Work Meeting Silliness

Saturday, September 21, 2013

We had a conference call for a brand new project on Friday. When both parties were announcing who was present, the client's project manager said, "Here in California, we've got Mary and Bob and Joe.. and I'm Dwight..."

I start writing Dwight in my notes, because he wasn't mentioned on the agenda.

"...Shrute, assistant regional manager of Dunder Mifflin..." Turns out, the guy is a total cut-up.

In an internal meeting this week, our assistant project manager was away from the office and called in. The PM had been complimenting Jason, because the color of his beige socks was precisely the color of his beige pants.

PM: I was just saying that I'm so impressed that Jason's pants match his socks exactly today.
Asst PM: He's wearing argyle pants?

I giggled about that through the whole meeting! I'm still giggling.

Gig 'em Aggies! BTHO SMU! We're off to the last home game for a while.

Saturday 9: Seattle

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) Let's get the obvious out of the way: Have you ever been to Seattle?


2) Business Week named Seattle one of the best places to live, citing its clean air, low crime and high employment. What makes your current hometown a great place to live?
Lots of music, the big city and gorgeous hill country right smack next to each other, laid back personality, great food, great bars

3) In this song, Bobby brags about how green Seattle is. Is it still green where you are? Or are the trees beginning to show their fall colors?
Fall what? We don't have much color in fall, except for the Bradford Pear trees. They are AMAZING. They haven't started turning yet.

4) This song was the theme of a 1968-1970 show called Here Come the Brides. Do you know the words to any other TV theme?
I shocked myself the other day when I knew every word to the Mary Tyler Moore theme. Song lyrics are sort of my thing. I know a lot of them.

5) Bobby Sherman was once America's #1 teen idol, selling millions of records and earning 5 Gold Albums. Girls who wrote to his fan club received a postcard back signed, "Peace, Love & Bobby Sherman." Have you ever belonged to a fan club?
Cathy and I were big time members of the John Schneider Fan Club, back in the day. Yeah, baby!! Hey now. We met him because of it, so... :p

I've never been much into cowboys or
blondes, but whoa. He was so cute!

I still have my membership card! (My friends: "Of course you do.")

6) Alas, the career of a teen idol can be short, and by fall 1970, Bobby was replaced on magazine covers by David Cassidy. Sherman went on to a second career with the LAPD, instructing officers in CPR and first aid. Do you know how to perform CPR? The Heimlich Maneuver?
Sort of. I'd do it if someone needed it and I don't *think* I would make their situation any worse than it was.

7) The "disc" you see shown is actually made of cardboard and was printed on the back of a Post Alpha-Bits cereal box. It was one of four that Post printed on different cereals back in 1970 so that Bobby-loving little girls would have to go through lots of different cereals to collect the whole set. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
Raisin Nut Bran at the moment. I go through cereal phases.

8) Crazy Sam can't decide if she wants berries or banana slices with her cereal. Which would be your choice?
Banana all the way.

9) Do you ever eat cereal straight out of the box? Drink milk directly from the carton?
No and no.


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