Design Home by Crowdstar

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Design Home (available on iOS and Google Play) is Crowdstar's new, super-fun, highly addictive game made in association with HGTV. You are the designer and you shop from actual gorgeous furniture and accessories you can buy in real life, in order to compete in design challenges, to win more furniture and accessories, to decorate more rooms in more challenges.

You are also a judge for the challenges, for the designs of others playing the game.

OMG SO FUN! Where has this game been all my life?!

Here's an article about it at HGTV.

I've been playing a little over a week, and as cool as it is, in-game money is a limitation. There just isn't enough to do what you really want to do.

Can we just take a moment and pay our respects to the dying breed of game which gives you everything for your one-time purchase cost? $79.99 for Super Mario Galaxy and I never had to pay another penny to finish that sucker. Not. Another. Penny. Everything I needed was provided (except the skills to complete the Lava Spire Daredevil Run). No nag screens or annoying ads. Just game playing awesomeness.


Anyhoo.. the money supply problems:

1) Items are expensive compared to the amount of game money available to you. Or, game money is scarce, compared to the cost of furniture and accessories. It's an imbalance.

2) The maximum number of uses (in my play so far) is only 1-5 for any furniture and accessory piece you purchase.

3) Purchasing game currency isn't a good value. For instance, $1.99 real cash buys you 3000 diamonds, which gets you a couch. Not necessarily the one you want, but it will get you a couch. That's a lot of real cash for a couch that can only be used 5 times. $100 real cash gets you 187,500 diamonds, which will buy you a lot of pretty things... that can be used 1-5 times before you need to pony up again.

To fix the widely perceived income/expense inequity (bloggers agree!), they could make items cheaper or raise the amount of game cash players get for challenges. I just feel the biggest drain of the tight game budget is the limited use of items. This is the one simple change I would make, to make the game infinitely more enjoyable, while maintaining cash flow for Crowdstar. If I could keep the items I bought, those in-app purchases look a lot more fairly priced.

It would also be nice to build up your personal inventory with no maximum number of uses, to be able to, say, remember that one orange chair you liked that would go perfectly with this new turquoise couch.

Another benefit of making a little more cash available for players: There are a bajillion items for sale in the game, but I haven't even glanced at anything over $2500, because I never have more than that to spend. Most of the time, I'm more in the $1100 range, because I need to get two things, like a chaise and a side table. I would enjoy looking through the store to see the supercool, expensive stuff I could save up for, or spend actual money to purchase game money for. Or even something I might buy in the real world.

Every day there are new items added to the store. I would love to look at the new things available each day and plan to buy them, by saving or spending real life cash.

That all being said, I'm obviously enjoying the game a lot. Here are some tips to maximize your in-game cash:

1) Don't squander your initial in-game cash and diamonds when you first start playing. I can't remember how much I got, but I paid no attention to how much my items cost. I just bought what I liked. You should purchase your first items with flexibility and budget in mind. Colors that go together or match lots of things. Styles that are not too "out there" so they match more things. Items that are cheaper, so you have lots of them.

2) Also on your first room... I read somewhere that you should take any items they give you for free. I can't remember what was available to me for free, but if they offer it, take it. Don't need to use it right away? Doesn't matter. Take it in whatever manner you can during that first room you decorate.

3) Do the daily challenge every day. There is $2500 in it for you upon completion. This is the biggest lump of game cash you can get, as far as I've played. If your daily challenge room isn't your best design, but it meets the requirements, that's ok. Submit and receive that $2500. Then go buy a couch or whatever you need.

4) Buy couches. I ran out of couches once and had to sit out (ha!) an entire day of challenges because you need a couch in almost every single living room challenge. The vast majority of challenges are living rooms.

5) If you can only create some lame-o mismatched garbage room for a challenge (other than the daily) with the pieces you own or have money to purchase, skip it. You may win a piece or two later in the day that you can use to make a great room. Most of the regular challenges only pay $500, so I'm really only doing those to try to win the item up for grabs. Those rooms should WOW, so you can win the prizes.

6) Buy items that go with things you already own, so you have some cohesive looks to put together.


Scream Queens

Monday, November 28, 2016

There are a couple of little girls a few doors down, maybe 3-4 years old. When they play outside, they scream blood-curdling, horror movie screams. I almost flew down there the first time I heard it. Well, I have finally become immune to them. Unfortunately that means that if there is any legitimate screaming (neighbor chops off an arm, poltergeist attack, alien abduction...), you'll find me oblivious, happily sipping tea on my back porch.

