No Banging in 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020
A German news outlet on Facebook posted a story about a possible cancellation of New Year's Eve fireworks. The translated version asked, "Can you do without banging this year?" Ahahaa.
We finished watching Long Way Up, the docuseries with Ewan McGregor and his best buddy Charley motorcycling from Argentina to LA. Now we're watching Long Way Around, their first motorcycle trip from London eastward to New York City. (Loving the series! There is also a second season, Long Way Down from Scotland to South Africa.) At one point in Long Way Around, they are drinking fermented camel milk, and Ewan says it tastes like homemade yogurt... that's been carbonated. Ack! And LOL.
Did I mention I finished playing The Witness? Yes! Great game, but I have to say I found the ending to be most unsatisfying. I did have an expectation of one particular thing happening at the end, that didn't happen at all, so maybe it was just disappointing to me, but I'd love to find out what others thought.
The Travis County weekly public health update is on right now and Mayor Adler is constantly on mute. So funny. Oh, and we're back to Stage 4 restrictions, not that it means anything different for our household, since we have remained pretty locked down since March.
How some people have made a pandemic into a political and/or religious issue is beyond my understanding. (That is the nicest way I could phrase that, I think!) Crazy times.
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