Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We've been hanging out with great friends, seeing movies and visiting family for the past week-and-a-half. I don't have to go back to work until the 2nd, so... YAY!

Loved The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (excellent effects) and loved Hunger Games: Catching Fire even more (Stanley Tucci just cracks me up!). American Hustle (Bradley Cooper and stuff) and Frozen (Lauren says it rocks) are next on our list.

(I should do all my movie reviews in parentheses.)

We finally watched the last two episodes of The Sing-Off (congrats to Home Free!). Nick Lachey hosts and he was the mentor for the second-to-last show. When he came walking up to Home Free while they were practicing, one of the guys commented, "Gosh darn it, he's pretty." I almost giggled myself onto the floor, because it was so funny... and because I was thinking the same thing. 98 Degrees sang "I'll Be Home for Christmas" a capella on the finale. Their vocals were tight! Beautiful.

Gosh darn it. He is pretty.

I was talking about cooking shows with one of our recent interviewees at work (yeah, I start my interviews with hobbies and favorite TV shows and eventually work my way to human research ethics and methodologies) when he mentioned he is a fan of a YouTube series called Epic Meal Time. I finally had time to check it out. It's pretty entertaining. It's some guys cooking and eating various outrageous concoctions of bacon and stuff.

We're having friends over to watch the Aggies bowl game (BTHO Duke!) for New Year's Eve. Hope you all have a wonderful NYE and I'll see ya' in 2014.


Three Months and I'm Still Sober

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Every time I hear "Sober" by Kelly Clarkson, it gets me teary. Just that first strumming of the guitar starts it. I'm not even sure why. It's been a dang long time since I endured a breakup. I guess it's just a really emotional song and Kelly hits every word and note perfectly.

...I don't know, I could crash and burn, but maybe 
at the end of this road I might catch a glimpse of me...

I love that she tells the little story about her inspiration for writing the song in this particular video:

The Sing Off combined two of my favorite things last night- movies and music. And we got to see the best performance so far this season!

For those who don't watch, The Filharmonic are young Filipino guys who are basically a boy band without instruments. Great dancers, very cool. Home Free are mostly country and they cannot dance or do choreography to save their lives. So the two groups had a little fun with each other in the Ultimate Sing Off Battle (they both made it through... long story... six groups participated altogether...):

Rob doing the gopher dance- Ahahahaha!!


Elgin Christmas Trees and Sausage

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Went with Scott 'n' Julie to Elgin yesterday. We had barbecue at the Southside Market, which was amazing (I still have an unholy love for Salt Lick's sauce, but the meat at Southside was outstanding!). We visited a couple of Christmas tree farms.

Scott/Julie cut their own real tree, which I have never done. It was pretty cool! I would love to cut our own next year, but since it's mildly toxic to cats, and I'm SURE ours will chew it, I don't think it will be a great idea. Superfun to go with someone else though!

It was pretty funny judging all the trees and then trying to remember which was which, while winding back through the rows to find "that one with the sticky-outy branch that we liked so much." We even got a free hayride out of it. It was crazy cold though. Good gawd. Next year- double the clothing.

The funniest part of our afternoon was at a sausage market whose name I won't mention here, because I don't want to get anyone in trouble. An older lady was serving samples. I didn't see any of the sage sausage I had specifically come to buy, which I've loved since we had to actually make the trip to Elgin to get it when I was nine or ten years old. I asked her if they had any in the back or if they still made it at all. She squinched up her face very dramatically and said, "Ewww. Sage? I hate that one." She actually shuddered. "You can just get that at HEB."

Ironically, I had explained to our friends on the way there that HEB (our regional grocery store) used to carry it, but hasn't stocked that flavor for at least 10 years. Maybe in Elgin they do.

I said I would check with the guy behind the counter to see if they had some in the back.

"I also hate the garlic," she added. "Actually, the only one I like is the jalepeno-n-cheese."

Ahahahaaaa! Don't hold back.

So funny.

Luckily, I knew exactly what I was buying, so I was unswayed by her bashing of it. I bought them out of every package of sage sausage they had (5).

Sunday Stealing: The Blerp Meme

When you get a headache do you take painkillers right away or try to wait it out?

I try to wait it out.

Is there a really funny YouTube video you’d like to recommend to me?
From Austin's awesome O Henry Punoff. Punniest in Show 2012:

"This is just what Noah stood on the ARKansas..." Hee!

Did you watch Sesame Street when you were little? 
of course

What’s the last thing you touched, other than your computer?
my phone

When was the last time you talked to your best friend?

How often do you listen to music?
at least twice a day, usually more often

What color is your cell phone? 
black, but it has a white cover

What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you drank?

Do you like to wear sweatpants? 
I have mixed feelings about sweats. They are the most comfortable clothing known to mankind, but they are also the sloppiest. I feel so comfortable, but I also feel like a total slacker.

What song are you currently listening to? Who sings it?
The Fray "Love Don't Die"

Have you ever gotten a black eye? 

What caused it? 
N/A (I'm a data manager to the end. No blank answers, please.)

How many times have you checked up on your ex? 
Well... Facebook shouldn't count, because it's a passive observation of whatever they're putting out for public knowledge, right? Excluding Facebook, never. Now, people have occasionally told me things about them over the years, but I don't contact them.

If you had to get a tattoo what would it be? 
a very small Texas A&M ATM logo on my ankle

How many tabs are open right now?
4 - Blogger, Facebook, Google Image Search, YouTube

Are you scared of needles? 

Do you believe love can last forever? 

Are good-byes easy or hard for you? 

Would you rather sing or dance?


Friiiiiii-daaaaay! YEEAH.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Those of you who don't have a balance disorder might be interested to know that parking garages sway a lot. Only a few things make me feel woozy, but swaying floors (like at the Erwin Center when Bruno Mars is performing) will do it.

In other news... Oh the drama at work. Holy. Crapsticks.

That's all I have to say about that.

(That video's for you, CJ. *snort*)

So... people are talking about the newly cast actress who will play Wonder Woman in the movie. Most are complaining that she is too thin to play the part. I agree. A tiny, waifish woman isn't going to save anyone from a burning building or bash around some collossal bad guy. She's gorgeous, but it's just like casting Adam Levine as Thor. Not that he isn't hot as all get-out, but he doesn't have a superhero body. ("Yoga body," remember? *ahem* Get out your mats, ladies...)

And now I'm going to have some wine and start my weekend. (You may think I've already been drinking, but no!) I hope you have all had a wonderful week and will have an even better weekend!


Saturday Nine

Saturday, November 30, 2013

I had to laugh the other day when the folks on The Chew (I record it- one of the best shows on TV) were discussing Adam Levine as People Magazine's choice for Sexiest Man Alive. Everyone was very complimentary except Daphne, who winced and said he was cute but she prefers a bulkier guy, rather than Adam's small frame and thin "yoga body." I am totally with her on that (and to each her own- there are plenty of women who dig it)... but I think he is the "package" guy- he has a combination of several very attractive traits. The funniest thing about Adam at our house is that he's exactly halfway between my age and Lauren's age, and we both drool over him and giggle at all his jokes every week on The Voice, while Jeff rolls his eyes. Great pick, People Mag!

Saturday 9: Back to Black

1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday, November 29, was "Black Friday," when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?

I scored big Black Friday bargains at the outlet mall on Tuesday. I got some new boots for half price. (BOOTS! Yay!) Got a couple of cute winter tops, too. I haven't started shopping for Christmas yet, but I'll do most of that online.

2) Legend has it that Black Friday began as a neighborhood phenomenon among store owners in Philadelphia back in the early 1960s. What else comes to mind when you think of Philly?
the Founding Fathers and American history

3) Feasting and football are also popular Thanksgiving weekend pastimes. Do your Thursday-Sunday plans include pigging out or watching a game?
We've already been watching games out the yang. Two huge games today- the Iron Bowl (Alabama/Auburn- go Auburn!!) and Texas A&M/Mizzou (BTHO Missouri!). We had Thanksgiving lunch at the Lakeway Spa and Resort. It was VERY good. I think we all did pretty well at not "pigging out" there. I have no desserts at the house, only cut up veggies, so there isn't any pigging out going on here.

4) At Thanksgiving dinners, Crazy Sam's homemade gravy is always a hit. (Probably because she's so generous with the cognac, which gives the gravy a nutty taste.) Do you have a signature dish?
Nah. Everyone likes my sweet potato casserole the best though.

5) Among the biggest the Black Friday advertisers are Target, Kohl's, Macy's and Best Buy. If you could have a $100 gift card to any one of those stores, which would you choose?

