Almost Friday

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Because my radio station has a playlist of about 15 songs (good GAWD, don't even get me started), I listen to "Some Nights" on the way to work every single day.  A few weeks ago, I said that the line "Man you wouldn't believe the most amazing things that can come from some terrible nights" would be better as "...some terrible lies?" Well, a song called "Some Nights" is probably better served by the line "...some terrible nights."

But I still like the "lies" line better, were it a standalone issue.

These are the things that keep me up at night, folks.

I am home early this afternoon after a checkup at the DDS, and I can report a brand spankin' new experience after forty-some-odd years of visiting the dentist: The tooth polisher tickled. I mean a LOT. (Yes, she was using it on my teeth.)

I almost had to make her stop. It was completely ridiculous.

I wanna do one serious quote as an aside from the "New Girl" Quote of the Week in the ol' sidebar >>

On the "Virgins" episode last night, Nick's dad said, "I just want to make sure you don't miss out on the things in life that happen when you're not thinking. Because believe you me, those are the best things."

Love that. So true!


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