The Move is Complete

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lauren's move is done! She still has some unpacking to do, but she's pretty much set up. Her apartment is really nice and in a great location. She's done a fantastic job decorating. This is particularly nice...

So excited for her!  (And... IS IT FOOTBALL SEASON YET???!!)

Not to confuse anyone, but I'm doing the Saturday 9 today.

Saturday 9: Already Gone

If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.

1) Eagles lead singer Glenn Frey proclaims that he's "feeling strong." How would you describe yourself this fine Saturday?
(Or Sunday.) I'm feeling completely exhausted from the move, but feeling good! Go Germany!

2) The song begins with a rumor: "I heard some people talking just the other other day ..." Have you heard anything juicy/interesting lately? Please share!
Cathy has a new boyfriend! She stirred everyone up on Facebook this week with a very racy post about him, too.

3) When "Already Gone" was popular, the news was dominated by Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. What do you consider today's top news story?
The influx of Central American women and children across the border. My favorite news snippet so far: A Dallas resident whose parents immigrated from Mexico and whose local school is about to be (over)filled with unaccompanied minor immigrants, gave a long, heartfelt plea for everyone to have sympathy for them and to let them stay, etc., followed immediately by, "...BUT, I just don't think my neighborhood's school is a good place to house them."

Of course. The typical "not in my backyard."

If tens of thousands of folks absolutely must flee their countries for their personal safety, we need to deal with their individual cases immediately, deport the ones who do not qualify to stay, and disperse those who are staying amongst many countries and into many geographical areas of each country, rather than letting them wither (and completely deplete local resources) in overcrowded Texas gymnasiums.

Fly a couple of thousand to Canada. Fly a thousand to the UK. How about Spain, Turkey, Russia? Bus 200 people to Des Moines. Bring another 200 to Cincinnati. The next 400 to Atlanta. Let each of those communities come together to get these people on their feet. I think people want to help, if there is a need and the numbers are workable.

If other states/countries don't want to share the load, then we have to stop bringing people in. It's really not that complicated.

4) In the 1970s, Eagles Glenn Frey and Don Henley were at the center of a social circle of very creative people, including singer Linda Ronstadt, singer-songwriter Jackson Browne and actor-comedian Steve Martin. How do you express your creativity?
Home decorating. Creative writing and song writing.

5) Even though they broke up in 1980, the Eagles are currently on a reunion tour, and after knowing each other more than 40 years, Frey and Henley still consider each other friends. What quality to do you value most in a friendship? 

6) Are there any mirrors in the room you're in right now?

7) What's the last beverage you drank with ice? 
Diet Dr. Pepper

8) Whole, skim, 2%, half-and-half, almond or soy ... what kind of milk is in your refrigerator right now?

9) Sam likes to mix sliced almonds into her salad. What do you think makes a good salad?
I prefer a salad with lettuce, fruit (pear or apple or dried cranberries), nuts (almonds or pecans) and a vinaigrette dressing of some sort (like lemon or red wine). Blue cheese is always a plus.


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