Johnny Football, Baby!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Johnny Manziel wins the Heisman. Freakin' amazing! What a surreal and wonderful night for him and for the Aggie family. Still smiling! :)

When they went to the last commercial break before the announcement, I said that Johnny looked like he was going to throw up. Lauren said, "I'M about to throw up! I imagine he is, too." So funny!

By the way, great job on this event, ESPN. Much, much better than the Football Awards show.

And... Heisman winner and Houston Oilers running back Earl Campbell was at the ceremony! So awesome. My Oilers fave, a Longhorn supporting our guy from Tyler. Campbell is a cool cat from way back.

Patrick's Saturday Six: N

1. N is for NAME: Were you ever tempted to change your name, and if so, which name would you rather have had?
I've always liked my name. It's particularly cool that I can go with the sophisticated "Katherine" for some situations and the fun and casual "Kathy" for others.

2. N is for NATURE: What do you enjoy most about being in the great outdoors?
Connecting with something bigger than myself. (That's what she said.) I find it very centering to be under the infinite sky, hearing the birds and other sounds, feeling the breeze... It's a sort of "reboot," getting away from the busy, hectic world for even a moment.

3. N is for NEWSSTAND: If you had to purchase a magazine at a newsstand, which title would you be most likely to buy?
Real Simple

4. N is for NICKEL: If a president were to replace one of the current presidents on our coins, which one would you like to see immortalized on our currency next?

5. N is for NOSE: Which aroma from the kitchen is your favorite?
Cilantro. Oddly enough, Lauren's very least favorite!

6. N is for NUT: When you’re ready for a snack, which variety of nut is your favorite?


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