Mama Told Me Not to Come

Saturday, May 11, 2013

At happy hour Thursday night-

Crystal: Have another drink!
Me: No, I need to drive home, so I'm switching to water.
Crystal (having her third): Nooooo. Have another. I have my car!
Me: Like I would let YOU drive me home.
Crystal: No, we can sleep in it!

Ahahaha! Our department had the highest attendance.We need the most alcohol. Just saying.

Saturday 9: Mama Told Me (Not to Come)

1) This song is about a lad who didn't take his mother's advice and attended the wild party anyway (hear it here). When you were young, did your parents approve of your friends? If you're a parent yourself, how have you handled it when your kids start hanging around with friends you're not crazy about?
My parents loved my friends. There were occasional, more peripheral ones that weren't Mom's faves. She would always make a brief statement at some relevant moment, and then never say another word. She was always right about people, and I would eventually figure that out. Almost all of Lauren's friends have been awesome as well. If  I don't find someone awesome, I try to say something once and leave it, like my mom did with me.

2) A 2010 poll named Marge Simpson of The Simpsons the most popular TV mom of all time. Who is your favorite TV (or movie) mother?
Claire on Modern Family

3) Crazy Sam's mother is a big fan of The National Enquirer. As she likes to say, "They were right about John Edwards!" Do you read the tabloids? Cast a guilty glance at them when you're in line at the store? Or ignore them altogether?
Ignore them. I'm not completely immune though- I watch TMZ faithfully. Those guys are SO funny.

4) Mother Winters always gave Sam peppermint tea to calm her stomach. Do you have any tried-and-true home remedies to share?
Vinegar-soaked dishtowels on a sunburn to take the pain away

5) Thinking of guts ... When making decisions, do you tend to consider all the options carefully or do you "go with your gut"?
I consider options. In the end, I usually go with my gut though, even if the pros and cons aren't balanced in that direction.

6) Spring is here! Do you have a green thumb?

7) Have you put away your winter clothes yet?
Not yet. It's been in the 40s at night recently.

8) After you lather and rinse, do you repeat?

9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away Hershey bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or milk chocolate with almonds?

Classic. I like almonds and chocolate, but in a Hershey bar, it wrecks the whole "rectangle pieces" concept.


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