We watched Bad Moms, How to Be Single and Steve Jobs over the holiday. Bad Moms was pretty good! I would say definitely rent it. The other two were okay. There were about five minutes during How to Be Single where I was laughing SO hard, then other times when it was incredibly depressing. Steve Jobs was kind of "one note," basically repeating the same scene over and over through his years of work. That may have been how it happened, but it was a lot to sit through. And the ending was weird. Meh.

Sunday Stealing

How many Thanksgivings do you attend?

Where do you attend Thanksgiving(s)?
The last few years, we've been at Scott-n-Julie's or they have come here.

What is your favorite dish?
sweet potato casserole with brown sugar/pecan topping (no marshmallows please *shudder*)

What is your least favorite dish at Thanksgiving? 
We don't have anything I don't like. I guess I wouldn't want to have a plain green salad on Thanksgiving. Everything is pretty kicked up, so it would be comparatively lame.

What, if any, are your Thanksgiving traditions? 
We usually watch the Macy's parade on TV. We have a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The day after Thanksgiving is our Christmas decorating day.

Name your FAV thing about Thanksgiving. 
Hanging out with friends and/or family.

Do you make anything for Thanksgiving? If yes, share what and why.
I make it all, if we're here at the casa. I usually make turkey (only once have I made a whole one), dressing with gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole. We have other items that I don't make.

Out of everything you eat at Thanksgiving, what can YOU cook the best?
sweet potato casserole (I've mentioned this three times, so I guess this is where I should thank Ina for this recipe!)

What do you drink with your Thanksgiving feast?
wine and water

Has there ever been a feud during your Thanksgiving?

Do you have appetizers before your Thanksgiving meal?
Not usually. We start with the meal and work our way to games, puzzles and/or football or whatever comes next.

How many people attend your Thanksgiving(s)? If yes, who?
3-7, depending on the arrangements. This year it was Jeff, Lauren, Scott, Julie and I.

Have you ever missed a Thanksgiving?
Um, no. Even when we went to Thanksgiving Aggie games, we had Thanksgiving somewhere- my grandparents', College Station restaurants...

What kind of pie/cake/dessert do you eat for dessert?
apple or pumpkin pie

Do you ever play games at Thanksgiving?
Sometimes. I had a Mad Lib for everyone this year, but I forgot to hand it out!

Name 3 things you are thankful for:
Lauren's pain improvement, Jeff loving his job, my contract work flexibility

Name the funniest person at your Thanksgiving this year and tell us more.
Everyone in the group is pretty entertaining! We laugh a lot.

Which person eats the MOST?
Scott, because he also works out the most.

Which person eats the LEAST?

Do any animals attend Thanksgiving dinner? If so, do they get Thanksgiving scraps? 
No animals

Who carves the turkey?

Have you ever had to make Thanksgiving all on YOUR OWN?
A few times.

Do you get along with the people you have Thanksgiving with?
Very well!

Is your Thanksgiving formal, or do you just do whatever?
It's totally casual. We do manage to eat at the table as a group. With placemats.



Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Our was fabulous until the Aggie game. One day, we'll manage to stay in the top five through November. Not sure what the heck happens the last few weeks of the season, where we suddenly turn into a completely different team, but it's the weirdest, most frustrating thing ever. Gah!

Very happy for LSU's Coach Orgeron. He deserves that spot!

I think the Thanksgiving dishes took three loads in the dishwasher. There is no pain like putting flatware into the basket and slamming a fork tine underneath your fingernail. Yes?


Saturday 9: Baby's in Black (1964)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday, November 25, was "Black Friday," when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?
Nope. I was in my PJs all day, decorating for Christmas.

2) Feasting and football are also popular Thanksgiving weekend pastimes. Do your Thursday-Sunday plans include pigging out or watching a game?
Yes and yes. Watched a few college games.

3) At Thanksgiving dinners, Crazy Sam's homemade gravy is always a hit. (Probably because she's so generous with the cognac, which gives the gravy a nutty taste.) What was particularly delicious at your Thanksgiving table?
My slow cooker turkey breast and Scott's apple-cranberry pie.

4) Among the biggest the Black Friday advertisers are Target, Kohl's, Macy's and Best Buy. If you could have a $100 gift card to any one of those stores, which would you choose? 