6) You're in a public restroom that offers both paper towels and a hot air hand dryer. Which one do you choose?
paper towels

7) While Back to Black is the best-selling Amy Winehouse CD, her first was called Frank, named for her hero, Frank Sinatra. Tell us about someone who inspires you.
My grandpa inspires me. He's 93 and still very active in his church and with his friends. He goes to the gym every morning. He still has his great sense of humor and tells wonderful stories of all the interesting things he's done and places he's been.

8) Do you consider yourself a pessimist or an optimist?


9) Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone (a verbal conversation -- not an exchange of texts)?



Friday, November 29, 2013

I've done a lot of Zumba, but I hadn't taken a Zumba class at a gym until Crystal and I went last Sunday morning. It was superfun! I'll go with a friend to a gym (depending on what we're signing up for), but I just don't ever see myself joining a gym again and going on my own. It's just too easy to work out at home, if it's not going to be a social activity. No makeup required, no perfectly coiffed hair, no extensive supercute wardrobe of workout wear, no driving and gas costs, no certain time I have to be there... But it's perfect for the Ladies of Data Ops workouts, especially now that it's 32 degrees outside! Most gyms do punch cards now, so you get 5 or 10 classes at a time.

Jennifer Lopez sang several Spanish songs at the AMAs last weekend. One of them is on the Zumba  DVD set. The second the music began to play, Lauren and I looked at each other and said simultaneously, "ZUMBAAAA!"

'Twas hilarious.

The in-laws are here through tomorrow. We'll be trying to figure out things to do today that don't require driving near any shopping. For those of you venturing into the Black Friday abyss, I wish you good luck! (I bought a bunch of stuff at the outlet mall earlier this week at the pre-Black-Friday Black Friday sales, where several stores were 50% off everything. Yeah, baby!)

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. What about your current career would you most regret not doing if you changed careers tomorrow?
Contributing to a process that saves lives and improves quality of life. For example, I'm currently the DM on the study for a drug that appears to reduce the mortality rate for a particular illness from its current 87% to just over 1.5%.

2. When it comes to your weight and your mental picture of yourself, do you think it’s easier to see yourself heavier than you actually are or lighter than you actually are? 
I don't know which is easier, but I've looked in a mirror and seen myself at times in my life as thinner than I was and at other times as heavier than I was. It's not good to see yourself as anything but the size you are, so I think neither is easier. You really have to be aware of your body and it's true appearance to make better choices in eating and exercise, whether you're thin, average or overweight.

3. If you had no idea how old you actually were and someone asked your age, would your answer more likely be older or younger than your true age? 


4. What aspect of your personality would most influence your answer to question #3? 

the desire to really "live" and have as many positive experiences in life as I can fit in

5. If you had to pick one or the other (no “equal mix of both”), do you tend to be more of a visionary or more practical in how you address problems? 

More practical.

6. Do you feel that you are better or worse at solving problems than a person who’d answer question #5 the opposite way you did?
I think 95% of the time, the practical solution is the most desired and most successful. I did make a notable visionary suggestion back in the day, when I offered the idea of using 3-part NCR for a study document that we were photocopying back in 1992. We used it for the next study we did and today it's the industry standard. (Not to suggest that I swayed the entire industry... I'm sure all the "occasionally visionary" data managers across the country were thinking the same thing! Why are we wasting time and causing ourselves problems photocopying these documents?)


Don't Ship Your Pants, But...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

...I may be the only person in America who had NEVER seen this commercial.

Bwahahaaaaa! *wipes tears*

Saturday 9: Sugar Shack
This song was popular 50 years ago today. Hear it here.

1) In this song, our hero orders espresso. What's your standard coffee order?

iced skinny mocha

2) Originally the phrase "sugar shack" meant a small cabin where sap from maple trees was boiled into syrup. So for breakfast today, would you rather pour syrup on pancakes, french toast or waffles?

3) The name of the group that recorded this song is The Fireballs. "Fireballs" is also the brand name of a red hot jawbreaker. Do you like cinnamon?
I like cinnamon, but not any of the cinnamon candies.

4) In 1963, when this song was a hit, newscaster Walter Cronkite was one of the most trusted and influential men in the country. Do you have a favorite TV newsperson?
Diane Sawyer and Anderson Cooper

5) The Rambler was named 1963 Car of the Year by Motor Trend, and their most popular model was a 9-passenger station wagon. What's the car of your dreams?

6) The Zip Code was first introduced in 1963. How many different Zip Codes have you had throughout your life?

Nine-  67549 (Germany), 77502 (Pasadena), 66215 (Lenexa), 77507 (Pasadena), 77089 (Houston), 77573 (League City), 77840 (College Station... x2), 78741 (Austin), 78739 (Austin... x2)

7) What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up this morning?
My menu for tomorrow through Saturday, while the in-laws are here.

8) Are you a good pool player?
Not at all. Love to play though.

9) Do you actually make a wish when you blow out your birthday candles?


The Thankgiving Meme

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Congrats to LSU on their win yesterday. It's been a looooong time since we had a game like that. Hopefully it'll be a long time until we have another one! BTHO Mizzou!

This week on my radio station's morning show, they were talking about "tombstone texts." Your tombstone text is the last text you sent or received. That's what will be on your tombstone. The funniest one was Sandy's: "I got the big one this morning." (His buddy had shot a huge buck or bison or something.)


My tombstone text is: "Back late tonight." (Kathy was on her way home from France yesterday and texted me from the Chicago airport.)

Sunday Stealing: The Thanksgiving Meme

1. What do you have for breakfast on Thanksgiving?
Something small. Usually cereal.

2. Do you go to a Thanksgiving parade or watch one on TV?
We watch one on TV.

3. Do you serve appetizers, lunch, or snacks during the day?

Limited snacks for football game watching.

4. What are the traditional favorites?
When I cook: kicked-up Pepperidge Farm herb stuffing, traditional green bean casserole, a sweet potato casserole with pecan brown sugar topping (no marshmallow- Icko!), canned jellied cranberry sauce (the best!), rolls with butter, turkey, apple pie. Super traditional.

5. What new recipes will you try this year?

We're going to a hotel dinner with the in-laws, but I will be making a coworker's amazing Almond Joy Balls to have at home.

6. What part of the meal do you never compromise?

The sweet potato casserole is a requirement. I've occasionally switched turkey for ham, switched up the way I make the stuffing, done different breads, but the sweet potato casserole is always present in its native form. It's one of several fantastic recipes I make from my old BFF, Ina. Thanks Ina!

7. Who gets to carve the turkey?
Jeff, because he likes to use the electric knife.

8. Family style around the table or buffet style and everyone sits wherever there’s room?
Ha! We have it set up buffet-style, but we all sit together at the table.

9. How many will be at your table this year?
Should be 6.

10. Once you're at the table, do you say grace or a toast or does everyone go around and say what they're thankful for?
If the in-laws are here, or the past couple of years when we've had Thanksgiving with Scott-n-Julie, we say grace. Some years, someone will have everyone say what they're thankful for and some years, it doesn't come up.

11. Cranberry sauce… yay or nay?

12. What time do you eat Thanksgiving Dinner?
Usually between 11 and 2.

13. Three best pies for Thanksgiving dessert?
apple, pumpkin and fudge pecan

14. Do you have dessert right after the main meal or later on?
Usually later.


Hallelujah, It's Vacation Time!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I mentioned one of the songs that makes me cry, "Hallelujah," recently here in response to a meme question. The very next day, Matthew Schuler sang it on The Voice. OMG. One of the best renditions ever...

And I am officially on vacation for the next week. WOOO-freakin-HOOO!

Sunday Stealing: The ASK Meme, part one

1. What’s your favorite candle scent? 
I like apple and berry scents.

2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister? 
Hmm. Interesting question, which I've never seen in a survey. I guess it would be fun to have Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as sisters.

3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Yeesh. Um... Vince Vaughn would be a good big brother to have.

4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married? 
Ahh, now questions 2 and 3 are making a lot more sense. I think I'll be... 23 years and two months old.

5. Do you know a hoarder? 
I don't think so. Would many people actually know if they knew a hoarder? I'm guessing hoarders don't have guests over much.

6. Can you do a split? 
I wish.

7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? 
We were in Kansas, so I must have been 5. Daddy taught me in the parking lot of our apartment complex.

