Random Friday

Friday, July 5, 2013

Yesterday, one of Lauren's friends called the Declaration of Independence "the best breakup letter of all time." Ahaha! So true. Hope everyone had a superfun day celebrating!

Angel and Kevin invited Jeff and I to go to Italy with them next year. Whee! They're part of Zach Braff's Kickstarter thinger and are going to the movie premiere in Rome. Then they're hitting all the major cities.

Angel, I love ya', but if we do this, you are getting on the plane. Pack valium and tequila in your carry-on. We don't want to be posting "wish you were here" photos on Facebook from Venice with our Bellinis in hand. ;)

Friday Five: High School Music

1. What song, album, or artist, disliked by you in high school, now sounds pretty good?
None of them. I don't typically change my mind about music I don't like.

2. What specific high-school memory do you have of discovering some song, album, or artist you considered old?
My friend's band absolutely brought the house down playing The Who's "Pinball Wizard" at the talent show one year. We all vaguely knew the song from our childhoods, but we were singing it for weeks afterward. So more of a "rediscovery."

3. What song or album best serves as the soundtrack for your senior year of high school? (bonus challenge: answer this question with a different song or album for each year of high school!)
Freshman: "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da" The Police. The boys in my social circle were totally into The Police. I heard a lot of The Police through high school, from the lunchroom jukebox to blaring in our cars to live concerts.
Sophomore: "Tainted Love" Soft Cell. We listened to this song until we were sick to death of it and then listened some more. At the beach, at home... everywhere. It's still a great song! Also, this was the year of my first serious relationship- completely doomed from the start.
Junior: "Little Red Corvette" Prince. Oh yes. PRINCE, baby. Broke up with the bf over the summer. Had a big time junior year with a Prince soundtrack all the way.
Senior: "Walkin' on Sunshine" Katrina and the Waves. Just a great year from every standpoint possible.

4. What’s a song, album, or artist from your high-school years you loved then (and might still love) but have great difficulty listening to now, and what’s the reason?
"Take a Look at Me Now" Phil Collins. On the cafeteria jukebox. Just ugh. Shoot me.

5. What song, album, or artist from your high-school years, seemingly forgotten nowadays, do you still listen to with fondness?
Anything by Stray Cats. So cool! We went to the concert back then completely dressed in 50's outfits and everyone danced in the aisles. One of my fave concerts ever.


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