A&M Game vs. Rice

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Was just watching a bit of Lord of the Rings on TV. It was the scene where Aragorn and Eowyn are totally flirting, but then Aragorn talks to Arwen in a dream or vision or something and she tells him his journey must continue, but she really means he had better be faithful to her OR ELSE. Heh.

Eowyn: Who was the woman who gave you this jewel?
Aragorn: Someone who has left for a land far away with her kin.
Eowyn: So... you're single then?!

Well, that's my interpretation.

The game was very strange (and OMG SO FREAKING HOT) yesterday. I think with several players suspended and Johnny out, the team was a bit discombobulated. (No spellcheck error on that? Hmm.) Joeckel was great. Bertolet- also great. And Drew Kaser's 77 yard punt???! Holy wow. Loved it when Johnny finally came into the game second half. Great reaction from the fans.

The defense were mostly second-string freshmen, and it was obvious, although they did come around for a while during the second half.

There were a few issues of pissiness getting out of hand, which is too bad, and is unfortunately a recurring issue with Manziel. I've always said though- the two unsportsmanlike conduct offenses of football I think are ridiculous are for "excessive celebration" (let people celebrate! WTF?) and "taunting." Please. These are grown men. If it hurts their feelings to have someone talk crap to them, they need to stop playing sports. Completely silly rule. On top of that, they talk crap back and forth at the scrimmage line all game long and no one cares, including the players.

After high school, why don't we just penalize when a player physically assaults another player. Kthanks.

So tell me, what is with ESPN's anti-Manziel rage lately? Mark May is the biggest Johnny hater. Turns out May had his own issues back in his day. He was found guilty of criminal mischief and disorderly conduct as a sophomore in college and DWI (double the legal limit) when he was with the Redskins. That doesn't count all the other charges for which he was arrested. May should either comment from a supportive place or not comment at all. Surely there are plenty of announcers at ESPN without a rap sheet, who could make the same points.

I agree Manziel needs to get his anger issues in check. Luckily, he's young enough to learn to deal with it if he wants to. I hope he does. It will be vital for a successful career, even with his incredible talent.

Happy with the win and hoping we don't have to endure any more 103-degree games at noon!


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