Sunday Survey Time!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Random Survey

1. When you wash your hands, do you use the cold or hot tap (faucet)?
Hot. Unless it gets too hot too fast, then I add cold.

2. If you had to be straight/gay for a day (whichever you’re not), what celebrity would you most like to take on a date?
Jennifer Lopez

3. What is the biggest injury you’ve ever sustained and how did you do it?
I injured my rotator cuff, taking a shower. (Yep, that happened.) Couldn't lift my arm. Months of physical therapy and anti-inflammatories.

4. What is the most unusual food you’ve ever eaten?

5. What is the most unique animal you’ve ever touched?
Albino python? Dolphin? Well, maybe not unique, but supercool.

6. What’s the most expensive gift you’ve ever bought for someone? How much did it cost and who was it for?
Probably Lauren's laptop- I can't remember how much it cost. About $1000?

7. Which 3 countries would you LEAST like to live in and why?
I won't call out any countries specifically, but I wouldn't want to live in any country where there is a war going on, a dictator in charge, or inadequate healthcare.

8. If you could make just ONE change to this world, what would it be and why?

Encourage population control. Unemployment, hunger, pollution, etc. are all made worse by the ever-growing population of the world.

9. If you could wake up tomorrow and be fluent in 3 additional languages, which would you choose?
German, Spanish and Japanese

10. Which would you rather out of these 3 options? A: Be good looking and extremely intelligent but so poor you live on the streets. B: Be extremely intelligent and a millionaire but what society classes as ugly. Or C: Be good looking and a millionaire but extremely academically challenged? Why?
B. If you're extremely intelligent and a millionaire, who cares if you're ugly?

11. What are the top 10 movies to make you cry? (Or at least make you sad!)
The Notebook
PS I Love You
Steel Magnolias
Terms of Endearment
Dead Poets Society
Love Actually
Inside Out

12. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Describe it in detail.
I have a recurring nightmare when I get super-stressed, about driving on a freeway that is going all over the place, straight up into the clouds, around and around like a roller coaster, zig-zagging through the oncoming traffic, through the ocean, etc. I don't know an alternate route to where I'm going, so I just keep driving. Scary!

13. Would you rather raise 25 children or have the chance of ever having children taken away? Why?
I would have no children. Twenty five children is waaaay over my limit.

14. Would you rather go on a relaxing beach type holiday to the Caribbean, a cultural holiday to Japan or an adventure packed holiday to South Africa?
Cultural (or beach, I'll never turn down a beach trip)

15. If you went to a desert island for just 6 months but could only take one album with you, what would you take?
Prince Purple Rain

16. Put these in order of your favourite movie genre to least: Horror, action, thriller, adventure, superhero, romance, drama, comedy, musical and dance?
Comedy, romance, drama, musical and dance, adventure, horror, superhero, thriller, action.

17. If you had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would you choose and why?
Taste. It's the least vital sense, I think. Unless your spouse poisons your drink with antifreeze. (I'm watching too much 48 Hours.)

18. What have been the top 3 most brilliant days of this year? Describe them in as much or as little detail as you like.
The last day at work- good times and great to wrap things up there
Belton day trip with Scott-n-Julie- fun and educational day!
Hill Country tour with Cathy and George- beautiful scenery and wonderful company

19. What do you believe we as human beings take most for granted in this world?
the water supply

20. How many concerts have you been to in your life and which was your favourite? If you’ve not been to one, who would you most like to see?
I've been to a heaping buttload of concerts. My all-time favorites so far are Prince (all of them), Lady Gaga, NSYNC in Vegas, Duran Duran in London, Train, Gavin DeGraw at Parish (super intimate) and of course Elton John/Billy Joel.


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