5) This week's song, "Baby's in Black," is about a girl who wears black because she's in mourning. Do you find that the color you're wearing reflects your mood?
Nah. It's all about either looks or comfort, depending on the activities of the day.

6) The woman who inspired this song, Astrid Kirchherr, has been friends with Paul McCartney since he and his bandmates (John Lennon, George Harrison, Stu Sutcliffe and Pete Best) met her in Hamburg back in 1960. Tell us what you believe are the components of a strong, lasting friendship.
"getting" each other, similar sense of humor, good communication, mutual respect

7) In the early days of the Beatles, Paul McCartney and John Lennon began writing a play but abandoned it. Do you have a novel, painting, play, song or poem that you're going to finish "someday?"
My musical is on the back burner, waiting to get pen to paper.

8) When he was 16, George Harrison dreamed of moving to Canada, Australia or Malta. In just a few years, he would visit all those places with Beatles and eventually decided there was no place like home and stayed in England. Have you ever thought about moving to another country? If so, where?
I would enjoy a year or two living in the UK. I'd travel around Europe.

9) Random question: Finish this sentence -- If you want me to give you "yes" for an answer, the best time to approach me is _____________________.
Anytime! I come from a place of yes at all times of day.


Hollywood Guys

Friday, November 18, 2016

I always have funny conversations with my mother-in-law. She was here this week for a few days for Lolo's birthday. She was telling me that she recently had a conversation with her dermatologist about Lauren's pain. She said he was very compassionate and is such a great person. She and my father-in-law have been going to him for years.

MIL: His son-in-law is Tony Romo. His son is some kind of big Hollywood guy. His last name is Crawford. I guess his son's last name would be the same. Do you know who it is?
Me: Chace Crawford?

OK. Let's stop there for a second.

I'm 49. I barely even know who Chace Crawford is. I have no idea why his name would enter my consciousness. Or how I know that it's spelled with a C, not an S.

I blame this on TMZ.

Anyhoo... I told her to Google him.

Me: The first or second link that comes up should be his Wikipedia page. It should have his parents' names on it.

She gets out her phone.

MIL (reading): That's him! His father is a dermatologist in Dallas and his brother-in-law is Tony Romo.

YES! If you ever need information on "big Hollywood guys," I'm your source.

A little while later we were having one of those "what ever happened to [insert celebrity name here]" conversations. We didn't know what happened to any of them. Until...

MIL: Oh! I wonder what ever happened to that Doogie Howser kid. Remember him? He was really good in that role.

Ummm, yes. Such a talent. Gosh, I hope that guy isn't penniless.


Fun at the Dermatologist

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Will someone please poke me when it's safe to go back to Facebook? It looks like politics may have taken over permanently... well... except for on my neighborhood group, where the same old entertaining posts continue. One of the gals posted a video of herself lip-syncing in the aisles of our local grocery store to an old Pat Benatar song that was playing over the sound system. It was AWESOME and sort of makes up for having to sift through road rage-y posts and photos of dog poop. (Don't write off those obnoxious posts completely, because the comments can get pretty hilarious.)

I had a small, annoying dry skin patch- yeah, it has a medical name- on the bridge of my nose frozen at the dermatologist earlier this week. I've never had anything frozen before. The doc held what looked like a blow torch up to my face and said, "Close your eyes really tight."


Shouldn't the little skin spot have been painstakingly isolated and other areas protected? Perhaps some goggles would be in order? Maybe a shot of tequila? You cannot simply aim The Liquid Nitrogen Blow Torch of Doom at someone's face.


The spot is healing now, and the surrounding tissue is fine, so don't fear, if this happens to you.



Monday, November 14, 2016

Before Jeff left on a flight for Cali yesterday, he told me that if anything happens to him, I need to remember to pay the property taxes before December 31. And that, my friends, is how you know you've been working on your will for too long!

Oh, the Travis County election folks called him back about the thing where our write-in votes for President didn't show up on the "final results." They told us that the "final results" are unofficial, which is indeed noted in the PDF. They said the write-in votes are manually counted and will be included in the "official final results."


Write-in votes for Darrell Castle are clearly present. Did they only manage to count his votes for the unofficial final results?

When and where does one find the official final results? Will that be it, or are there approved official final results to come after that?

At least this has been a learning experience for how write-in voting works... or "sort of" works.

This will be two haiku in a row, since the first one I did (yesterday) turned out to be for last week. So, catching up...

