
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I now have one spring outfit that fits me, people. ONE. I got it at New York and Co. yesterday, which was amusing because when that place was Lerner and I was 16, it was my fave place to shop. Ooh, and Clothestime. Awesome, dude.

Anyway, it is oh-so-cute, but I need more clothes. The shirt I have on- one I wore on Labor Day weekend- is so saggy that it ain't makin' it outside this house today. You know what that means... the boobs are going, along with everything else. Good grief. Why does that happen? Whyyyyy?


You'll spot me easily at the store this morning. I'll be the one in baggy jeans and a droopy t-shirt. Perhaps I should wear sunglasses and a hat.


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