Swarosvski Crystal Worlds
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Must go there on my next European vacay, although I want to go to Italy next. Hopefully we could fit it in as well.
Swarosvski Kristallvelten (Swarosvski Crystal Worlds)
SO cool. I enjoy just milling around the Swarosvski store, with their little items. I can't imagine how amazing these huge displays must look in person. Sparkly!
Saturday 9: Same Old Lang Syne
1) This week's song is the tale of an accidental holiday encounter between former lovers. (Hear it here.) They sit in her car and spend hours catching up, then she gives him a chaste kiss and they never see one another again. Is there a past love who still has a special spot in your heart, despite the years or the miles since your relationship?
Each of them does. As long as you don't have lingering hostilities between you, I don't know how anyone with whom you've been a serious relationship could disappear from your heart. Not that you would ever date them again, but just like your old best friends, they are special people from your past, with whom you'd enjoy catching up if you ran into each other at the grocery store.
2) This week's song includes a play on the traditional Scottish song, "Auld Lang Syne." Have you ever visited Scotland?
No, but I would love to!
3) Mother Winters has long told Sam that if she has a glass of water for every glass of champagne she drinks on New Year's Eve, she'll feel better on New Year's Day. Do you have a favorite hangover prevention tip or cure?
Don't drink more than a drink an hour, and drink plenty of water before you go to bed.
4) Do you like champagne?
Not really. I'll have one glass, if everyone is having it.
6) This year at midnight, Crazy Sam will kiss the nose of her puppy, Chico. Will you be kissing anyone when the clock strikes 12?
6) The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy was the runaway publishing phenomenon of 2012. It was so successful that the publisher, Random House, was able to give its employees massive bonuses this year. Have you read it?
Nope. My friends tell me it is a great story, but poorly and immaturely written.
7) Year-end is a time for newspapers, magazines and websites to run lists. According to Askmen.com, Jennifer Lawrence of The Hunger Games is the at the of the year's "Most Desirable Woman" list. People magazine has declared Channing Tatum "The Sexiest Man Alive -- 2012." Do either of these two set your pulse racing? If not, who is your celebrity crush?
Channing Tatum is pretty hot, but there would be quite a few gorgeous men on my list before him. Bradley Cooper is the celeb catching my eye most often lately.
8) Pasadena, California, is known for hosting the traditional Rose Parade. It begins at 8:00 AM on January 1, so the people who watch it live must be there very early. Does the thought of getting up and dressed to sit in the California sun, bright and early on New Year's morning, appeal to you?
There are many events for which I would rise early and sit outside far ahead of time in the wee hours of the morning after a wild night out. Just not the Rose Bowl Parade.
9) Sometimes aches and pains that aren't serious can still really hurt. For example, Sam just dropped a can of tomato paste on her foot and the little red mark it left is making her crazy! Are you suffering through a bump or bruise or cut right now?
I bit my tongue, but it's about healed now. Thank goodness.
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