Are we sick of the Hollywood chicks yet?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I've now had my fill of the Lindsay Lohans and Britney Spears-es-es of the world. I don't even feel sorry for them anymore. They're just really pathetic. And all that drunk driving without a license out there is going to kill someone eventually.
... moving on...
Anderson Cooper has been praised for his YouTube CNN debate moderating. I didn't watch, but I hear he pressed the candidates for REAL answers! Go AC! I hope he does the same with the Republicans.
Turns out the cheer team missed Grand Champion by one point in Padre. Argh. What can you do.
DD and her friends saw Chuck and Larry. They declared it "TMI, but funny." There's the review for the middle school set. Oh, and Lance Bass is evidently in there somewhere.
I have finished watching Season 3 of "Entourage" on DVD. It was great! DH watched this season, and he actually likes the show. Now if he could just get "The Office."
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