Bunco Christmas Party
Monday, December 10, 2012
Funniest moment at Jean's party, or perhaps ever: At the end, Jean's mom told Laura, with great concern, that Laura should call a cab to get a ride home, because Laura had had too much to drink.
The thing is- Laura didn't have a drop of alcohol last night.
After dinner, we did an ornament exchange and Amy said someone's ornament looked like a bedroom toy. (She used the D word, but I don't know if I can say it here without getting classified as an adult blog. Then you guys would have click through a screen to promise you are 18 every single time you come in here. No one wants that.) Well, another guest came unglued and declared that she didn't know it was "that kind of a party." She started going on and on about it. Amy didn't hear any of the hubbub from across the room.
See, there were two crowds there this year- Jean's girlfriends from work and from bunco. Our bunco group, like so many for some reason, can get pretty raunchy. It's just assumed that when we get together, you're going to eventually see some naked body parts or someone's new bra (like Amy's last night- she was on a roll) or find out valuable information like which stretch of green on the neighborhood golf course is the best for fooling around in the middle of the night.
The offended girl was from the work group, not that I would put all the work gals in the "easily offended" category. Just saying that this person probably wasn't fairly warned that when bunco chicks are there, it is, indeed, that kind of party. I actually assumed the offended person was joking, because she was three sheets to the wind drinking wine all night, but it was pretty apparent pretty fast that she wasn't kidding.
Jean was fabulous and just moved along quickly to the next ornament unwrapping. Bravo. And of course, we had a little fun with it later when it was just us hanging out at the end.
So great to catch up with everyone!
Curious as a Cat
1) Do you have any friends you regret not keeping in touch with?
one of my best friends Ina who I met at work (who was the one who actually stopped keeping in touch with me), my childhood friend Frank with whom I last chatted just after high school grad, and most of all Eddie- one of my new and fast friends freshman year at A&M. We were inseparable that year, yet oddly, I have absolutely no recollection of why we didn't keep in touch. Not sure if he left school or what happened. Why can't I remember? So weird!
2) Would you have one of your fingers surgically removed if it guaranteed immunity from all major diseases?
3) Which is creepier to see in your kitchen: a mouse or a cockroach?
definitely a mouse
4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
This reminds me of Kelly Clarkson's hair on the Thankful album cover...
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