Football Summary and Sunday Stealing

Sunday, September 7, 2014

LOOOOVE the new Kyle Field! It will still take a few more games to get used to the south end zone being a wall of fans, but what they've done with Part I of the renovation is amazing. It is definitely louder on the student side with the canopy and walling in of the end zone. I didn't have any of the new food, but it's supposed to be good. The new video screen is amazing.

With no problem, the Aggies not surprisingly routed Lamar. Lamar had a few great plays though. I'm just pleased we continued to look awesome on offense and defense. It's going to be a great season!

I won't rehash my full-on rant last night about the NCAA lightning rule that was revised this spring (I think they are just starting to even enforce the thing at all, because I have never seen a weather delay and the past two weeks there have been a ton), but I'll just say I think it's ridiculous for football games, unless you are playing in a tiny stadium and there is more danger to the players than the crowd. It has far higher costs than any possible benefit. I am hoping this thing goes away like the "targeting" calls that were enforced early in the season last year and quickly faded, because they were equally as ridiculous.

How FUN is this version?! I love it!!

Sunday Stealing

Would you ever consider becoming a teacher?
Sure! At the college level.

Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?
Absolutely not.

Would you ever try fasting for a whole week?
Nope. That would wreck your metabolism and would be very unhealthy.

Would you ever try to quit one of your addictions?
I'm sort of addicted to some reality shows, but that's about it. I don't think I would quit them.

Would you ever dye your hair purple?
Why not?

Would you ever spend $100 for the best tasting hamburger in the world?

Would you rather chew gum off the ground or kill a squirrel?

Kill a squirrel

Would you rather play Monopoly or Operation?
Operation. There's more giggling and screaming involved.

Would you rather eat chocolate or fruity candies?


Would you rather listen to one CD forever or become deaf?
One CD forever

Would you rather be deaf or blind?

Would you rather text or talk on the phone?

Talk on the phone

Would you rather spend a day with Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus?

Lady Gaga for sure.

Would you rather learn to play piano or guitar?

Piano. Guitar kills my delicate fingers.

Would you rather have a stomach-ache or headache?


Would you rather be overly interesting or overly dull?
Overly interesting

Would you rather be too loud or too quiet?
Too quiet


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