Things I Think Suck

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Do a search of your blog for the word "suck" and tell us what you think sucks!

  1. Last Exorcism
  2. follow-up medical tests
  3. me (at playing football)
  4. that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong
  5. chemo treatments
  6. You (at Photoshop) ("...If this van is rockin'... my wife... is... being drilled by some guy named Ricky." ahahaha. Watch ALL of these.)
  7. The Last Airbender dialogue
  8. hotel internet
  9. cancer
  10. my Aggie buddies (who don't want to go to Aggie football games)
  11. Wednesday
  12. college football one weekend in October 2010
  13. Facebook
  14. getting lost on vacation
  15. allergies
  16. scotch
  17. Jerrod Johnson's season before Tannehill took over :(
  18. second albums
  19. American Idol contestants (until they're down to the top 5 or so)
  20. the sports medicine doc "smoothing out" the scar tissue after my knee injury
  21. Scotty (for posting meme answers with only numbers and without the questions)
  22. people who post unflattering photos of me on Facebook
  23. Mamma Mia! movie choreography
  24. snow (other than for playing)
  25. relationships about which Gavin DeGraw sings
  26. the stock market
  27. football refs


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