Thursday Already?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Few things begin a day better than Sam Champion in a sweater. Yummy.
Click and watch a sample.
You're welcome.
Meme from Curious as a Cat
1) What one quality of your mother’s would you most like to share?
Her creativity, which I do happen to share.
2) If you promised never to lie about anything ever again, in what area of your life would be it the hardest for you to keep the promise?
I don't lie about much other than things like... if that dress makes your butt look huge. And I don't even tell those little white lies to my close friends. So I guess it would be the area of "little white lies to acquaintances" with which I would have the hardest time.
3) If you found a fifty dollar bill in a vacant lot, what would you do with it?
Take a couple of friends to lunch.
4) What good deed that you didn’t do when you had the opportunity do you wish you had done?
When I was at MD Anderson during college, one of the engineering professors' wives was there, too. She had non-Hodgkins lymphoma and was doing her radiation treatments at the same time I was every morning. We talked every day. I was really ill from side effects at the time, and she was so sweet. It wasn't her first round with her cancer, so she was just in treatment to keep it at bay for as long as possible. About a year after I left school, I read that she had passed away. I intended to write the professor a letter telling him how very wonderful she was and how much our conversations meant to me. I just never managed to get it done. He's passed away since then as well.
5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
This looks exactly like my grandmother's old mixer back-in-the-day. Reminds me of baking Christmas cookies!
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