Haiku Horizons prompt: "row"

the real Supermoon
rows of crazy football fans
pants down bottoms up


Size Matters

Sunday, November 13, 2016

I told him I was going to blog about this, so...

My husband doesn't know what shoe size he wears. Not. Even. Kidding. He bought socks labeled Mens Shoe Size 6-12, and wasn't even sure his size was within that range, y'all.

Yeah, I dunno about that.

In other news, I found a cool meme blog called Haiku Horizons. They post a weekly, one word haiku prompt. Neat, eh? Here we go.

Haiku Horizons prompt: "choose"

elect the POTUS

of Brussels sprouts or liver
choose your favorite


Saturday 9

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Saturday 9: Ballad of Gilligan's Island (1964)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This is about the fateful cruise of the S.S. Minnow. If you had a boat, what would christen it?

For me, in reality, this sort of decision would require months of angst, considering all options for the perfect name, but I would name it something funny with a pun in it, like Miss Behavin.

2) "No phone! No lights! No motorcar! Not a single luxury!" To Sam, those sound more like everyday essentials than luxuries. If you were shipwrecked with the gang, what standard amenity would you miss the most? 
the internet

3) The uncharted isle was in the Pacific, near Hawaii. Have you ever been to our 50th state?
Yes. One of my favorite vacations ever, and I wasn't even that thrilled about going! I thought it would be a heaping crapload of money to go to "just another beach." It was not like that at all. It's really a different culture, and so many varied types of terrain and the friendliest people. There was the big island, with its other-worldly volcano setting. The luaus and hulas and kalua pig. Pearl Harbor, such a moving memorial. Shave ice. Sealife Park, with its up-close and personal attractions. The pineapple maze. Beautiful rainforests. Afternoon rain. Several of the most gorgeous beaches (including a black sand beach) known to man. Dreamy and amazing!

4) Natalie Schafer, who played Mrs. Howell, refused to divulge her age. Are you honest about how old you are? Or do you fudge it?
I am honest about it. When I was around 35, I went through a few years where I avoided mentioning it. I felt a little old and looked younger than my age, so it worked for me, but even then, I never lied if I was asked.

5) Gilligan's Island featured many dream sequences. (Like the one where Gilligan dozes off and dreams that he's Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk.) Have you had any vivid dreams lately?
I always have vivid dreams when I wake up early in the morning and fall back asleep. In this morning's dream, I had a meeting at the office. When I got there, my boss escorted me to an auditorium, where I was expected to give a project update on stage, to about 300 people. (We actually have only about 40 folks in Austin.) Bonus- I had no idea what was going on with this particular project.

6) The pilot was filmed in November, 1963, in Honolulu. The cast and crew were actually onset when they learned of President Kennedy's assassination. Because on location filming was so expensive, they couldn't afford to take any time off. Tell us about a time when you had to work, even though your heart and head weren't in it. 
There were several times in high school when I had to hostess at the restaurant during a football game or other event. Sometimes my friends would come up after the game and we would sit in the bar and drink sodas and listen to the band. It wasn't too bad!

7) During the show's run, Mary Ann (Dawn Wells) was the clear fan favorite, receiving twice as many love letters as Ginger (Tina Louise). Have you ever written a fan letter (or posted a fan tweet or Facebook post)?
My friend and I ran a huge fansite for almost four years. Good times. I've never written to a celebrity. I've posted fan posts on Facebook a few times.

8) Sam chose this week's song because it was going through her head, over and over again! Tell us a song that burrows into your head and stays there.
"Sit Still Look Pretty" Daya. The chorus. The bridge. The whistling. Any of those can get stuck in my head!

9) Random question: You went to a discount store and got an amazing bargain -- a pair of dress shoes for just $4.99. You go to a formal event and someone compliments you on those great shoes and asks where you got them. Do you tell the truth?
Yep! Always happy to get (and share) a bargain.


Produce Woes

Thursday, November 10, 2016

I can only be burned by so many beautiful red pomegranates that turn out to be all brown and gross inside before I stop buying them.

That wasn't a metaphor for anything. I'm just seriously irritated with every deceptive pom out there.

Same to you, pineapples. You look summery sweet on the outside, but inside? Hard and sour. I like bananas. What you see is what you get with them.

(Still not trying to be metaphorical.)

