Blogger Headers
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Oh, Google. You know me too well.
Today there has appeared in the Blogger editor, a delightful heading format option- Heading, Sub Heading, and Minor Heading. I see what you're doing, trying to help me (and your awesome search engine) by encouraging the organization of my thoughts here.
But I can't be chained by your style and formatting conventions! This place is a veritable funhouse of random commentary.
Friday Five: Music
1. How often do you listen to music?
Normally a few hours a day. When things are really hectic, I turn off the tunes to concentrate.
2. Do you ever listen to the radio? What is your favorite station?
In the car, I usually listen to 94.7 (AC). I can listen to 96.7 (Top 40) if I have to, but it has too much rap for my taste. When I'm in Jeff's car with SIRIUS radio, I bounce between 80's and Top 40.
3. How do you find new songs, albums, or artists to listen to?
I see someone on David Letterman, or an awards show. I've been turned on to many artists who opened for bands I saw in concert. I also look for artists on iTunes who are similar to ones I already love, or I get recommendations from friends. If I'm looking for more songs by an unfamiliar artist, I go to the iTunes store and pull up the artist and sort songs by popularity to check out what others like.
4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?
I think the last actual CD I bought was Daughtry's Leave This Town in 2009. Last digital file I purchased was evidently "Not Over You" by Gavin Degraw on in October. (I need new music. Recs, please!)
5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?
Digital is the way things are headed. I bet there are very limited CDs available. Perhaps they will have virtually done away with the "album" concept altogether, in favor of single songs. Although... there will always be collections like movie and musical soundtracks, greatest hits, etc.
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