It's Christmas Time!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Yesterday, I dragged all the stuff out of the Christmas closet, and guess what! No tree. I remembered then that we threw the old one out last year. Ahaha. So we missed the giant sale at Garden Ridge last week, and went Sunday with 8 gazillion other shoppers who bought trees at full price. Too funny. Now everything is up and decorated. Fa la la la la...

Entertainment Weekly featured "The 50 Sexiest Movies Ever" last week. Definitely a few I will add to my Netflix queue. I don't agree with some of the rankings though. I'm a huge Clooney fan, but I think Mr. and Mrs. Smith was waaay sexier than Out of Sight, which they ranked #1. A Walk on the Moon would be my #1 by far. Just sayin'. Heck, Mortensen is a blonde nuts-n-twigs hippie in that one and I still think it's the best. If you haven't seen it- run, don't walk, to your nearest Hollywood Video.

Last night, Laura and I watched 60 Minutes together on the phone, like 14-year-olds. See, Richard told Laura that Anderson Cooper was going to be on in a swimming segment with Michael Phelps. (Thank you Rich!) So we watched and waited- I with great anticipation and she with equal trepidation. She was sure she wouldn't be so attracted to the skinny pale guy in swim trunks. Well... I was very pleased with him. NICE shoulders. Holy wow. Wanna see?

So what the heck is up with TCU being #11 on the BCS rankings? TCU? I had no idea they were burning up the rankings this year. Hmm!


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