Maybe it's HEB's fault. Don't make me dig out my Randalls card, Heeb! That thing is dusty and forgotten in my junk drawer, but I will use it if I need to.

iTunes Memery

1. Put your iTunes on shuffle, write down the first line of songs 1-5 and give them to me as a poem.

What I want, you've got
And it might be hard to handle
But like the flame that burns the candle
The candle feeds the flame
I am not Jasmine
I am Aladdin
So far ahead
These bums is laggin'
Styles keep a changin'
The world's rearrangin'
But Edna, you're timeless to me
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you
Tomorrow I'll miss you
They say that love finds its way home
Around all the snakes inside your heart

Not bad, actually!

2.  Put your iTunes on shuffle again and give me your favorite lyric from songs 1, 3 and 5.
"Disease" Matchbox Twenty: You're Hell on wheels in a black dress
"Not Over You" Gavin DeGraw: Dreams- that's where I have to go to see your beautiful face anymore
"Iris" Goo Goo Dolls: When everything feels like the movies, you bleed just to know you're alive

3. Put your iTunes on shuffle again. The title of song number 9 will be on your tombstone.


Ahh, cool.

This reminds me of when Bob played Lauren's high school for a fundraiser, and all the kids (and us parents) were singing along all night, with all the profanity, while he was singing clean lyrics. So funny.

4. Reshuffle. Find the lyrics on Google for song 6. Are there any you didn't know or had previously misheard?
Duran Duran "The Seventh Stranger"- I thought there was absolutely no way, but "No cigarette roaches on the table" is actually "No steel reproaches on the table." Hmm. Well, there you go.

5. Reshuffle one last time. Let's toast to the title of song 4!
Reptiles Theme! *clink*


Wow, Part II

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Your success as a family... our success as a nation... depends not on what happens inside the White House, but on what happens inside your house. -Barbara Bush 
Oh God. I'm posting twice in a day. It's just that... watching the posts on social media today has been painful.

One of the most beautiful things about democracy in the United States is the peaceful transition of power. We all agree that the winner has won. Not all of us agree with that person's proposed policies, but we move forward together, to make the country better.

I understood completely, after this insanely bitter campaign, that the loser's supporters, no matter who lost, would be angry, frustrated and fearful of what the country will be for the next four years. I also understood that the winner's supporters, no matter who won, would be jubilant and immensely relieved that things went their way. (We "lesser of two evils" and "no thanks to either one" folks have been drowning our general disappointment in alcohol and Häagen-Dazs for months now.)

The campaigns are over. Obama, Trump and Clinton have been very gracious and optimistic. Voter bickering and negativity will taper off in the coming days as emotions calm. I'm giving people room to vent or celebrate as they see fit, without writing them off, but there are a couple of things it makes me sad to see:

1) Trumpers talking smack about HC. You won. Just be positive and move forward. This is the part where the winners are gracious. Even before Clinton's and Obama's speeches this morning, a couple of my staunchly Democratic friends made heartfelt posts on social media, accepting the results and vowing to support the new president. If shocked and disappointed voters can muster that, surely the winners can stop sniping and pave the way for peaceful conversation again.

2) Clintoners fear-mongering. The president isn't king. He/she operates within the confines of the Constitution, which has checks and balances. Shame on those who have instilled irrational fear in their children, in particular. Your kids will suffer long after you've realized that life goes on. And don't even get me started on what I think of the comparison of voting day to 9/11. Jeezus. Really?
We're not Democrats first. We're not Republicans first. We are Americans first. We're patriots first. -Barack Obama



Trump wins? Surprising, even to him, I'm sure.

The media had us believing that Clinton was a shoo-in all this time, but she wasn't at all. And that is the danger of letting your personal views spin the news.

As I was planning to mention here this morning (about Ms. Clinton, but shock of all shocks, now about Mr. Trump), that we needn't fear that half the country is "crazy" to elect this person. Probably at least half of them voted for him because they felt they had no good choice and he was the lesser of two evils. I blame the Democrats for not backing a more electable candidate. They put all their eggs in her basket from early on, and it was a huge mistake.

During the primaries, I think Trump was the vote for big change in government. Many people who voted for him then didn't really think he would actually be the party candidate, but it felt good to send a message that they wanted a shake up in Washington DC. It turned out, there were more "big change" voters that anyone thought, and he became their guy. I don't think there was anything they could have done to change that. The voters had spoken.