8. How many oceans have you swam in? 
Two- Pacific and Atlantic. 

9. How many countries have you been to? 
10: Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas, St. Martin (a territory of France), St. Maarten (a territory of the Netherlands), Dominican Republic, Haiti, Canada, Germany, Great Britain

10. Is anyone in your family in the military? 
My grandfather and my uncle are both retired army colonels.

11. Have you named any of your body parts? 
I've named my pinky toe Sparkles.

(Nah, I haven't.)

12. If you had a child today, what would you name him/her? 
Ethan or Samantha.

13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test? 
Something in the 30's in Circuit Theory in college.

14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? 
Electric Company, Zoom and Sesame Street

15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
I have no idea.

16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? 
Not a one.

17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? 
I would rather have an American accent and go out with a guy with a British accent.

18. Did your mother go to college? 
No. She went to secretarial school and then straight to Europe to meet hot foreign guys work.

19. Are your grandparents still married? 
My maternal grandparents were married were until my grandmother died. Then Christine and Grandpa were married until she died. My paternal grandparents were also married until Dad's father died and then again until his stepdad died. Hmm! Hadn't thought about that.

20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? 

21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? 

22. What was the first amusement park you’ve been to?
I'm pretty sure my parents took me to Six Flags Over Mid-America when we lived in Kansas when I was in kindergarten.

23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? 

24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? 
"Grey," because that spelling seems greyer than "gray."

25. Is your father bald? 


Pets and Furniture

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Yesterday, we were shopping for a new sofa. We mentioned to the sales guy that we have two cats, so not only are we limited to colors that won't show black, white or orange fur, but we are limited to non-leather fabrics that won't show or be damaged too much by the occasional claw mark.  They don't scratch on furniture, but they do run around like mad every now and then, leaving claw marks here and there.

The sales guy laughed and told us about his yellow lab, who "ate a chair" when he was a teething puppy. They had an old upholstered chair in a spare room they just let the puppy chew on. When the teething process and chewing ended, they put the trashed chair in the back of a pickup and drove it to the nearest "Dempsey dumpster."

Stop here to note that I haven't heard anyone refer to a "Dempsey dumpster" since 1978. That made me laugh.

They asked the store owner if they could throw it away in their dumpster.

The store owner said, "Sure, but what IS it?"


Saturday 9: 1, 2, 3, 4

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, the singer tells his girl he appreciates how she makes him feel. Who is the most supportive person in your life?
CJ. That girl would support me masterminding a bank heist. She would say, "Have you thought this through? Okay, well... I always thought you'd be a fabulous bank heister! Call me when you're done, because I want to hear all about it!!"

2) Our singer only has to count to 4, which is a cinch. Do you understand the more sophisticated math sciences, like geometry and algebra?
Oh yes. Calculus. Diff EQ. Whatever. Bring it on.

3) This video features a couple who shared their first kiss behind the high school. Tell us about your first kiss.
My first real kiss was with my first boyfriend when I was 15 (he was 16). We had just come home from a date and he lingered on the porch with me for a few minutes, before kissing me goodnight. I was very cool and said goodnight and then he headed out. I went inside the house and as soon as the door closed, I started squealing, "Eeeeeeeee!" and practically ran to tell my mom he had kissed me. (Lauren finds this story hilarious.)

4) Filmed in Chicago, this video features the Art Institute of Chicago, home to works by Monet, Gauguin and Van Gogh. How do you express your creativity? (Draw, paint, write, sing or play music ... )
When I have time, I write song lyrics. I've written several parodies of popular songs as well. The past few years, I've created Photoshop birthday messages and images, from several "custom Google pages" to a Real Housewives of Austin photo with our heads on the NYC Housewives' bodies.

5) Chicago is home to two of the world's tallest buildings -- the Willis aka Sears Tower and The John Hancock Center (which appears briefly in this video). Both have observation decks that offer panoramic views of the city. Are you afraid of heights? 
Sort of. I would more specify my fear is of looking down from a height, when there is a possibility, no matter how remote (like the CN Tower glass floor), that I could fall over, through or down. I do love a great view from an airplane or the top of a building.

6) The Plain White T's got their start in Lombard, a suburb of Chicago and home to Yorktown Center -- a huge, two story shopping mall. Do you enjoy going to the mall, or would you rather shop online, or in small, independent stores?
I like all three!

7) Naturally Yorktown Center has a food court. Would you prefer a pretzel from Auntie Anne's, a cinnamon roll from Cinnabon or a cookie from Mrs. Field's? 
pretzel from Auntie Anne's

8) While we're at the mall … Imagine you're at the customer service counter of a big department store. As you wait for help, you see an older lady pocket a Timex watch. Would you turn her in or look the other way?
I would TOTALLY turn her in. I would probably make a scene, actually.

9) Which puzzle would you have more success with: crossword or sudoku?


Random Wednesday

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's incredibly strange to see a friend become Facebook friends with the ADULT CHILD of one of your high school pals. I just can't believe my high school buddies have adult children. The whole thing is just superweird.

Speaking of adult children, my baby turns twenty this weekend, so, there's that.

And speaking of disturbing things (segueing--- it's an art)... Is anyone else completely creeped out that there is a student/school-nurse relationship happening on Glee? That's how you know you've run out of plot lines. You pitch the idea that a student gets it on with the nurse. During school. And your colleagues go, "YES! Let's run with that." Set it to happy, cheesy music and no one will notice the inappropriateness. Ack.

Speaking of boyfriends... Cathy has a new boyfriend. Billy! (♪ Weeee waaaant Biiiilly. Wheeeere iiiiiiis Biiiiilly? B-I-double L-Y, we're aaaaaall hiiiiiiis...) Billy lives here in Austin, so she'll be here more often. How awesome is that? We're going to do the double date thing next time she's up. She was here last weekend and he had to work on Saturday, so she ended up going to the game with me. It worked out perfectly! Maybe she'll finally move here. We'll see if Billy makes it past Cathy's three-week relationship limit. (Ahahaa. J/K, CJ!)

Speaking of... um... quantum leaps... Most of the girls from work feel guilty about things like getting manicures on their WFH days. I go grocery shopping on my WFH days and I don't feel guilty one bit. I do feel guilty writing in my blog at the moment. But I can't access the work computer right now, so what am I supposed to do? :)

During my teleconference this morning with Matthew at our England vendor, he told me that they are in the middle of their company's annual "American Thanksgiving Bake-Off." He has entered a Coca-Cola Pecan Pie. If he wins the department, he advances to the company-wide competition. Winners from the company-wide contest are able to enter the Christmas Bake-Off in December. Superfun!!

Meanwhile, back at my company, a data management girls' trip is in discussion. I was thinking Vegas. Crystal was thinking New Zealand. Seriously. (I guess if I were 29 and single, I'd say New Zealand, too. But mama needs a new kitchen, so not this year.)

Alright... going to try my work connection again...


Thanks for the Memories

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Emotional final game at Kyle Field as we know it. It was Senior Day most likely Johnny's and definitely all the seniors' last game there. (Probably Evans's as well. Waaah!) The players' parents were on the field with them for the pre-game War Hymn. The big donors did the Kyle Field renovation ground breaking. President Bush Sr. and Barbara were there. Michael Wacha was on the sidelines. Dat Nguyen popped in. The Governor was the co-pilot on the flyover (really? Is Goodhair qualified for that?) and made an appearance. Just a VIP afterparty vibe all night.

The game couldn't have been more exciting. The blocked punt for a safety in the first quarter was the play of the game. It really got the crowd excited and the mood only grew from there. And OMG- HELLO DEEEEE-FENSE! Amazing D. I was so happy for them and the great plays they had. They're finally getting those tackles consistently. And they're still a bit smaller and younger than the SEC competition, so their success is especially impressive.

The big play offense continued its roll. Evans was double-covered all night, so he was limited, but Labhart was able to step forward and was SO terrific! What a great night for him, his last game in College Station.

And of course, Johnny was... well... Johnny F'in Football, y'all. The O-line let at least one defender through on most downs (what was up with that?), but Manziel avoided defenders most of the time, in typical fashion, with a lot of fancy footwork and amazing vision to receivers who eventually become open and make huge plays.

In the stands, the last two minutes of the game were CRAZY. We were all chanting "One more year! One more year!..." and a long-ass row of guys took off their shirts to reveal the "ONE MORE YEAR" message on their chests. (I hear that made it on TV. Awesome.) The band was playing "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again" over and over and over, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, even when the offense was preparing to start a play (take-a-knee plays at that point... although there was way too much time left when they started that.... what was happening there?! We didn't care much, because we were chanting and clapping and jumping around, but every now and then we would stop and ask each other what the hell they were doing, dorking around with the knee plays so early.). The band bass drummer was getting fancy with his drumming, which got everyone hyped even more.

