Sucky Day

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's just been a craptastic day all around. *sigh* This includes a cold I feel coming on. Maybe I should just surrender to it and lay around for a few days, sulking and sneezing.

OK, fellow meme-ers. Let's do this thing...

Sunday Stealing: The Wackadoo Meme part 2

30.] What brand of batteries do you usually get?
C's. Heh.

Oh, BRAND... Energizer.

31.] Are any of your friends pregnant or have kids? 
No one is pregnant, but Melissa just had a baby in March. Most people I know have kids.

32.] What is in your medicine cabinet?
C batteries 

33.] What's your favorite aspect of the natural world?
the ocean

34.] What's your favorite man made thing? 
This running gag just keeps popping up. Okay, computers.

35.] Can you whistle properly? 
No. I have to inhale to make it work. (That's what she said.)

36.] What song do you think is the most widely heard in the world? 
"Let it Be" The Beatles

37.] Where's the strangest place a fast food restaurant was located?
The Will Rogers Turnpike McDonalds in Oklahoma

38.] What states surround your state? Or are you not land locked?
Not land locked. We have Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and the Gulf of Mexico

39.] Do you own binoculars or monoculars? What do you use them for?
I do not own binoculars or monoculars. But if I did, I would use them to spy on Scott making dinner, to see if we should head over there. It's usually a safe bet though.

40.] Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze? 

41.] What's your favorite chocolate bar? 

42.] Do you fall asleep easy in cars? How about planes, trains and boats? 
I don't fall asleep easily on any sort of transportation. I can sleep on a cruise ship, which is basically a hotel.

43.] Would you rather live a year of your life in every major country or stay in the same place you live forever without vacations?
Live a year in every major country.

44.] What will you not tolerate in a person? 
I would love to say dishonesty, but I seem to tolerate quite a bit of it. I do not tolerate hypocrisy.

45.] Do you forgive others easier or yourself? Why is this?
It's easier to move on beyond something someone has done to me than something I have brought upon myself.

46.] How was God made, if he exists?
He just always was.

47.] Have you ever done aqua aerobics or polo? 
I did aqua aerobics in PE in high school. No polo.

48.] What age were you when you learned how to swim?

49.] What shows or characters scared you as a child?
Night Gallery, but I watched it.

50.] Do you stay up all night on New Years Eve/Day or go to bed after 12am? 
I go to bed. Even the times we've gone to hotel parties, we were in bed by 1:30.

51.] What's something unusual currently in your fridge?
rocket glue

52.] How about your freezer?
C batteries

53.] What could you be doing now that is more productive? 
More productive than THIS MEME? Napping?

54.] Give me some lyrics from the song that's stuck in your head?
I threw your sh*t into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.
I crashed my car into the bridge.
I don't care. I love it. I don't care.

Yes, it's still in my head. I need to listen to some Daft Punk "Get Lucky" to get it out, I think.

55.] What's your favorite type of firework?
The ones that pop in concentric circles. Cool!


Anonymous,  July 17, 2013 at 10:29 PM  

Hmmmmm - whats up with all the batteries? Your reputation could take a hit on this meme.

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