So Nice

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our department manager said today of another department, "They know you'll work with them on it, because you're so NICE! And I'm just not."

I don't think I'm overly nice in the workplace. As a matter-of-fact, I have spent the past three weeks pretty much slamming people on the head with a giant rubber mallet to get them to stop calling me when they have trouble with one of my studies' websites.

Another company runs the website. There is a link on the login page to customer service for that company, to report any problems. It's not only appropriate to contact them directly as we pay them to take care of that stuff, it's also much faster than waiting for me to have ten minutes to get into the thing and monkey around with it myself.

Jen did it when she had the study, because that girl... is nice. Who was the first to congratulate me on the nasty email I sent, setting everyone straight on the whole issue? Jen!

I say click the gosh darn customer service link, for cripe's sake. I've said it to research assistants, project managers and even... the CLIENT a few days ago. See? I'm not that nice.

Okay. The email wasn't that nasty. But it was definitely strongly worded.

What do your coworkers think of you that might surprise you? Hmm!


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