Every time Johnny encouraged the crowd to get louder, everything would raise to another level of insanity. The band would start playing the Johnny song again and we would start chanting and screaming. Just. Superfun!

My throat hurt afterward. But that's happened several times at Kyle Field over the years. Just another memorable game at home.


There's some football season left, but we'll miss Johnny and Mike and the seniors at Kyle. Keep on keepin' on, Ags! BTHO LSU!

The What's What Meme

What is on your bed right now? 

What’s your favorite word or phrase? 

What is the best ice cream flavor? 
mint chocolate chip

Did you wake up smiling this morning?

Is there something in your life you used to have, and now miss? 
I miss volunteering at the elementary school library.

What major company would you like to work for? 
Eli Lilly (just too bad they're in Indianapolis)

(sorry, Indianapolis)

What time do you wake up on a typical morning? 

What holiday makes you sad? 
No holidays make me sad.

Where does a good night’s sleep rank on your priorities? 
very high

One song that makes you cry? 
ONE? "Hallelujah" Jeff Buckley. This is one of those songs that made me cry the very first time I heard it, and I wasn't really listening to the lyrics very closely. It was the melody and the tone, where the singer seemed crushed by an exceeding weight of despair. Listen again and really hear the lyrics and, yeah, it's a sad one.

...Maybe there’s a God above
But all I’ve ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
It’s not a cry you can hear at night
It’s not somebody who has seen the light
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah...

How old was your mom when she had you? 

When is the last time you went to the beach? 
two weeks ago in Corpus

What is the most random object around you?
My Kevin Murray autographed Aggie baseball cap. I was going to use it as part of my Halloween costume for work, but I ended up using another cap, so this one is just sitting here on my desk.

What is your favorite sushi? 
Although technically not sushi- spider roll. Mmmm. Real sushi- spicy tuna roll.

What food do you find disgusting? 
Catfish in any form other than deep-fried. Otherwise, it's slimy and disgusting.

If you could have any type of dog in the world, what would it be?
I don't know much about dogs. I would have a small-ish (not tiny), cuddly one.

What was the last meal that you made for yourself? 
Sausage and mac-n-cheese.

Is the hard drive on your computer full or getting close to being full? 
My hard drive is never anywhere near full.

Are there any songs that you prefer the acoustic version over the regular version? 
"Disturbia" Vox Collective


Thanks, Mom!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

First off... BTHO Mississippi State! WHOOP!

OK. Sit down kiddies. Auntie Kath is going to tell you a story - or a few stories.

(OH. That reminds me- I have my first official nickname in the history of my entire life. I've had cute nicknames by which people have somewhat routinely addressed me in notes or letters or yearbooks or texts/IMs, but never one that anyone called me on a day-to-day basis. Ready? Our company COO calls me Kath. Not here and there, but every single time he talks to me. He's not that guy who just shortens everyone's name either. I think it's because we have history and we're buds from way back. Yeah sure, I'd rather it were something cool, like "Stretch" or "Glitter," but Kath will do. So cool!

Crystal has a nickname for almost everyone except me. I hate it. She says it's a good thing, but I disagree. She calls our HR girl "Lois" because she looks like Lois Lane. She calls one of her clients "Martine" because she likes to imagine that he's an exotic, handsome foreign man, when in actuality, he's a geeky American statistician. One day I will get a Crystal nickname. One day.)

Well that was quite a digression. And I know I'm neither a Stretch nor a Glitter. Probably a good thing not to be a Glitter.

Anyhoo... Years ago, my mom had a big garage sale, before moving to Austin. Laura and I went down to help her price things. The "Greeeeeat! Byyye!... She's not coming" story came from that weekend.

At some point, we were looking for a missing little metal chain piece to something. As a perfect example of how organized my mom was, despite appearances at times, she instructed us to go into the garage, make a path through a metric buttload of garage "stuff" under two inches of dust to a secretary desk underneath a bunch of boxes, a stack of magazines and a old coat. In the pull-down part of the desk, there were little drawers and shelves. "Open the pull-down and in the second shelf from the top on the left, way in the back, behind the spool and the empty ring box, you'll find that chain."

Laura and I looked at each other like Mom had lost her mind.


Well, the chain was RIGHT THERE, in that anonymous little spot, where it had been resting since before Reagan was president. We couldn't believe it. I can't even locate the sunglasses I had on five minutes ago.

Another side note- In the hours after Mom died, while we spent time with her, I never felt her "there" in the room with us (my uncle Rob and me). I had been prepared for her passing, as she was very very ill for about a week prior and we had known she wasn't going to make it. I had a very strong feeling that she was going to always be with me afterwards, in a spiritual sense. We were very close and I just knew I would be able to feel her energy around me after she was gone. But the minute she died, I was keenly aware that she wasn't around.

Matter-of-fact, I never felt her anywhere for a long time.

It really upset me, because I had anticipated something so different. I even went into a whole questioning of my faith and if there is an afterlife at all. (WOW. This took a turn, eh?) I talked with my aunt after several weeks and told her about it. I asked if maybe she felt Mom was with her, because she certainly wasn't with me. She told me, "YES. She's definitely here! I've really needed her. Maybe that's why.." etc. etc. I wasn't sure if she was trying to help me cope with the loss of my mother or my crisis of faith or if she was being honest, but it was a little reassuring and I was happy that she felt Mom was with her if she needed it at the time (she wasn't able to come to see Mom just before she passed).

So. Fast forward to yesterday. I was working on a budget issue for one of my studies.

About 2 months ago, I had written notes on a small piece of paper- a list of casebook pages and explanation of how I had come up with some prior budget numbers around the casebook design. Back when I put it in the stack of trash paperwork I keep by my desk to take to the shredder sometime, I remember thinking I should possibly keep it. But I didn't.

I usually go to the shredder every couple of weeks, but every time I've picked up that stack recently, the phone has rung or something has come up to stop me. I've been thinking how tall the stack is getting for a while now.

While I was trying so desperately on Friday to remember what was on that silly piece of trash paper, and wishing that I had kept it, I finally thought I should take a chance and look through the trash stack. Who knew. Maybe it was in there somewhere, although I had most likely tossed it with the last batch.

I reached up and grabbed most of the stack, down to about the bottom 15 pages or so. I lifted it up.

That paper was sitting, face up, with those glorious numbers I needed, RIGHT IN THAT SPOT. I kid you not.

First thing that popped into my head was that Mom had directed me there. Totally random thought. Go to your shredder stack, pick up about 224 sheets of garbage paper, about 15 from the bottom...

So yeah. Thanks, Mom!


A&M UTEP Roundup

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nice win, Ags!! I love night games. Especially in the cold. It was about 50 degrees.

The Aggie D was pretty darn good last night! Whoooooop! Ever improving.

And thank goodness Tra Carson is okay. Geez could you hear a pin drop in the stadium for a full ten minutes when he was down on the field.

We were a bit sad to see our (former A&M QB) Jameill Showers on the opposing side, but I heard via the kiddo/Twitter that he was "sawin' 'em off" with the Aggie football team after the game. Pretty darn cool. (We miss those games last year when the score was getting high and we could say, "Looks like there's a chance of Showers!" HA!)

Speaking of backup quarterbacks, Hill was GREAT. Loved it!

Anyone finally figure out what the heck all those stringy white things were, floating in the air throughout the game? Was it cotton? Pollen? Creepy stuff!

Sunday Stealing: Time Keeps on Slippin' Meme

1) Do you think Daylight Saving Time is still necessary? 

2) How long does it take you to adjust to the time change? 

It's harder to adjust in the spring, I think. I don't have trouble adjusting to this one.

3) What's the hardest part of the time change?
changing clocks

4) How many clocks are in your house? 

13, plus one we always forget. It's a different one each time, but it's there.

5) Are you generally early, late, or on time? 

6) If an invitation to an event listed the time as 8-11pm, what time would you arrive?

Depends on the event. Game night, dinner, party... 8:05-8:10. Awards ceremony, concert, play, etc... 7:35-7:45. A sports event... 7:30. 6:30 for an A&M football game.

7) Do you wear a watch?


8) Have you ever glanced at the time and had to glance again because you didn't pay attention the first time? 

9) Are most of your clocks digital or dial? 
half and half

10) What does your alarm clock sound like? 
It's my iPhone marimba. Oops, it's called something else now. Whatever Apple changed Marimba to in iOS7. Calypso? Yeah, yeah... my phone is downstairs. Shoot me.

