who are having problems with Facebook like:

1) Notifications alert does not clear
2) "Older Posts" link does not appear at the bottom of the News Feed
3) Random issues with sometimes not being able to post comments, view videos, etc.

...two of us had those issues and they were completely fixed by downloading the newest version of Firefox (3.6.2). We both had version 3.5.8 before and Facebook was working in IE. It just started this week, so it must be some recent changes within Facebook.

I'm still having issues with disappearing cursor, jumping around cursor, etc. since a couple of Firefox versions ago. Eh. Still beats the snot out of IE.

Lauren bought an absolutely gorgeous band banquet dress at Ross for $16. That kind of bargain hunting brings a joyous tear to a mother's eye. *sniffle*

I've been searching to identify some music from the Identity winter guard 2010 show (Texas State U's color guard). It's so cool. I try to hear the lyrics during the performances to do a search online, but they are difficult to hear in this very whispery, modern song. I was about to post video of their show to ask for help here, but there isn't video online (at least yet... guards don't really post their shows until after the season which just ended). I just realized that since the directors of our program also run Identity, and I could always have just asked them the name of the song. Freakin' duh!

ETA--- Lauren says she already asked our staff what the music is. They don't know. Wha? LOL. Well, back to listening for obscure lyrics...


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