Football Saturday
Saturday, September 13, 2014
In the office yesterday, we were excitedly planning a girls' trip and realized, after finally coming to a great decision on destination (Caribbean cruise), that there is no way for us to do a trip, because our entire department would have to shut down for a week! OOPS. So yeah, the girls of DM won't be taking any extended vacations together.
Sad. Day.
Lauren and I are off to College Station again today, hoping for no weather delays with rain expected for the already late evening football game. The temperature will be very nice though! BTHO Rice!
Saturday 9: Hey, Soul Sister
If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.
1) The video was shot on a street corner in Echo Park in central Los Angeles. If you saw a film crew making a video in your neighborhood, would you stop to watch? Or would you just keep walking?
I would stop and watch!
2) The singer says he remembers his girl in every dream he dreams. Do you remember if you dreamed last night?
The only dreams I remember are ones I have when I fall back asleep after being awake for a bit. I didn't fall back asleep after waking at 5:20 this morning, so I don't remember what I dreamed last night.
3) The band Train is from San Francisco. Have you ever visited The City by the Bay?
I've been to San Francisco twice. When Jeff started working right after college graduation, he had training in Sunnyvale and I met him out there for a weekend. We did Fisherman's Wharf, Ghirardelli, a Bay cruise, Golden Gate, and took side trips to Monterrey and Carmel. A few weeks ago, we did the wine country, Chinatown, the Embarcadero and one scary-ass earthquake.
4) Lead singer Pat Monahan got his start in a Led Zeppelin cover band. Can you name a Led Zeppelin song?
5) In doing research for this week's Saturday 9, Crazy Sam discovered a publication called Trains, The Magazine of Railroading. What's the last magazine you flipped through?
Consumer Reports
6) Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
I'm frequently a leader in subgroups, but have no desire to be the leader of an entire organization or group. So, generally I would consider myself a follower... with leadership tendencies.
7) Scholars tell us that "To be or not to be" is Shakespeare's most quoted line. Give us another one.
What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
8) How do you listen to music on the go? Car radio? CD changer? iPod/mp3 player? Your phone?
Car radio, phone, CDs on car trips
9) Are you a convincing liar?
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