11) Do you use the snooze feature on your alarm clock? 
Never. I'm a "pop out of bed at the sound of the alarm" kind of girl.

12) Does clock ticking drive you nuts? 
Yes. There was a ticking clock in the room down the hall when I was a teenager. I had frequent nightmares that it was scooting along the floor towards my room, ticking louder and louder as it approached.


Eerie Elevators

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I'm convinced the elevators at work are haunted.

The doors of one in the parking garage have the creepy habit every now and then of closing about halfway and then opening again, as if someone were stepping in. But no one is.

In the building, my company is on the second floor. The floors above us are taken up by another company and can only be accessed by key card on the elevators. Once, after I had pushed 2 in the building elevator, it skipped 2 and continued to 4. The 2 light went out as we passed. At floor 4, I was thinking I would finally see the top secret goings-on of our building mates. Mwahahaha!

But no.

The doors stayed closed and the elevator just sat there. I pushed 2 and it wouldn't light up. Just as I started to realize I may be STUCK, the button finally lit up and the elevator went to 2 and opened.

Good grief. Freaky!

Saturday 9: If It Makes You Happy

Sheryl Crow is a breast cancer survivor and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please spread the word about early detection.

1) What's something that always makes you happy?

2) In the lyrics, Sheryl refers to a poncho. How do you usually protect yourself from the rain? Poncho? Umbrella? Raincoat? Hat?

3) Early in her career, Sheryl made ends meet by singing commercial jingles, including one for McDonald's. When was the last time you visited The Golden Arches?
I grabbed a coffee there on the way home from an Aggie game within the past couple of months.

4) Sheryl rode a horse into the ring of a Wyoming rodeo and then sang. Have you ever been to a rodeo?
Honey, I'm from Houston. I've been to a heap o' rodeos.

5) Sheryl lives outside of Nashville, which is known as Music City. What type of music do you listen to most often?
pop and alt-pop

6) Crazy Sam is a massive Sheryl Crow fan, and is sure that the only reason why she and Sheryl aren't best friends is that they haven't met. What famous person do you think could be your BFF?
Sandra Bullock

7) Sheryl and cyclist Lance Armstrong were once engaged. Had they tied the knot, she would have become stepmother to his three children. Are you a step-parent, stepsibling or stepchild?
Technically, I have 3 stepbrothers and a stepsister, but my dad remarried when I was an adult, and they all live on the east coast, so I don't have the typical step-relationship with them.

8) Sheryl has performed carols at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Washington DC. Have you ever visited our nation's capital?
No, but I would love to!

9) Do you consider yourself easy going or do you have a fiery temperament?
Easy going. :)


Music of the Night

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Random, but I've been thinking today about one of my favorite all-time moments on American Idol. David Cook was our fave that season (2008). He had made a name for himself at this point, taking songs and putting new spins on them. Most of all, he was a rock guy. When it was musical theater night, we were certain he was going to do something amazing and rock out a famous musical song.

Instead, he did this:

Dude. We were SO shocked and impressed!!

(Even wrote a little note about it on the old blog.)


Four-Day Corpus Weekend

Monday, October 28, 2013

Back from Corpus Christi! Cathy and I decided to take off a couple of days to just hang out and relax. She hadn't been then since she was little. It was absolutely gorgeous weather!

Everyone there was so nice, from the "surfers" who looked more like the guys from Duck Dynasty, to the hotel bartender who searched the kitchen to hunt down two chocolate chip cookies for us. Sweet!

Here's the view of the Lexington from our room. We spent quite a lot of our time out on the balcony, people-watching and chatting.

I think everything comes into the Port of Corpus Christi on a barge. There were endless lines of them.

After the barges passed in the morning, sailboats aplenty dotted the horizon.

The marina is across the street. We walked around there early in the morning. These shrimpers came in with a flock of pelicans. I don't think in all the years I've lived near the ocean, I've ever seen this many pelicans together. It's scary when they are flying around your head, 'cuz those suckers are huge.

One of a few Voyage solar system displays in the U.S. is along the Corpus Christi seawall. (Washington DC has one as well.) I should have taken a photo of the one planet- I think it was Saturn- that says on the plaque something like it is so large in diameter at its equator, compared to the pole-to-pole diameter, that it takes like 1.5 times the amount of time to make one revolution at the equator as it does to make one revolution near the poles.

Um. Mmmmmmmkaaaay.

I spent the rest of the weekend, several beers and a pallet of cocktail napkins trying to figure out how all points on a planet, no matter the planet's shape or how distant the point from a pole, wouldn't revolve at the same exact rate. Not possible. I must make a trip back to see exactly what it says again.

Anyhoo... I've never taken the tour of the USS Lexington or any aircraft carrier. It is SUPERCOOL.

You have to be in shape to take this thing on. It's three football fields long and fifty-three decks tall. (OK, I'm sorta exaggerating there, but if you go, you'll agree it's a good estimate.) There are countless ladder-like stairwells that, strangely enough, are much harder to go down than up. Similar to the USS Cavalla submarine in Galveston, you are in tight quarters most of the time and you have to step over all the watertight doorways.

There is so much to see and touch at the Lexington. Very interesting site. They do a haunted ship tour, which I think would be fun and scary as all get-out. If you're going to do a touristy activity, this is it.

This is just a silly moment at a Halloween store in which we found ourselves. Cathy is displaying the costume she dubbed "Superwhore." Too risque for the company Halloween party? (We laughed way too long about that.)

At some point we figured out we were in a perfect spot at the hotel to throw Mardi Gras beads. If it were March. And Corpus had Mardi Gras. We wanted to find some and toss them anyway and pictured people looking up and being all "WTF?!" as they were pelted.

That giant tour bus? 99% sure it belongs to Foreigner, who were playing the American Bank Center three blocks down Shoreline Blvd. from the hotel. We were pretty psyched about seeing them pull in, but wouldn't know them by sight if we were standing in an elevator with them. I couldn't get "Cold as Ice" out of my head the rest of the night.

They checked in and immediately took off for the arena.

One last view of the Corpus Christi Marina! 'Twas a beautiful and fun weekend!

ETA: Corpus does have Mardi Gras! Barefoot Mardi Gras- March 1, 2014. Be there or be ellipsoid with a unique equatorial deviation resulting in a violation of the basic laws of physics!

Also ETA: WHOOP! Aggies beat Vandy!


Sad Football Weekend

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

About the macaroni and cheese I served with dinner, Lauren just said, "It's better than Kraft macaroni and cheese. That stuff tastes bland... like my childhood." Ahahahaaa! "Wait. I mean... it tastes bland and it also tastes like my childhood."

No no. Don't dig a hole there. Hehe.

We were heartbroken about the loss to Auburn on Saturday. I did have a couple of ah-ha moments though:

1) Our defense is made up of tiny guys (relatively, of course). The Auburn offense either carried our players for several yards or simply flicked a defender out of the way on several occasions. Our defenders are mostly freshmen and also probably recruited at the tail end of the Big 12 days, where as a conference, the players are smaller. Our guys will be bigger and more experienced next year.  We'll also continue bringing in our newly recruited "corn-fed SEC boys" as Angel calls them, over time.

2) Interceptions are an expected cost of the "big play" Aggie offense. Our offense (one of the best in the NCAA) makes HUGE plays. Johnny passes into six defenders and one of our exceptional receivers comes up with the amazing catch. They do it all afternoon and everyone friggin' loves it. Every now and then, one of those passes is going to be tipped or go into a defender's hands. Fabulous plays outnumber interceptions 25 to 1. It's a statistical expectation. All of Johnny's stats are better than last year, except for interceptions, so there ya' go.

Again I heard several AU fans (including my friend Stephanie) commenting about the ever gracious Aggie fans. So awesome!

In related news, we may actually get our season tickets for 2015 after all. We're not happy with the process or the possible fix, but we'll see what happens!


Pictionary Gone Bad

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bum Phillips- coolest coach ever. RIP, Coach.

We did a wine and dessert game night last night. Bruce made homemade eclairs, people. Homemade. Eclairs.

I brought the wine. Just sayin'.

We were playing Pictionary on a giant Post-It pad (perfect for Pictionary!) and at some point, Susan was trying to draw "adopt" (WHAT? seriously...). She drew all these stick figures with stick figure children and a bunch of arrows and no one ever got it.

When we found out what it was, Scott said she should have drawn China. Susan said that would be too hard. He said then she could have drawn a Chinese child being adopted.

Um. And how exactly would one do that?

