Holiday Cinema

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is really, really good. It's very dark, and an incredibly compelling mystery. And that girl has a gift for perfect revenge. Just sayin'.

The film will make you uncomfortable to your core, but I guarantee you won't leave the theater or look at your watch during that two hours and forty-five minutes. Unless you absolutely have to pee, but you'll hold it until you're doing the pee pee dance down the theater hallway as fast as you can to get back before you miss too much.

ER heartthrob Goran Visnjic looks quite different with gray hair. Still hot, but those dark eyebrows are distracting. Too much contrast. Instead of watching the movie during his two scenes, I was trying to figure out if his eyebrows didn't turn gray... or if he's coloring just the eyebrows, which would be sorta weird... and maybe he should color the brows gray if they didn't turn on their own... Distracting.

Wednesday, Jeff and I watched a movie called Arena, with Samuel L. Jackson, who is far too good an actor to have participated in any capacity. It's the first film in a while that's actually made me want to throw up. It was better than Human Centipede, but that is not saying... well, anything really. It's one of the most violent movies I've ever seen. A lot of it is Saw gory, most certainly for the shock value. Hollywood must have flat run out of movie blood when they filmed this thing. Like Centipede, I'm betting there's a drinking game to go along with it!


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