Free credit reports and stuff
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Here is the official website for getting those free annual credit reports. Don't be fooled by others that want to charge you for various things.
In other news... Let's run down the list of things that have broken on us in the last month or so:
1. Roof leak and damage due to hail- replacing roof next week
2. Refrigerator froze up- replaced
3. DH's computer dead- replaced
4. Torrential window leak and collateral damage- fixing tomorrow
5. DH's car battery dead- replaced
Yikes! lol. I know the car battery seems like a little thing, but it was that last comical straw that made us roll our eyes and wonder when the air conditioner is going to go.
Laura has a nodule on her vocal cords, and cannot speak for the next week. No whispering either. Yucko! I wonder if she'll be able to do it.
Watched Last King of Scotland last night. Disturbing and gross. It was pretty good, but I don't like that they sort of dropped the whole story of the guy and his colleague's wife.
I loved Ali Wentworth on The View today. Is she hilarious or what?! And she made a Clooney joke, which I always appreciate.
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