While we were groaning and laughing and hastily stopping all conversation before it went any further, Scott said, "Betcha didn't know it was... So hey! Why don't you guys come on over tonight for Racist Pictionary!" Ahaha.

The only funnier moment was Bruce drawing "wolf." I should have taken a PHOTO...duh. It was a mystery animal with a claw (big teeth) as a head and a tiny stick figure with a giant handbag (Little Red Riding Hood and her basket). We were all literally rolling around the living room laughing. Good times.

Saturday 9: Come to My Window
Melissa Etheridge is a breast cancer survivor and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please spread the word about early detection.

1) This song is about a woman passionate about love and willing to pursue it, no matter what "they say." Are you fearless when it comes to public opinion? Or do you worry about what "they" think of you?
It totally depends on the situation. Most of the time, if the people in my life told me by overwhelming majority that something I'm doing isn't right/good for me/good for someone else/etc. I would listen to them. That's a natural part of life and living in social groups. When there is something they don't know or understand about the situation or I feel strongly enough about it, I've gone against public opinion at times.

2) Melissa's father was a high school teacher. Tell us about a teacher who had an impact on you.
Dr. Ayoub was a highly respected electrical engineering prof at A&M. The only time I've ever not been able to grasp an entire area of science, I earned a flat out F (not anywhere near a 59) in his Circuit Theory class. I went to his office near the end of the semester to ask him if he would consider giving me extra credit or letting me retake an exam or something... ANYTHING to avoid having an F on my transcript.

In the dramatic time I spent in his office (there were a couple of tears), I explained that I knew he didn't know me (it was a class of 250), but I had never gotten grades below B and I was on scholarship and this would ruin my college GPA and besmirch my transcript and I just had no idea how I wasn't picking this material up over an entire semester, especially with after-class study sessions and Jeff and his EE buddies tutoring me on the side.

He listened patiently to my rambling and then calmly said (he was Egyptian), "American students worry too much about grades. Have you learned anything in my class this semester?"

I said I had.

"Then you won't get an F in this class."

That was it.

And he gave me a D. I honestly didn't think he would remember our conversation when grades were posted, but he came through on his word and I learned to worry a little less about my grades.
3) Melissa won a Grammy for this song. If you won a major award, where would you display it?

I wouldn't want my award to be on a pedestal in the foyer or atop the living room mantel for everyone who enters the house to admire. I would keep it in my office.

4) Which TV game show do you think you'd do better on -- The Price Is Right or Wheel of Fortune?
Wheel of Fortune

5) Are you neat and organized?

In most areas of my life, yes.

6) When was the last time you went more than a day without washing your hair?
Up until about twenty years ago, when I had sixteen tons of hair, I could only wash it twice a week or it would get really dried out.

7) When you eat Chinese food, do you use chopsticks or a fork?
I use a fork for Chinese food and chopsticks for Japanese food and sushi. There's more peer pressure at a Japanese restaurant.

8) Are you a good cook?
Not really. I wish I were!

9) We're having a party in your honor! Would you prefer a costume party, a bowling party or a pool party? 
Costume party!!



Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Wednesday" because it is, and because I can't think of creative titles when I'm up too early.

So. I was talking to Kathy and she mentioned that she had a meeting up my way last week. She knew I worked somewhere in that area, but she didn't have time to go out somewhere and meet for lunch.

Where was she?

In the building next to mine in our business park. ("Oh, you work in that building?! We could have easily met for lunch!") She described the very same conference room Pedro was in a few months ago, when he didn't pop over for a visit either.

I'm going to start eyeballing that oddly-popular little conference room on my way in every day, looking for people I know.

My boss gave his notice this week. (Booooo.) Guess who is taking his place. My boss from my old job in 1993. Too funny. In a study meeting yesterday, of the nine team members in the conference room, six of us worked together twenty years ago. Supercool, eh?!

Speaking of our former company, Doug worked there (in another division) right after I left, back in the day. Well, he just left his hospital job in Dallas and will be moving back to Austin in two weeks. He's interviewing for a job at the old company!


Game Ball for Lambo

Monday, October 14, 2013

Awesome locker room video after the Ole Miss game. Whoop!


Lambo!! Whoop!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

In a drought, nothing is sweeter than the sound of rain on the roof. It's been raining solid for the last eleven hours. So nice!

Went to Master Pancake Theater at the Alamo Ritz on Sixth Street last night with Steph and Crystal. (Silence of the Lambs.... pretty funny!) Then we had drinks at Iron Cactus next door, where the Aggie game was on and I kept an eye on the score now and then.

That was the first A&M football game I've missed in years! Luckily, the game went long and I made it home in time to see most of the last quarter. Talk about a nail-biter. It was a day for Top Ten upsets and it looked like we might be another casualty, but Lambo-ghini pulled it out! 3 seconds left and he punched it through the uprights. YEAH BABY! No pressure or anything. Ha!

Sunday Stealing: My Random Randomness Meme, part 2

What was your first alcoholic drink? As a good German girl, I had sips of beer my entire childhood. My first whole alcoholic drink was straight tequila. *shudder*

What was your first job? telephone sales for the Houston Post newspaper

What was your first car? a used maroon Mazda GLC

What was your first mobile phone?  a Nokia something-or-other

What is your first proper memory? seeing a spider in our front windowsill when I was 3

Who was your first teacher?
Miss Vodrey at Shawanoe Elementary in Kansas City. I was in preschool before that, and I remember it well, but sadly, I can't remember my preschool teacher's name.

Which fictional character do you wish was real?
Superman. He could help out with natural disasters and petty criminals and everything in between.

Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Frankfurt to Houston when I was a toddler. My Dad had gotten a job working at NASA.

Who was your first best friend? In elementary school, my BFF was my next-door neightbor, Lori. Back then, we all called her Dee. (Her middle name is Deanne.) It was always hilarious to me that teachers called her Lori. "LORI." Hee hee. She's totally a Dee.

What was your first detention for? I never had detention, you juvenile delinquents.

What's your strongest sense? touch

Who was your first kiss? Frank B

What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema? Benji (1974)

What's the largest amount of money you've ever won? $100 at a pre-screening of a TV pilot

What's the largest amount of money you've spent in one spree? Hmm. Probably $600 on work clothing when I went back to work in January.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say? No patience for idiots.
(Because of work, I always type "patients" now, when I mean to type "patience." I just did it again. Incidentally, I always type SEX instead of SEC. Do y'all do that, too? Sorry... digressing...)

Have you ever got sweet revenge on anyone? I'm not at all a vengeful person. I can't remember a single time I've even considered revenge. I have, however, seen (and admittedly enjoyed) karma in action. When you treat people badly, it naturally comes back to you.

Have you ever been to a live concert? a bajillion times

Have you ever been to see stand up comedy?  several times

Have you ever needed stitches? Never for an injury.



Saturday, October 12, 2013

I hacked literally seven inches of hair from my head. It's basically a bob now, about an inch above my shoulders.

At home, hubby says, "Did you do something with your hair?"

At the office, the boss says, "Who is this new college coed?! Your hair looks cute!"

I tell the boss about the hubby's comment. The boss says, "Well, I should get brownie points then."

Not sure for what purpose the boss is storing up brownie points with me, but he got 'em! Ha!

Saturday 9: Hopelessly Devoted to You

1) This is a sad song about unrequited love. What's your favorite love song, and is it happy or sad?
"Fireflies" by Ron Pope is my favorite sad love song. "Accidentally In Love" by Counting Crows is my favorite happy love song!

2) This song is from the Grease soundtrack. When that movie came out in 1978, the price of a postage stamp was just 15¢. When's the last time you visited the post office?
OMG. At least five years ago.

3) Not many people know that Olivia's maternal grandfather, Max Born, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954. Share something about yourself that we might not have known before this morning.
I am a member of the Texas Beta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi, the national engineering honor society. Also a member of Tau Beta Pi-- Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954. Ha!

4) Olivia's father was an officer in MI5, the UK's secret service. Sam's most recent run-in with the authorities had less intrigue or glamor, as it included a policeman pointing out the stop sign she'd somehow missed. Tell us about your most recent encounter with law enforcement.

My most recent encounter with law enforcement was when Lauren was 3 (17 years ago). I unknowingly parked in a handicapped spot in a strip center parking lot.

5) Olivia is part owner of an exclusive, luxury retreat called Gaia. If you had a day of free access to a heated pool, golf course, tennis court, gym, and day spa, but could only use one, which one would you choose?
Day spa!

6) Are you flirtatious?


7) Do you more often wear silver, gold, or platinum?

