
Friday, December 14, 2012

Well, I just finished my first interview. It went really well! I'm hoping I get the job, but even if I don't, it's so nice to have that first interview behind me. WHEW.

Today I moved my photos from my phone to my computer. As usual, I found some interesting ones I forgot about:

accidental screencap from Bad Piggies?

Shawn's "First Degree Burn"-- so good!

Lauren's roommate's kitten, Nala, on Lauren's bed

shirt and tie I wanted to buy for Jeff
It's awesome, right ladies?!

At the fro-yo place by IKEA in Round Rock. That is totally... what she said.

Friday Five: There's a Theme. Trust Me.

1. How self-conscious do you get when someone’s pointing a camera at you?
More than average. 7 on a scale from 1-10.

2. What was the last meal you took a photo of?
Lauren's first dinner she completely planned and cooked herself, for the family- mustard rosemary chicken and roasted asparagus. Yummy yummo!

3. When were you last bitten or stung by something?
I have a random bite on my arm from this morning. No idea what it was.

4. What’s something people miss most when they move away from your area?
the beautiful outdoor spaces- hills, hiking trails, parks, lakes

5. On long day-trips, do you prefer to be the driver or passenger? Why?
I don't mind either. I guess I would rather be the driver. I get motion sickness if I use my phone too much or read or anything in the car anyway. May as well let everyone else use their electronic devices.


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