Is There Going to Be a Quiz on This?
Saturday, September 20, 2014
My officemate was the funniest the other day. Our department manager invited Kyra to her first team meeting (one of my studies). As soon as we got into the conference room, the manager (who normally takes the minutes for data-ops-only projects, but was sick) told her to "take VERY GOOD notes." And she did.
As soon as we got back to our office, she asked me if the manager was going to quiz her about the meeting. I told her I can tell she just got out of college. She's still got school on the brain. Ha!
Nope, just for the meeting minutes. "Take very good notes" TOTALLY makes sense though, in that context.
Kyra rocks.
She's also officially become a part of the "inner circle" now, dropping her first office F-bomb on Friday. She'll be cussing like a sailor with the rest of the crew from now on. Awwww, they grow up so fast...
In other news, what the heck am I supposed to do with this Facebook popup?
"Okay"... what? Oy.
Saturday 9: Margaritaville (1977)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song Jimmy sings of "booze in the blender." What do you prepare in your blender?
Smoothies and milkshakes. I drink most of my cocktails on the rocks these days.
2) As the song opens, Jimmy is sitting on his front porch swing. Describe the front porch of the building you're in right now.
Oooh! A front porch swing would be nice on our little porch. It would only seat one person, but how fun! We just have a little covered 5x5-ish porch in front of the door.
3) Jimmy sings of being able to smell boiling shrimp. Do you prefer your shrimp boiled, glazed or breaded?
GLAZED? Hmm. I don't think Bubba even mentions that in Forrest Gump.
I like shrimp every way it can be prepared.
4) During the song, he mentions his flip flops. Have you put your flip flops and sandals away till spring? Or is it still warm enough to wear them?
It's still warm enough. I'm wearing flats more now though.
5) Jimmy Buffett had hoped this song would be recorded by Elvis Presley, but The King died before he could perform it. What's the first Elvis song that comes to mind?
"Blue Christmas"
6) Buffett fans are known as Parrotheads. Concert attire for a well-dressed Parrothead often includes a Hawaiian shirt and a foam fin hat. What will you be wearing tonight?
Tonight I have nothing special going on, so I'll probably still be wearing my A&M t-shirt and capri jeans. BTHO SMU!
7) Loyal Parrotheads paid between $500 and $5000 to see Mr. Buffet at a fundraiser for Barack Obama's 2012 Presidential campaign. What's the most you would pay for a concert ticket?
The most I've ever paid is $375-ish for pit seats at Bon Jovi. Totally worth it.
8) Jimmy is an outspoken environmentalist and supports causes like ocean conservation, saving the manatees and expanding the Dallas Zoo. What steps do you take to help save the planet?
I just recycle and minimize trash and conserve water, etc. Just small things in my own daily life. Nothing too impressive.
9) Uh-oh. When Jimmy and the Coral Reefers played in Wisconsin this past August, more than two dozen concertgoers got tickets for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Do you believe pot should be legalized?
Yes. It's similar to alcohol in the relative scheme of things.
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