8) When you're on the phone, do you usually make the first move toward ending the call? Or do you find it hard to say goodbye?
I am less likely to say goodbye first.

9) Would you rather be smarter, richer, or more attractive than you are right now?


Candy Crush Saga Beginner Tips

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

In an odd trip of the finger across my phone screen the other day in Facebook, I accidentally *liked* a high school boyfriend's son's cub scout troop, just after his wife did. And I didn't discover it until two days later when I happened to notice it in my Activity Log. Uhh... awkward!

Wanna know how to develop an aversion to chocolate? Play Candy Crush. Good grief. Stupid chocolate. I am going to give you all a few tips I learned over the past several weeks since I started playing:

1) Earned boosters are not available to you on the mobile app. You click the booster in the mobile app and it says you can buy them. Go to Facebook to play and you will be able to access the free ones you earned. Save them for later levels though. Don't waste them on the easy ones.

2) Sending lives/extra moves/help to your friends? They aren't getting all of them. I don't know how Candy Crush communicates with Facebook, but it does a super-crappy job. I don't receive about 50% of the things I know people sent me. Yeesh. What is the point? It's either a social game or not. If not, just charge me $14.95 and give me all the stuff I need to play to the end and let me earn free stuff along the way.

3) We've developed a strange mode of game-playing in the world, where we pay a dollar for a game and then it bugs us to death to buy things the entire time we play. And we think that's ok. Gone are the days of paying for a game and then playing it until it's done without endless nagging. Sad day. Just sad. Even my Paint Shop Pro software bugs me to upgrade. Gah. (This isn't a Candy Crush Saga tip, but announcement of my awareness of the manipulation by the software industry of the gaming public, convincing them to accept their nickel and dime philosophy. Booooo.)

4) You can get 15 lives at a time by logging in on various devices. Start on your phone. Move to the tablet, then to your computer. None syncs lives with the others (they seem to sync everything else), so you can keep on playing. What. That's obsessive? Have you PLAYED Candy Crush?  Oh, there is one glitch. If your mobile app is on a board you conquered on your PC, you may have to exit and restart the game on your phone.

5) Remember, you can control who sees what on your Facebook. Tweak your groups and such to allow whomever you want (or don't want) to see your App activity. While you're there, please omit me from your app activity. :)

6) A tidbit of strategy (suggested--- I'm only at level 90)
   a) Most levels you just want to try to get as many special candies as possible and everything will work out great in the end. (Incidentally, that is also my life philosophy.) The sparkly chocolate ball (its official name- Color Bomb- totally lame) is the best, then the stripes, then the wrapped. Mix the chocolate ball with the stripes for a wipeout move that usually clears the board.
   b) The key, especially in the higher levels, is to look at the entire board after every single move. The WHOLE board. Every time. Don't miss a chocolate ball opportunity up top because you're busy trying to clear a corner. It's hard, but really look at all your moves. Then I typically go in the following order of possible moves: chocolate ball/stripe combo, striped/wrapped combo, five in a row (chocolate ball), four in a row (stripe), L-shape (wrapped). If I have more than one choice, I look for the one that clears the most jellies or whatever I'm trying to accomplish.
   c) Some levels have corners or sticky-outy single candies or some other funky junk you need to clear. Try to pay attention to those throughout the game, because they are the most difficult. If you can clear one, do it before making a special candy.
   d) Chocolate levels (bar chocolate, not to be confused with the fabulous chocolate ball) can mess with your head, sap your spirit and drain your very will to live, but don't be afraid of it. If you let it go a bit, it can be cleared with one swoop of a stripe before you know it. If you get obsessed with trying to keep it at bay every turn, you will miss opportunities to clear the board. (At the same time, if you see an opportunity to get rid of it in the first few moves, do it.) Remember the chocolate doesn't have to be cleared to win, just the jellies or whatever the challenge is for that board.
  e) Before you hurt your brain trying to figure how the direction of the stripes is determined, it is set by the direction you swiped to complete the four-in-a-row. Swipe left-right and the resulting stripes are horizontal. Swipe it up or down and the stripes are vertical.


Two Reflections Into One

Monday, October 7, 2013

...I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Comin' back into you once I figured it out
You were right here all along.

F'in Timberlake - "Mirrors"

That is all.  :)


Movies/TV Meme

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Stealing: Movies/Television Meme

Name your favorite movie actor: George Clooney

Name your favorite movie actress: Jennifer Lawrence

Name your favorite tv actor: James Spader

Name your favorite tv actress: Julie Bowen

Name your favorite television show right now: The Voice (to be knocked out of first place this week by American Horror Story: Coven)

Name a few really cool movies you’ve recently seen: World War Z (watched for the second time last night), This is the End (if you're an Apatow fan). Other than that, this summer sort of sucked for movies. :(

Your favorite canceled television show: FlashForward

Name one movie you wish you hadn’t wasted time/money on recently: The Heat

You would never watch a movie with: I would watch pretty much any movie with anybody, as long as at least one of us thought it would be entertaining.

Favorite candy/food to watch movies with: popcorn

Three favorite tv channels: HGTV, TLC, Food Network

Favorite reality or competition show: Real Housewives of Orange County

Cable or satellite? cable

Do you watch more movies at home or at the theater? about half and half

Is there a time of year that you watch more tv? probably fall


Blogger Sidebar Text Widget Won't Save- WORKAROUND

Saturday, October 5, 2013

For several days now, we have not been able to save changes to our Blogger sidebar text widgets. Thank you GwapoTiger on the Blogger Google Group for this workaround! I had to do it a few times, but it finally worked for me.

1- Make the changes you want (to your sidebar widget) and instead of clicking on save, go up to the Title of the item and click: Enter
2- A New tab will appear, just click: View Blog
3- Your changes will now show on your Blog – close the Edit window

It will say your changes were saved. Go ahead and say Leave Page if it prompts you.

Waiting for a fix.


Did that Kid Just Fall Into a Piano?

The other day, I talked about watching a bunch of movies, but I forgot to mention we also did finally watch Insidious. The thing that was most entertaining about it to me was the concept of ghosts or undead spirits appearing as solid-bodied people. Usually in horror films, ghosts are very ethereal and if you can see them at all, they are translucent or shadowy. Every time an entity just simply walked through a scene or was suddenly sitting on the couch or something, I jumped out of my seat.

The music wasn't great though. At one point early in the movie, the young son was in the attic and he screamed. It sounded- not even kidding- like he fell into the back of a piano. I'm thinking he literally fell into a piano. But no. It was just "scary music."

Then last weekend, Lauren and I saw Insidious: Chapter 2, which was really good! They tied in the two movies in a VERY clever way. I was quite impressed. And it turns out Lauren was right. If you haven't seen the first one, you were probably confused in a couple of places where the rest of us were like "OMG- WOW!!"

Lauren and I (mouthing to each other, in shock): OMG-WOW!!
Lady behind us: Are those all the people that guy has killed?
Guy behind us: No. I'll tell you later.

In other news, I am again tiring of sifting through pissy political posts on Facebook. Not the rare posts on specific issues about which someone has strong feelings, but rather the constant flow of Republican or Democrat rubbish. People who are into arguing politics are always entrenched on one side or the other. Their posts are entirely predictable and almost invariably originate from sources that lean towards (or declare outright) their chosen side. After seeing the same party line posts from some friends for years, I sometimes want to add a sarcastic reply like, "So wait. Let me get this straight. You're against *gun control/prayer in schools/other political item*?" *snort*

Those of us who want to see compromise in government and a stop to interminable and fruitless bickering don't post polarizing political items. If you take the time to look, Washington, you'll find that's the overwhelming majority of us.

Just saying.

There's an app that replaces all political posts with photos of kittens. Lisa said it works really well (and that she's seen a heaping crapload of kittens lately). I'm still looking for one that replaces them with naked Adam Levine photos.

And I can already hear my political posting friends saying they tire of sifting through my Aggie football posts. Well that is... TOTALLY DIFFERENT.  ;)


The Trouble with Always Being Early is...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

...when you're working from home and you call into a meeting at three minutes 'til, no one is there! So you call the Webex number, just in case they're using that instead.


So you call back to the conference room again. Back and forth until it's past the hour and you start texting people to see if they're in the room. Only no one you work with carries their phone around.

WTF, people.

Well, I don't carry mine around either. But someone should, just for times like this.

Finally, one of your VP's calls you at ten minutes AFTER, saying "WHERE ARE YOU?"

Just sitting here waiting to see if anyone misses me. I think I was supposed to speak about 3 minutes ago.

