You Know You're a Net Junkie When...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

You're on Blogger ten minutes before you head to the hospital. :D

I'll be home in a few hours with zero recovery time, so I'm told. Knock wood and all that... Have a great day, y'all!

Saturday 9 (from last weekend... you know the drill)

1. What is the last "white" lie that you told?
I can't even remember any. None recently.

2. Can you forgive a liar?
I can, but I will always take whatever they say with a grain of salt. Fool me once...

3. Do you tend to exaggerate or underestimate?
I exaggerate, but I'm very obvious about it. I like the words "gazillion" and "massive."

4. Do you hold a grudge?
Unfortunately, yes. Probably my worst fault. On the up side, if the person apologizes, I am almost always very easily moved to forgive.

5. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
Mom had a stroke and went into a nursing home. A year later, the doctors said she wouldn't ever be able to leave nursing care, so we sold all her furniture and stuff. We told her everything was in storage. I kept all her mementos, of course. (I still have them, matter-of-fact.) She even asked about things now and then, and I always said that we had them. Eventually she told me to sell everything. What a relief that was. I think she had a suspicion all along that her stuff was gone.

6. Are there times that you feel that it is okay to lie?
Sometimes, if someone is in a fragile state of some sort. Like when people are seriously injured in a car accident and the hospital staff purposely don't tell them someone else in the vehicle has died. (Or someone is not yet ready to face the reality of life in a nursing home...)

7. Did you ever end a relationship because of lies?

8. Do you think you can tell when someone is lying to you?

9. Have you been caught lying?
I only tell the occasional white lie. (Other than the big one listed above. lol) I'm sure I've been caught at some point, but no one has called me on it.


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