Friday, March 26, 2010

The guard sendoff show was excellent. State championships are on Saturday! The program has done so well this year. Lauren was going to do only winter guard next year, but it turns out that is not an option, as the director is only allowing full-year participation. So tomorrow's show will probably be her last. Sad!

I wholeheartedly support practically every new benefit included in the health care plan, however, I think both the hefty price tag and the methods for paying for it may make medical care outrageously and possibly prohibitively expensive for all of us. We'll see how it all goes down. I didn't realize the special provisions for certain states put in place to win votes from those states are still included. Cripes. I thought the President was going to get rid of those. Also, Pell Grant cuts are included? WTF does that have to do with health care? Junky bill. Business as usual on Capitol Hill. I'm just a bill, yes I'm only a bill...

There is a page on FB called "I hate it when I'm making a milkshake and boys just show up in my yard." Ohmigosh, were we cracking up over that last night.

Facebook is all dorked up on my PC, but not the other three computers in the house. What is up with that?? I hate using the laptop. The mouse situation sucks on that thing. I need a full-size, blissfully ergonomic mouse in my hand.

Have a fab Friday, my friends. :D

Song Lyrics du Jour

I am ready for love
Why are you hiding from me?
I'd quickly give my freedom
To be held in your captivity...

India.Arie "Ready For Love"


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