Hello Spring Break!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Dragged out all my warm weather clothes and they are all at least one size too big. Thank you Sharon Mann. Gotta shop. Zoiks.
We saw Spamalot last night. Oh so funny. All the great film scenes are in it, except my favorite one with the Bridgekeeper. ("What... is your favorite color?" Bwahaha!) Unfortunately the guy behind me felt compelled to quote along most of the night. I almost turned around to tell him I drew the line at singing, when he started in during "Bright Side of Life." Luckily he stopped. His mortified wife probably kicked him. Richard Chamberlain is playing King Arthur, and I cannot tell you how cool I think that is. He was great. Merle Dandridge was awesome as the Lady of the Lake. What a voice she has. The Lady of the Lake and her "Laker Girls." LOL. Cute.
Yesterday I made the most dorkass move that I've made in years. I've removed one of my websites from the web, so I needed to delete the blog as well. Went into my dashboard, which shows all the blogs for my websites, and deleted..... the wrong one. Not only that, I announced the death of the other website on that same wrong blog before deleting it, so everyone on that feed got an erroneous message, then no blog. Luckily, I put it back up at the same URL and the feed is still there and should continue, even though the previous gazillion posts aren't there anymore. Cannot believe I did that.
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