Contract Web Designer No More

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I've said this for a while now, but after turning down a big new project this morning, it is "officially" official. I am no longer available to do web design for other people. It's never been my favorite thing. I love designing my own websites, getting the vision of what I want, putting the code in place to get it perfect. I have not really enjoyed taking another person's vision and doing all the work and rework it takes to get it to their "perfect." A few people can make their ideas clear from the beginning, but most take a few rounds to figure out what they like and don't like (especially people who don't design websites, which are 99.9% of clients, right?). Even for a high contract rate, it isn't worth the headache to me.

I'll just do my own sites and anything the Foundation needs. And now- we do the dance of joy!

Loved Kelly Clarkson on AI last night, btw. I was sorry to see Jorge go. He is such a positive person. Great voice, but I think his stage presence was an issue. Then again, a lot of the Top 13 have that problem at this point. I'm not sure why Jasmine went home, but if you don't have people voting for you, you probably won't sell records either. I thought she was good. Maybe a little boring?


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