I have hope that Trump will select quality, politically experienced people for his cabinet, including a few Dems, perhaps from his liberal past. I hope that they are exceedingly knowledgeable and can help him to become more presidential. One thing I know about him from the election season is that he is easily swayed to a softer stance after he becomes informed about issues. Perhaps his cabinet, Congress and others can inform him of the big picture, so he can take his "shock value" ideas and evolve them into reasonable policies.

I do have one big problem with this election. Jeff's and my presidential votes weren't counted.

If you look at the Travis County election results, and click the plus sign next to General Election, you will see that the only Presidential write-in who got any votes at all was Darrell Castle. Well, we both voted for another write-in candidate, and those two votes are NOT shown for him, with all precincts reporting. We were careful to spell it correctly, so I have no idea what happened there.

It makes you wonder. Were our other votes on this ballot counted? Was it only an issue with write-ins or a more wide-sweeping issue? Was it a glitch?

I am also disappointed that Prop 1 passed here in Austin. Congratulations, tax-n-spend Austin City Council. Glad to know that my fellow Austinites feel that what we really need is more sidewalks and bike trails to get our unbearable traffic moving.

One funny spot last night- this on The Daytripper's FB page, with the hashtag "ElectionNight":

Love Airplane. It never gets old.


Austin Parade of Homes Fall 2016

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Went with Jeff, Julie and KathyL to the Parade of Homes today in Dripping Springs. This year there are four homes and also several new homes open for viewing in the rest of the Caliterra neighborhood. The Parade homes are very pretty and we got a ton of ideas there, as usual. My favorite was a tub with an entire wall length cutout for shampoos and such, rather than just a rectangular cubby. This wasn't from the house we saw, but just as an example...

Cool, eh? So much space for products!

Our other fave- residential artificial turf. It was SO nice. Who knew? $12-14 per square foot installed. No watering, no mowing/edging, no weeding, always pretty and green. Check it out.

Next HBA Parade of Homes is in May!

Interesting Questions Part 1

1. If you could have the chance to make out with 5 celebrities, who would you choose and why?
George Clooney
Adam Levine
Joe Manganiello
Gerard Butler
Colin Farrell

Because... have you seen them?

2. If you had to be straight/gay for a day (whichever you’re currently not!), what celebrity would you most like to take on a date?
Jennifer Lopez. She's so gorgeous and seems really fun, too.

3. What is the biggest injury you’ve ever sustained and how did you do it?
When I was 5, I was walking along a 2x4 in a pile of construction debris at our apartments, and stepped over onto a nail, sticking up through another plank. It went through my shoe and almost through the top of my foot.

4. What is the most unusual food you’ve ever eaten?

5. What is the most unique animal you’ve ever touched?

6. What are the top 5 most contrasting songs on your iTunes?
"Whip in My Valise" Adam and the Ants
"Just Can't Wait to be King" Aaron Carter
"Alcohol" Brad Paisley
"Knights of Cydonia" Muse
"Missing You Now" Kenny G and Michael Bolton

7. Which 3 countries would you LEAST like to live in and why?
Of course, I wouldn't want to live anywhere that is war torn or impoverished, like Afghanistan, Mozambique or Haiti.

8. If you could make just ONE change to this world, what would it be and why?
Give a living wage job to everyone who wants one. I think this would significantly reduce terrorism (less disenfranchised people joining those groups), poverty, and a whole lot of other world ills.

9. If you could wake up tomorrow and be fluent in 3 additional languages, which would you choose?
Spanish, German and French

10. Which would you rather out of these 3 options? A- Be good looking and extremely intelligent but so poor you live on the streets. B- Be extremely intelligent and a millionaire but what society classes as ugly. Or C- Be good looking and a millionaire but extremely academically challenged? Why?
B- Being financially stable would be my first priority. Then I would rather be smart than pretty, so I understand the how the world works.



Saturday, November 5, 2016

Watching the 'Bama/LSU game. Roll tide.

Miss. State 35

Yeah, so... WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE IN AGGIE JERSEYS, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH OUR AGGIES? I have no words. Okay, just a few. The team was unrecognizable today. You can't underestimate the opposition, no matter their record this season.

There were a few magical moments of Aggie awesomeness, but otherwise, it was all horse crap. Special teams, offense and defense all looking like they couldn't care less. And we lost Knight. Hubenak did pretty well, but with what he had to work with today, it wasn't enough to pull out the win.

The only good thing about today's game was that CBS wasn't calling it. Woohoo!

BTHO Ole Miss!

