Saturday, November 7, 2020

Finally the votes are (well, mostly) in. It happened to work out the way I wanted it to, but could easily have gone the other way, as somehow the country has become incredibly evenly split. I'm so looking forward to not waking every morning in a cold sweat, waiting to see what insanity happened overnight. I'm hoping Biden can bring people together, instead of the dividing that's been going on. 
And Harris! Wow! Congrats to her on all her firsts and her success. One giant leap for womankind.

While watching CNN's coverage, it's been like 'Where's Waldo?' trying to locate Anderson Cooper. They've got him in front of a backdrop of the White House at night. I keep hearing his voice, but cannot find the super-white guy in the dark blue suit.

We knew the mail-in counting would take a while, but I definitely didn't think it would be so close that it would be Saturday before we could make a decision. I think the delay did give us all a chance to cool down, so hopefully there won't be as much drama as there may have been if things were wrapped up Tuesday night.  (Knock on wood.) Maybe it should always take this long. Ha!


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