"Oh. Sorry. We just got in here." *laughter in the room* "Go ahead and call in now!"

Wednesdays seem to be the day awesome food shows up in the break room. I figure they were all in there. (Darn you, okra chips!)

Hee! From xkcd.


The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My colleagues and I spent all afternoon with sales guys from Minneapolis. Salesmen are always so interesting and entertaining! (It's their job, I know.)

Well, I've seen a slew of movies lately. First of all, see Prisoners. It is really really good. Not an uplifting sort of film, but such a frightening journey. It's one of those films you'll discuss afterwards. (After you look at each other quizzically at the very final moment.)

I saw The Great Gatsby for the first time. I enjoyed it! I'm a Luhrmann fan, so there's that. The visual impact of his movies is phenomenal. I love the narration. Such a grand collection of amazing quotes in there.

Did I mention we finally saw The Place Beyond the Pines? Oh man, is it depressing. All-star cast. It's good, just so very draining. 

Sunday Stealing: Fall/Autumn Meme

First of all, is autumn your favorite season? Why or why not?
Spring is my favorite season, because it's getting warmer again after being so cold.

Is it ‘autumn’ or ‘fall’, to you?
It's "football season."

What kind of weather does your area get during this season? 
Warm and somewhat wet, if we're not in a drought.

Were you born in an autumn month? 

Do you pay attention to any ‘fall fashions’?
Yep. I'm particularly into boots and if anyone is wearing any supercute ones, I'm all over it. Also, in our offices, it's always cold, so some interesting new sweater shapes are showing up already.

Which leaf color is your favorite? 

Is it still fun to rake the leaves and jump in piles of them? 

When can you really tell that it’s autumn? 
That first real cold front that comes through and brings cool wind and crisp air. Ahhh...

Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?
Yep. Well, not the carving itself as much as squishing my hands around in the pumpkin seed goo.

Do you eat the pumpkin seeds? If so, do you put any kind of flavoring on it?
I have, but I've never had a good recipe. They never turn out well.

Are you planning to go to a pumpkin patch this year?
No, but we used to every year when Lauren was little.

Which was your favorite Halloween costume to wear? 
Flasher. Skimpy clothes under a trench coat. Simple and sexy without being scandalous!

Are you planning to go trick-or-treating? Why or why not?
No, I have an almost 20 year old child.

Are there any county fairs or festivals held nearby during this time?
Wurstfest in New Braunfels

What is your favorite dessert for this time of year? 
Pumpkin chocolate chip anything

Is your Thanksgiving Day in October or November, if you even celebrate it? 
It's in November.

If you do celebrate it, where do you usually have Thanksgiving dinner?
I sometimes cook, but in recent years, we usually go to a fabulous lunch at the Renaissance Austin Hotel at the Arboretum.

Do you remember any crafts you used to do that were autumn-themed? 
Too many to count. I've done a bunch of silk flower wreaths, decorated cookies, made necklaces...

Are any of your favorite bands doing a fall tour this year?
Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Timberlake

Which new TV show are you looking forward to this season? 
The Blacklist with James Spader

How does autumn typically make you feel?
Refreshed. I like the weather and wardrobe change.

What color do you always associate with autumn? 

Is there a song that always reminds you of this season? 
Oh YES. "Fireflies," Ron Pope.

Do you have any seasonal traditions? 
Going to Aggie games!

Do you spend a lot of time outside during this time of the year? 
Definitely. Whenever I can. It's hiking weather!

How can you tell that fall is over? 
When the Christmas ads start. This year, fall was over in August.

What is a typical autumn outfit that you wear?
jeans, boots, tank top with a button-down shirt over it, unbuttoned a bit

Describe a perfect autumn day: 
Get up early and do an easy hike just to be outside. Have a relaxing lunch at an outdoor cafe. Drive to College Station and beat the hell outta some great football team at a cool, night game!

Do you hate it when stores start promoting Christmas early? 

What is your favorite thing about this season?
The great weather.


Work Meeting Silliness

Saturday, September 21, 2013

We had a conference call for a brand new project on Friday. When both parties were announcing who was present, the client's project manager said, "Here in California, we've got Mary and Bob and Joe.. and I'm Dwight..."

I start writing Dwight in my notes, because he wasn't mentioned on the agenda.

"...Shrute, assistant regional manager of Dunder Mifflin..." Turns out, the guy is a total cut-up.

In an internal meeting this week, our assistant project manager was away from the office and called in. The PM had been complimenting Jason, because the color of his beige socks was precisely the color of his beige pants.

PM: I was just saying that I'm so impressed that Jason's pants match his socks exactly today.
Asst PM: He's wearing argyle pants?

I giggled about that through the whole meeting! I'm still giggling.

Gig 'em Aggies! BTHO SMU! We're off to the last home game for a while.

Saturday 9: Seattle

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) Let's get the obvious out of the way: Have you ever been to Seattle?


2) Business Week named Seattle one of the best places to live, citing its clean air, low crime and high employment. What makes your current hometown a great place to live?
Lots of music, the big city and gorgeous hill country right smack next to each other, laid back personality, great food, great bars

3) In this song, Bobby brags about how green Seattle is. Is it still green where you are? Or are the trees beginning to show their fall colors?
Fall what? We don't have much color in fall, except for the Bradford Pear trees. They are AMAZING. They haven't started turning yet.

4) This song was the theme of a 1968-1970 show called Here Come the Brides. Do you know the words to any other TV theme?
I shocked myself the other day when I knew every word to the Mary Tyler Moore theme. Song lyrics are sort of my thing. I know a lot of them.

5) Bobby Sherman was once America's #1 teen idol, selling millions of records and earning 5 Gold Albums. Girls who wrote to his fan club received a postcard back signed, "Peace, Love & Bobby Sherman." Have you ever belonged to a fan club?
Cathy and I were big time members of the John Schneider Fan Club, back in the day. Yeah, baby!! Hey now. We met him because of it, so... :p

I've never been much into cowboys or
blondes, but whoa. He was so cute!

I still have my membership card! (My friends: "Of course you do.")

6) Alas, the career of a teen idol can be short, and by fall 1970, Bobby was replaced on magazine covers by David Cassidy. Sherman went on to a second career with the LAPD, instructing officers in CPR and first aid. Do you know how to perform CPR? The Heimlich Maneuver?
Sort of. I'd do it if someone needed it and I don't *think* I would make their situation any worse than it was.

7) The "disc" you see shown is actually made of cardboard and was printed on the back of a Post Alpha-Bits cereal box. It was one of four that Post printed on different cereals back in 1970 so that Bobby-loving little girls would have to go through lots of different cereals to collect the whole set. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
Raisin Nut Bran at the moment. I go through cereal phases.

8) Crazy Sam can't decide if she wants berries or banana slices with her cereal. Which would be your choice?
Banana all the way.

9) Do you ever eat cereal straight out of the box? Drink milk directly from the carton?
No and no.


Maroon 5/Kelly Clarkson in Austin

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tracy and I went to the Kelly Clarkson/Maroon 5 concert last night. It was a late, late night and the audience had a minor case of the Wednesdays, but it was a great concert! Austin audiences are known for being exceptionally supportive and appreciative of music acts, but the mood last night was just a tad on the sedate side. Not awful or anything, just noticeable by both artists.

Kelly did a very long set. She has one of the most beautiful, strong voices out there. Just crazy amazing. I've seen her several times live and it's always a treat.

I LOVE her new song. We were dancin' it up!

Funniest moment of the concert was when Kelly said her musical director has "put up with my sh*t for 11 years and... deserves extra crowns in Heaven." Then she said that she must be home in Texas, where people curse and mention Heaven in the same sentence. While we were laughing at that, she went on to say that by cursing on stage, she was setting a bad example for the kids in the audience and she was sorry she was being an a**hole. Ahaha.

I was so thrilled to FINALLY see Maroon 5. You have no idea. Adam Levine gave a girl in the audience HIS GUITAR. Not a pick. The whole guitar. They were just supercool.

Every song played by both acts was a mega-hit. I didn't realize how many great songs they have to choose from! It was really hard to figure out which ones were still left to play when it came time for the encores. (Do y'all do that? Try to figure out what the encore will be? No? Me neither. ;) )

Let me reiterate my loathing of the exiting process for the Austin360 Amphitheater. That place is in the middle of nowhere. We get out in the middle of the night. There should be several free-flowing paths just zooming out of there. Instead, it takes about 30-45 minutes to get out of the vicinity of the track.

Otherwise, it's a wonderful concert venue!


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