Saturday 9: Hold It Against Me (2011)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Britney Spears addresses this song to a dance partner when she hears her favorite song. What song always makes you want to get up and dance?

"Can't Stop the Feeling'" JT

2) She sings that she needs a vacation. How about you? If you could escape anywhere for an affordable three-day weekend, where would you go?
wine tour in Fredericksburg, stay at a winery or a B&B

3) Britney shows off her dance moves in this video. Her coordination shouldn't be surprising, since she was already an accomplished gymnast in grade school. If we asked you to turn a somersault right now, could you do it?
Uhhh, maybe. I thought I could do a cartwheel about ten years ago, and was sadly mistaken. I could probably manage a somersault.

4) Britney's first and only feature film was Crossroads, written by Shonda Rhimes. Ms. Rhimes is famous for writing popular TV series including Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, The Catch and How to Get Away with Murder. Have you watched any Shonda Rhimes shows?
Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice

5) Britney admits to smoking and biting her nails. Do you share either of these bad habits?

6) Britney prefers Margherita pizza to thin slice or deep dish pizza. What's your pizza preference?
white sauce, salami and pepperoncini peppers on hand tossed crust

7) In 2011, when this song was popular, Prince William's wedding to Kate Middleton was big news. Are you a royal watcher?
Not really, but I enjoy hearing about them now and again.

8) Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died in 2011. Do you have a Mac, an iPad or an iPhone?
Yes, yes and yes.

9) Random question: Which friend annoys you more- the one who interrupts you all the time, or the one who is never on time?
one who interrupts, because I've learned to handle lateness by scheduling those people early


Guess I'll Cancel that UnREAL Tattoo

Thursday, November 3, 2016

How great is it, that there is an article out there with the headline Constance Zimmer Doesn't Want You to Get a "Money. Dick. Power." Tattoo?  Ha!

Constance Zimmer and Rashida Jones look alike. Right?

Am I the first to mention this? 'Cuz I was a little late to the "Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel must be the same person because we never see them together" thing.

Incidentally, Rashida is the daughter of Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton. Pretty cool, eh? (I've known that since she was on The Office, so I'm not late to that party.)

So. Last Friday night, we came home from dinner and smelled something weird. It smelled like a candle had just been blown out, but we couldn't find the source of the smell. Then we tried to turn on the TV, but the satellite box wouldn't come on. The smoky smell was coming from the box. Yikers!

We called DirectTV customer service and had a terrible experience. We've been paying $8 a month for a couple of years now for "maintenance and free upgrades to the newest receiver." We've never needed a repair and didn't request new equipment during that time. We asked to get the newer receiver, but the person insisted that we should wait to upgrade after a "replacement" with the same model we already had. (We determined after the call that the newer receiver just accommodates 4k televisions and we don't have one, so it doesn't matter. There still wasn't any reason for them to deny it.)

She abruptly said goodbye, without any information on what would happen next. We stopped her and asked when we would get the new box. She said next WEDNESDAY. It's three-day shipping, not counting weekends.

We ended that call and called back. We asked if they could ship the box overnight. The guy said no. It's three-day shipping. We asked if we could pick one up at an AT&T Store, or if someone could bring one to us locally. No. We asked if we could get credit for the days we'd be without service. The guy offered three days at first, but we reminded him that it was five days. They agreed to credit us for five days.

Then we asked to speak with a supervisor. The guy asked what we wanted to tell the supervisor.


We explained that there wasn't anything wrong with what the guy had done; we just wanted to ask someone else if there was really no way to send the box overnight. (College football Saturday, people! Hello!) Finally the guy transferred us to a supervisor.

The supervisor reiterated that they only ship three-day. We mentioned other businesses, like Amazon, could have a replacement product to us Saturday morning, within hours, and asked if there was truly no way to ship it faster. She said no, but she would take another $15 off our bill this month.

We spent Friday night on the web, looking into Google Fiber, Dish, Spectrum and U-Verse.

The satellite box ended up arriving Monday, having been shipped overnight. Really?

We did manage to stream the Aggie game via AppleTV on Saturday. Lauren kept getting ESPN updates on her phone about 45 seconds prior to every big play, which was hilarious.

Aggies #4 in the FBS rankings! WHOOP!


She Could See Around Corners and Stuff

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

In honor of last night's Halloween festivities... here is one of my all-time favorite comedy sketches:

Bwahaha!!! Priceless.


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