Saturday Six Catch-Up
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Patrick's Saturday Six: O/P/Q
1. O is for OATMEAL: What does your ideal breakfast meal look like?
soft-boiled eggs on toast with butter, along with strawberry/banana fruit salad
2. O is for OBESITY: How achievable do you believe your “ideal” weight actually is?
I don't know what my official ideal weight is, but my personal ideal weight is completely achievable.
3. O is for ODOR: Which odor do you enjoy the most in a kitchen?
4. O is for OIL: How much did you last pay per gallon for gasoline?
5. O is for OVEN: Which food is your particular specialty?
chicken parmesan
6. O is for OZ: Which character from The Wizard of Oz movie is your favorite?
1. P is for PAIN: What’s your pain tolerance: do you handle pain well or are you a baby when it comes to discomfort?
I can handle a lot of pain.
2. P is for PARTY: Are you the type that’s in the center of the action at a party, or do you wind up in a corner with a few folks you know well?
I'm usually in a corner with the people I know well, though I'm not afraid to jump into the main spotlight if I have something particularly witty to contribute.
3. P is for PAYMENT: How often do you write a check instead of paying cash or using a debit card?
Never, if I can possibly avoid it.
4. P is for PENCIL: On the desk where your computer normally is, are there more pens or pencils?
Pens. Pencils are a pain in the rear. (I know that's not where they go. I'm referring to the sharpening, the lightness of the printing, their temporary and changeable nature...)
5. P is for PINTO: What is your favorite kind of bean?
Black beans
6. P is for POT: Copper, Non-stick, Stainless Steel: What are most of your cooking pots made of?
half are non-stick, half are stainless steel
1. Q is for QUACK: What’s the worst medical advice you ever received?
The doctor (a surgeon) who diagnosed my lymphoma in 1988 told me the first thing we should do was remove all the cancerous lymph nodes (which was all of them) from my chest. Not that it was never done (in back alleys and third world countries... kidding... Google if you're seriously looking for info), but it is not the standard treatment. It would not only have significantly reduced my chances of remission, but would have put me at increased risk for succumbing to countless other infections and illnesses afterward, because of my lack of lymph nodes and immune response. I am forever grateful to another doctor in the same office, who immediately got me into MD Anderson (which was referral-ONLY at the time), where I received state-of-the-art treatment and eventual cure with chemo and radiation.
2. Q is for QUEEN: What do you think you’d most enjoy about living the life of royalty?
the cool clothes
3. Q is for QUICK: What household chores are you least likely to procrastinate about doing?
4. Q is for QUIET: Where do you go when you feel like you need quiet time alone with no distractions?
The bathroom is the only 100% reliable place, but I could probably have quiet time in the front bedroom, as long as I close the door. Everyone would assume I was working out. I could just be lounging in the bean bag chair.
5. Q is for QUIT: What would you most like to quit doing in 2013?
I'd like to find a job, so I could quit looking.
6. Q is for QUIZ: What subject in school did you most dread a pop quiz in?