Trouble, Trouble, Trouble
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Hiiiiii-dee-ho, friends.
My all-time fave Walk Off the Earth cover is still "Trouble," but their new Madonna cover is pretty awesome! The video- so cute. Sarah even dances 80s style. (She's also totally preggers. TOTALLY.)
Some boys romance, some boys slow dance... That's alright with me...
Speaking of cash... If you get wound up when someone starts talking about the banks and how they screwed the government out of billions of bailout money (i.e. YOUR money), paying bonuses to the very people who got them into the mess they were in, because "we have to pay them bonuses or they'll leave," when they should be kicked out the door because they were the very screw-ups who caused it...
when the subject of oil companies comes up and how prices go up at the drop of a hat, but come down slow as molasses, and the Exxons and Shells of the world post record profits on the backs of people who are cutting their home budgets to afford groceries every week...
I have a solution.
It requires you sell out, but it's a great fix. Are you up for it?
KathyL suggests investing in stock in oil companies and banks. She is no longer irritated when the news or a coworker or a buddy talks about it. She just thinks about her retirement fund growing.
So, yes. Kathy is owned by The Man. But she is blissful and relaxed.
Or maybe it's the wine.
Here again is Walk Off the Earth's best cover (ft. KRNFX), in case you haven't heard it. Totally rocks all over the original.
You never loved me
Or her
Or anyone
Or anything
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