The New New Facebook

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The new new Facebook represents a fundamental change in the way we use Facebook. I have no idea how Twitter works, but I have read that is what Facebook is trying to emulate with the new new News Feed setup.

Is my status different from what's on my mind? I don't know, people. Whatever is on my mind becomes my status. Is there no "is" anymore? Whatever will we do without that forsaken "is"????

"Kathy IS confused." Tweet.

First, the Good

Well, you can hide people in your new new News Feed, like that friend who has filled yours up with surveys every day for the last two months. Oops, that was me! (Sorry.) Just click the hidden X next to any of their stories. If you want them back in the stream (I've really cut down on the surveys. Over there anyway...), just go to the bottom of the news feed page and there is a link to see hidden friends. You can unhide me them from there.

You can also customize the news feed by using Friend Lists- setting up a Friend List that has your top friends on it, so you can see just their posts at a glance, or your coworkers, so you can quickly see what they are doing. Not that you would be Facebooking at work, but you know, just in case. You set up Friend Lists on the new new Friends page and they will appear on the left column of the news feed for you to click.

I can't say enough about the tastefully rounded corners on the pics. I love rounded corners on the web. Love 'em!

The Bad

Ack! There's a tastefully-rounded-cornered ginormous profile pic next to each entry on the Wall and News Feed. We'll get to that in a minute.

The News Feed doesn't post everything anymore. It seems to not show people having added friends, become a fan or that sort of thing. Hate that. Eventually someone is going to add my lost Doug to their friends list and I want to be notified, dag-nabbit. Now I have the feeling I need to actually visit a person's page to see what they're up to. Not that I don't have a few people whose pages I routinely take a look at. Not in a "common Facebook stalker" sort of way, of course.

The new new Wall has done away with dates. Stories are in order by date, but without any visual delineation, so it all appears as one big stream of too much info. Blech.

The Ugly

Everything looks really large. I always had my Wall and News Feed set to one-line stories, so I can see the most info on a page, with the option to dig deeper if I chose. Since the News Feed and the Wall include the person's big ol' profile photo with each story, it makes every entry a certain minimum length. They've also taken away some of the light blue boxes that were around certain types of posts, which makes everything look very white and expansive.

Of course, everything takes a little getting used to. I'm going to go read through a Twitter tutorial to see how I'm supposed to use my status now.


Anonymous,  March 15, 2009 at 4:43 PM  

Technology overload.....make it stop.

Kathy March 15, 2009 at 11:06 PM  

Eventually you'll learn to love it.

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