
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I got two tickets to Billy Joel/Elton John in San Antonio!! I've always said I'd catch them the next time they tour, never actually expecting them to tour again. SO cool. Who wants to go with me?!

Everyone's Facebook status is something to do with how cold it is in their house. Why is that? I can only guess that it feels cold because we are all used to keeping the AC at 78 and the heater is set to 68. Either way, it's just DANG COLD. Tonight I am going to get the fireplace going. I don't think it really helps, but it's nice to look at.

Curious as a Cat

1) What one quality of your father’s would you most like to share?
His ability to tell a GREAT story. People are always on the edge of their seats when he talks.

2) Among all the people you know, who would you like to have known when s/he was a child?
My great-grandma. She was probably a little hell-raiser.

3) If you wanted to meditate for a whole day, where would you do it?
On a secluded Hawaiian beach. Barring that, I would find a local spot with a nice view of Lake Austin.

4) What is your favorite thing to do in a city park?
People watch. And swing.

5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
This reminds me of the street market in Nassau.


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